Monday, March 23, 2015

YES VOTE: Cut off all U.S. aid to Israel!

Most perturbed by the meddling, arrogant speech of Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the U.S. Congress, and by the pernicious influence of the Zionist lobby in the American news media, I just voted YES on a recent NEWSMAX poll. The question: "Should the United States cut off all aid to Israel? ".

For too long our news media has failed to mention an easily verified truth: most Christian working class people in America do not think we should have any SPECIAL relationship with Zionist Israel. Most Christian working class people have no more enthusiasm for Jewish fanatics than they do for Islamic fanatics. Most Christian working class people have more sympathy for poor and oppressed Palestinians than with rich and mostly SAFE Jews in Israel.

More and more Christian working class people are thinking: "If Zionist maniacs can have nuclear weapons, then why not zealots of the Islamic faith?" More and more Christian working class Americans are getting wise to the Zionist Lobby.

Wikipedia link to Joe Kennedy
As old Joe Kennedy (Ambassador to Great Britain) thought at the beginning of World War II: The Jews are mainly responsible for their own public relations problems. That thought made him a bigoted Catholic anti-Semite? To be sure, too many left-wing Jewish intellectuals have betrayed their Socialist faith for an idol, the state of Israel.

Submitted to:,,,,

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Climate change denial - a free speech issue?
The Providence Journal published a letter on this heated climate change debate, March 20 - NOT a debate within science- signed by three Democrats who represent Rhode Island in Congress: Jack Reed, Jim Langevin, and David Cicilline clearly all agree with R.I. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse that corporate interests are poisoning public understanding of human caused climate change in the same way that corrupt scientists distorted truth and encouraged skepticism for Big Tobacco when scientific research had verified the suspected connection between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Book Website link
How obtuse of editorial page editor, Ed Achorn, to think it is all about "freedom of speech". A serious issue for people, like the billionaire Koch Brothers, who buy and sell news media, shameless journalists, and Republican presidential candidates? Read "The Republican War on Science" by Chris Mooney (revised and updated) .

Submitted to:

Friday, March 20, 2015

"Uncle Atheist" on debating anti-science cranks ( like Ed Achorn )

Pertinent to the climate change debates in the Op-ED page of the Providence Journal is a most luminous article by atheist-humanist, Steve Ahlquist: "The limits of debating anti-science cranks" (May 5, 2014). "Uncle Atheist" (as right-wing radio talk show demagogue John DePetro calls him ) also has a problem with the editorial page editor Ed Achorn "who seems to revel in printing such drivel [of  climate change deniers] in his paper, not because they represent good science, critical thinking or facts, but because they reflect his biased, strongly held religious views about Libertarian economics or politics."

I had been wondering if Mr. Achorn is a fan of Ayn Rand. What Christian denomination blesses the "Invisible Hand" of Adam Smith- not God's? I recall Achorn saying somewhere that he found Rand's cult classic "Atlas Shugged" unreadable. As a former columnist he showed a fondness for Charles Dickens who could never have been one of Ayn Rand's favorite novelists– with all that "sentimental slop."

Steve Ahlquist concludes that "debating cranks merely empowers them." But as editorial page editor  Ed Achorn might conclude likewise about HIS ideological opponents - and never publish their pro-science views. Thank God for the Internet, Uncle Atheist. That was a fine HUMANIST article  at                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Link to The Paepae: The Platform for Dialogue

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Editor intimidated by TRUTH?

In his March 18 letter,  "Shabby Sheldon Whitehouse", Joseph A. Matais of Portsmouth claims that the Senator is "attempting to intimidate The Journal". . .  for its oh-so-fair coverage of the climate change debate, of course. But like the Creationism nonsense this is NOT a debate within Science.

Senator Whitehouse is not the first person to understand that the editorial page autocrat, Ed Achorn, is simply on the wrong side of science. Is the truth so intimidating to Mr. Achorn? Does the newspaper's new publisher, Janet Hasson, share his science illiteracy? Or perhaps his right-wing agenda which is OH SO RHODE ISLAND, is it not?

(published under "Senator Whitehouse, You Tube")

Submitted to:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Krauthammer, Achorn, Berge, Providence Journal

Ed Achorn's crusade against Science is telling. It is as if he is taking orders directly from the Koch Brothers in this climate change denial business. Why not just declare the Providence Journal to be officially a right -wing rag: Achorn, Krauthammer, Susan Berge, Inc.?

