Monday, March 2, 2015

Why no ACLU in Israel?

It is no secret that many ACLU lawyers are liberal Jews. Is there an innocuous old prayer on an old school wall? ACLU lawyers will soon arrive on the scene to preach the Holy Truth of separation of Church and State in America. And as a socialist I have no quarrel with this principle– minus the fanatical application. But these same Jewish lawyers are as proud of being American Jews as other ACLU supporters are of being openly gay.

These very same people – many of them at least, are also vocal Zionists. For them– LIBERAL Democrats, Israel can do no wrong. They actually slobber over ZIONIST Israel and zealously defend its right to exist as a JEWISH state. Imagine if our ruling class were suddenly to declare the United States to be a WASP nation. Why? Because there is too much hateful talk about the ONE PERCENT. And they too have a right to exist– as capitalist vultures. And ACLU boldly comes to their rescue as an OPPRESSED MINORITY?

How foolish American liberals sound defending Zionist Israel. The common people of America never decided that we should have a SPECIAL relationship with a decidedly un-democratic state. Rather than boycott Socialist Cuba we should boycott and embargo both Israel and Saudi Arabia.

How disgraceful for the U.S. Congress, led by Ayn Rand Republicans (Rand herself an atheist Zionist)– to applaud a speech by visiting Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.

As a SOCIALIST I signed an internet petition supporting any Democrats boycotting his meddling speech, arrogantly given in defiance of President Obama, no enemy of Zionism. And if Israel can have nuclear weapons, why not Iran?

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