Why even pretend that anybody to the left of Ayn Rand has any business reading or writing to the Providence Journal? You will get down to a hard core of Tea Party nuts, a few thousand perhaps. And ironically even the bottom line – PROFIT, won't matter before the other god-that-failed: IDEOLOGY.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fwd: Are YOU in the pay of the climate change denying Koch Brothers?

I just thanked Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for his recent letter to the editor( March 15 ) comparing climate change deniers to the charlatan researchers in the pay of BIG TOBACCO when real science had linked smoking to cancer.  I thanked him on his own You Tube comment web page.

You did not publish ANY letter supporting Senator Whitehouse in this very serious matter of catastrophic MAN MADE global warming. Are YOU too in the pay of the Koch Brothers? Well, Marx said the "ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class."

Submitted to:
RR (alias Susan Berge)

A buried question in Russia, and China too?

I can't recall reading a single news article or commentary in the Providence Journal dealing with  Russia and China's obvious abandonment of the socialist / communist ideal and of historical materialism as a method of understanding the evolution of human society.

It is almost Orwellian bizarre this obstinate refusal of the present leaders of both Russia and China to explain and justify their New Faith to the world. But Faith in what: global capitalism? Since both  countries are still officially atheist I am left with the ludicrous conclusion that Ayn Rand Thought - a cult in itself, has  replaced Class Struggle and dialectical materialism in the heart and heads of the ruling state bureaucrats.

How could ANYBODY in either country quickly become a millionaire or even a billionaire in a very un-bourgeois property environment? I concluded years ago that the New Class in Russia and China was at least sponsored (ironically) by ruling corrupt Communist Party bureaucrats.

link to Trotsky review
Way back in 1929 exiled Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky was writing  "The Revolution Betrayed." Trotsky predicted that a privileged bureaucracy in a "socialist" country could in time lead the country all the way back to "free market" capitalism. What else could we expect from Czar Putin? The same fate for China?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hillary and a corrupt generation

Even as a democratic Socialist I must confess I voted for THE CLINTONS twice. Back in 1992 they still had a little of the fresh idealism of the late 60s. And THEIR health care plan did come dangerously close to – horror of horrors– SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.

A few decades later Hillary is as power hungry as ever, but with lost innocence. It shows in her face; she has the look of a power mad and rather unprincipled Harpie. In general,  sad to say, my generation, too many of us - are now a corrupt and spent generation.

A Hillary presidency might seem the dream of bourgeois feminism. But like Hillary, bourgeois feminism is also morally and intellectually bankrupt. Are bitches really preferable to bastards in the august halls of power? How do you FEMINIZE the rotten capitalist profit system? Perhaps Hillary will send me a STRICTLY PRIVATE e-mail (

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Crisis of neoliberal capitalism ( comment, Harvard Magazine, Jan-Feb 2015 )

As a democratic Socialist I appreciate any rational explanations for the crises of highly irrational capitalism. Working class people -the vast majority of the country, simply must become more class conscious.

I am a hardly a dogmatic Marxist but it is clear that Karl Marx was as right about the basic economic laws of capitalism as Isaac Newton was about nature's laws of motion. Presently, "America's Mayor," Rudolph Giuliani, is suggesting that President Obama had been seduced in his youth by socialist and communist ideas.

In truth, Obama makes FDR look like a  Bolshevik. For Giuliani the billionaire Koch brothers are a more gushing source of patriotic feelings -and campaign money. All we need now to solve the crisis of neo-liberal capitalism is some Koch backed Ayn Rand nut in the White house. Giuliani is moving closer to Republican leaders Rand Paul and Paul Ryan.

Most working class people would prefer a president seduced by Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" than by Ayn Rand's "Virtue  of  Selfishness." What a joke "democracy" is in a country controlled by the ONE PERCENT plutocracy.

Link to Wikipedia
I hope Washington, D.C. begins to look like Cairo, Egypt in 2011. Did not Leon Trotsky say "revolutions are impossible until they become inevitable" ?

Comment on " Netanyahu and Nuclear War ", WATCHING AMERICA

As a citizen of the United States, after watching this meddling psychopath Netanyahu's speech before a groveling U.S. Congress, I now have a deeper appreciation of this arrogant and ruthless "Jewish Lobby." I prefer to call it the "Zionist Lobby."

Too many left-wing Jews have abandoned their socialist ideals in order to worship an idol, the Zionist state of Israel. To be sure, the American Socialist Workers Party has gone madly pro-Zionist. They see anti-Zionism as just a cover for anti-Semitism.

The average working class "blue collar worker" in America is no unquestioning "friend of Israel." He asks: "If a JEWISH state can have nuclear weapons, then why not an equally zealous Islamic state?" And, of course, he more readily identifies with the poor oppressed Palestinians than with rich and mostly SAFE Jews in Israel.

(Comment on article published in Diario Cordoba (Spain) on 10 march , 2015 by  Ricardo Crespo)

How will mental health system be improved by cuts? Maria Montanaro

Illustration: Urban Times: UK: 2014 article: UK's Messed Up Mental Health Care System
Well, smug and ambitious and too often INCOMPETENT bureaucrats have strange ways of thinking. Governor Gina Raimondo, with all the humanity of a robot, just announced cuts in Rhode Island Medicaid.
On the front page of the March 14 Providence Journal the new head of the Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals, (BHDDH), Maria Montanaro, "insists mental health system will be improved."
March 12 local news: "Woman released from hospital loses toes".... "A mentally ill woman, who recently checked herself out of Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, landed back there after it was too late." Her name is Teressa Wright. Her family is furious and asked why she was even allowed to leave.
I think any mental health professional associated with the state of Rhode Island might consider wearing a bag over her or his head.
We talk about the evil of bullying and how to combat it. But what is this neglect of the most vulnerable people– the mentally ill, but a form of state sponsored bullying? Like her idol Hillary Clinton, Gina Raimondo is to be commended for making "tough choices." In the service of the ONE PERCENT!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Thank you Senator Whitehouse

Thank you Senator Whitehouse for at least attempting to encourage greater science literacy on Ed Achorn's crusading editorial page which can only comfort the ignorant and the duped on this matter of catastrophic climate change.

The very heading of the letter makes this point: corrupt scientists, he thinks, are "engaged in a fraud against the public." He compares the professional  climate change skeptics to the tobacco industry's despicable hirelings when smoking was positively linked to cancer. Senator Whitehouse might be amused to learn that there is a book to be found at the Cranston Public Library titled : "The Republican War on Science."

The late popular science writer, Isaac Asimov, was aware of their war on science way back in the 1980s: The Christian Right was attacking Darwinian evolution once again and wanted "equal time" for the nonsense called Creationism. Asimov pointed out that evolution was now a fact not a theory. And the controversy was outside of science. Read his essay "The Armies of the Night." It is relevant to the climate change denial today.

of non-fiction science essays including 
"Armies of the Night" written by 
Isaac Asimov in 1983. Amazon link.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Where lurks malevolent racism?

Frat House racism is nothing new. Is there any truly privileged group not touched by a certain contempt for the inferior masses? But the drunken, Animal House racism of spoiled brat frats can be  slept off. These kids rarely join the KKK or the American Nazi Party.

Much more malevolent is the racism taught to working class kids – reported but ignored by the news media, in Marine Corps Boot Camp: "KILL**** BABIES"? And then they go out and disgrace America with their very real war crimes– in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.

Racism is rooted in imperialist capitalism. It won't go away until we have a more humane social system -which I call Socialism.

Submitted to:

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dreams Cancelled! – Regarding the Cop Murder of 19 year old Tony Robinson

The news report from Madison, Wisconsin  (March 8) says that the 19 year old black male, Tony Robinson, was killed by a veteran white police officer. There should be a memorial erected in Washington, D.C. – near where Martin Luther King made his "I Have A Dream" speech– similar to the Vietnam War Memorial– where inscribed are all the names of unarmed black males murdered by racist cops. Dreams cancelled!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Ralph Nader: Netanyahu, the other Israelis and Bobby Burns

Ralph Nader: Netanyahu, the other Israelis and Bobby Burns
Click here for link to original article

Apart from inadvertently making the case for equal time by his Israeli pre-election opposition, the spectacle of Benjamin Netanyahu’s wild diatribe at the joint session of Congress amidst the feral cheers of his congressional yahoos will be remembered as a textbook case of propaganda unhinged from reality. 

Starting from his preposterous premise that Iran, a poor country of 77 million people with an economy nearly the size of Massachusetts’, is planning a caliphate to conquer the world, Mr. Netanyahu builds his case on belligerent words by Iranian leaders, who believe they are responding to Israeli belligerence backed by its ultra-modern, U.S. equipped military machine and its repeated threats of preemptive attacks against Tehran. 

Unwilling, unlike his Israeli opponents, to subject himself to questions before congressional committees, this three-time soliloquist at joint congressional sessions (1996, 2011 and 2015) was received with hoopla quite different from his reception in a much more critical Knesset. The Prime Minister’s 42 minute speech was punctuated by 23 standing ovations and sitting applauses that took up 10 minutes. 

The U.S. Israeli lobby has made Congress a rubber stamp for lopsided policies in the Middle East. 

Only about fifty Democrats boycotted his address.

It is as if Israel doesn’t frighten Iran with its 200 nuclear weapons and its rejection of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty whose international inspections are required for all other signatory nations on Earth, including Iran.

It is as if Israel has not threatened Iran with annihilation, sent spies to sabotage and slay Iranian scientists and worked with its Arab allies to undermine the Iranian regime;

It is as if Iranians do not remember that the United State overthrew their popularly elected Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953 to reinstate the Shah’s dictatorship for 26 years;

It is as if the Iranians do not mourn the loss of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians killed by Saddam Hussein’s brutal invasion of their country from 1980 to 1988 with the military, intelligence and diplomatic support of the United States;

It is as if Iranians are not frightened into thinking they’re next when George W. Bush named Iran as part of the “axis of evil” (along with Iraq and North Korea), and proceeded to destroy Iraq and surround Iran with U.S. armed forces that are still in place to this day;

It is as if the Iranian people are not suffering from economic boycotts which, by impacting disproportionately civilian health and safety there, (See Public Citizen’s Health Letter) violate international law;

It is as if Iran should accept a wide sphere of influence by the U.S. and not try to expand its sphere of influence for its own defense;

It is as if Iran had not proposed a serious plan to George W. Bush over ten years ago to settle disputes and establish a nuclear-weapons free zone in the Middle East, which Mr. Bush completely ignored;

It is as if Iran is not, in the words of former Obama adviser, Vali R. Nasr, carrying “most of the weight” in the “battles on the ground” against ISIS in Iraq, thereby saving the U.S. from committing again U.S. soldiers to avert a complete rout of those left behind after our deadly debacle in Iraq since 2003;

It is as if Iran is not claiming it is building nuclear power plants for electricity (a foolishly dangerous move for its own people) and not building an atomic bomb, has not been in full compliance with the Geneva interim accord (November 2013) with the P5+1 countries, as these parties, led by the United States, strive to conclude a complete agreement this year;

It is as if Israel has not illegally occupied, colonized and stolen Palestinian land and water over the decades (including regularly invading a blockaded Gaza, invading Lebanon five times and attacking other nearby countries pre-emptively) and caused hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties;

It is as if Israel, while complaining about Iranian behavior, does not continue their Palestinian policies that violate several United Nations’ resolutions, while goading the U.S. toward war against Iran;

It is as if the Arab League, with 22 member nations, has not offered repeatedly since 2002 a comprehensive peace treaty in return to Israel returning to its 1967 borders that was also rejected by Israel;

It is as if Iran has forgotten the shooting down of a scheduled Iranian civilian Airbus by the U.S. Navy in 1988 with a loss of 290 innocent lives, including 66 children;

It is as if Iran, a country that hasn’t invaded any country for over 250 years, should remain cool in the face of such attacks, threats, infiltrations, boycotts, U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf, and not engage in any military alliances; and

It is as if Iran’s authoritarian leaders are not preoccupied enough with pressures inside their country that are both internally and externally driven without also planning to conquer the world.

The pop-up lawmakers in Congress on Tuesday have not shown any interest in their own government’s causal responsibility for Iranian animosities. The priority for many in Congress is marching to the drumbeat of whatever the U.S. Israeli lobby wants from the Pentagon, the State Department and the American taxpayers. (Some members of Congress have spoken up in the past, notably Republican Congressmen Ron Paul and Paul Findley and Senators Chuck Percy and James Abourezk.)

Why does a large majority of Congress block the viewpoints and policies that could lead to peace as advocated by many former chiefs of Israel’s security, intelligence, military and political institutions? They have spoken up repeatedly in Israel but are never allowed to testify before congressional committees. This entrenched anti-Semitism on Capitol Hill against the “other Israeli” Jews needs to be challenged by peace and justice-loving Americans who want to avoid future blowbacks and war quagmires for our soldiers.

A way to clarify jingoistic biases in foreign policy is to ask the questions: who was the initial aggressor? Who is the invader, the occupier, the ever hovering armed drone operator? Who has backed and armed dictators to repress their people who want no more such nation-building by the U.S.?

For a century, is it we, with the British and French, who have been over there or is it they who have been over here? Brutish conditions breed brutish behavior in all directions.

The poetic wisdom of the great Scottish poet Bobby Burns teaches the crucial empathy: “O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.”

Ralph Nader is an author, consumer advocate, former presidential candidate and Connecticut native.

Almost all U.S. PUBLIC SERVANTS subservient to Zionist Lobby?

This observation will probably remain on my blog(

What an appalling spectacle of SUBSERVIENCE to Zionist Israel in the Congress this week. All that bipartisan groveling before the REAL president of the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. After that sickening event – unprecedented in American history, Christian and Muslim Americans will have no doubt about American Nazis being right about one thing: the pernicious "Jewish Lobby" which I prefer to call the "Zionist Lobby." Many American Jews have no more to do with Zionism than Italian-Americans with the Mafia.

But how many talk radio hosts, newspaper editors,popular columnists, timid scholars are forced to say the opposite of what they think and feel about arrogant and obnoxious Israel? I suspect that one snide remark about "Jews in the News" will soon see them at the unemployment office.

Working class Americans preserve the TRUTH in their conversations with family and friends or with total strangers in bars or ball parks. What is clear is this: they do not want to see their kids sacrificed to make the world safe for rich, arrogant, and obnoxious Jews in Israel. Victory for the Palestinians!

Friday, March 6, 2015

After Netanyahu's speech: The Mount Vesuvius Question?

True liberals and rational socialists must be now be bold enough to ask a question too often made inflammatory by American Nazi types: they talk about "Jew control of the mass media" but the more constructive question is : does the Zionist Jew lobby control the American news media?

To be sure, Israeli Prime  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's arrogant and meddling speech before Congress rubbed most Christian working class Americans the wrong way. How do I know? I move in these circles and can claim familiarity with a statistical RANDOM SAMPLE. These people are not in the habit of writing letters-to- the editor. But they will quickly tell you they are "sick of the Jews. What they mean, of course, is Jews in the news, Jews with influence and power-like the billionaire Koch Brothers. And naturally, blue collar America can easily identify with poor oppressed Palestinians rather than smug and rich Israeli Jews.

And they ask: If Zionist Israel can have nuclear weapons, then why not equally fanatical, Islamic Iran? The news media can ignore THE QUESTION but I call it the VESUVIUS QUESTION – ignore it at your own peril. Your CREDIBILITY is on the line.

Never, never, will working class America ever identify with an Ayn Rand inspired Republican Congress. Ayn was a militant atheist, a Russian born Jew, and a vicious Zionist. She reported the popular Hollywood Christmas movie, the nostalgic "It's a  Wonderful Life" to the FBI. Crackpot-money worshiping Ayn thought the movie promoted COMMUNISM.

Nor will the vast majority of Christian working class Americans ever applaud torture loving Jew lawyer Alan Dershowitz and his "Queen of Mean" billionaire client Leona Helmsley In his book "Chutzpah" Dershowitz complains that Jews like him and Leona were not yet FIRST CLASS CITIZENS in America. Well, I guess the rest of us plebians should be content to serve them as second and third class citizens - with American Muslims reduced to slavery in their mansions.

Meanwhile, the billionaire Koch Brothers are trying to make up their minds on which conservative Republican is right for OUR America and THEIR Jew Heaven, the state of Israel.

I am a left-wing socialist, an ENEMY of all Nazis. A friend of ALL working class people– even in Israel, if you can find them.

Your Netanyahu editorial

Your recent editorial on Netanyahu's recent lying speech before Congress would have your readers believe that anybody to the left of the even-more meddling billionaire Koch Brothers must be an ISIS applicant.
I commended Senator Whitehouse for boycotting Netanyahu's speech. To be sure, it will not win Zionist Israel any new friends in America. The working class–mostly Christian Americans, can easily identify with the poor oppressed Palestinians and not with (to be blunt) rich and arrogant and WRONG Jews in Israel. Also, the blue collar worker is crude enough to ask an honest question: If Zionist Israel can have nuclear weapons why not equally zealous and theocratic Iran? Would not the Islamic Atomic Bomb be a stabilizing counter-force in the region? 
Of course, it would be a lot easier and saner for Israel to disarm its nuclear arsenal!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Goal of your new publisher? Trivialize the readers?

Well, SHE just took over 75 Fountain St. Important events are shaking the country. But SHE came in with a plan: to make the once respected Providence Journal into a sub-literate TRIVIAL tabloid. No, "there is nothing like a dame!"

Just one observation: I was expecting an editorial pontification on Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's meddling speech to the Congress. And I got a eulogy on Star Trek's Dr. Spock. I hope YOU do not have any maps on your walls, Ed. That got 17 anti-gun journalists fired – by HER.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Senator Whitehouse: Israel represents our values?

I  commend Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for "not attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress on Tuesday. To be sure, the Zionist lobby specializes in "manipulating domestic politics." But to soften the message Whitehouse repeats the usual drivel about "how Israel is a country which represents our values in a very dangerous neighborhood."

To be sure, the always ZIONIST government of Israel no more represents the values of the vast majority of working class Americans than their Ayn Rand inspired Republican Congress. By the way, the author of "The Virtue of Selfishness," was also a vicious Zionist who HATED the inferior Palestinians.

Liberal Senator Whitehouse is a big fan of the American Civil Liberties Union. Perhaps he can establish an ACLU branch in Israel? In America, separation of Church and State is sacrosanct secularism. What can be more undemocratic than a self-defined JEWISH state? What if our own ruling class were to declare this a WASP country?

Submitted to:,              

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why no ACLU in Israel?

It is no secret that many ACLU lawyers are liberal Jews. Is there an innocuous old prayer on an old school wall? ACLU lawyers will soon arrive on the scene to preach the Holy Truth of separation of Church and State in America. And as a socialist I have no quarrel with this principle– minus the fanatical application. But these same Jewish lawyers are as proud of being American Jews as other ACLU supporters are of being openly gay.

These very same people – many of them at least, are also vocal Zionists. For them– LIBERAL Democrats, Israel can do no wrong. They actually slobber over ZIONIST Israel and zealously defend its right to exist as a JEWISH state. Imagine if our ruling class were suddenly to declare the United States to be a WASP nation. Why? Because there is too much hateful talk about the ONE PERCENT. And they too have a right to exist– as capitalist vultures. And ACLU boldly comes to their rescue as an OPPRESSED MINORITY?

How foolish American liberals sound defending Zionist Israel. The common people of America never decided that we should have a SPECIAL relationship with a decidedly un-democratic state. Rather than boycott Socialist Cuba we should boycott and embargo both Israel and Saudi Arabia.

How disgraceful for the U.S. Congress, led by Ayn Rand Republicans (Rand herself an atheist Zionist)– to applaud a speech by visiting Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.

As a SOCIALIST I signed an internet petition supporting any Democrats boycotting his meddling speech, arrogantly given in defiance of President Obama, no enemy of Zionism. And if Israel can have nuclear weapons, why not Iran?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Your editorial position on Netanyahu's speech to Congress ?

Unless he listens to some wise advice-perhaps Old Testament wisdom- Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to address the Congress of the United States this week – not to the pleasure of President Obama.
Sanity demands a civilized relationship with Iran– whatever its scary theology. I just signed an internet petition supporting a Democrat boycott of the arrogant and militant Zionist Netanyahu. The Boston Globe editorial yesterday says Israel's leader is being stubborn and foolish. What is your position?