I commend Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for "not attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress on Tuesday. To be sure, the Zionist lobby specializes in "manipulating domestic politics." But to soften the message Whitehouse repeats the
usual drivel about
"how Israel is a country which represents our values in a very dangerous neighborhood."
To be sure, the always ZIONIST government of Israel no more represents the values of the vast majority of working class Americans than their Ayn Rand inspired Republican Congress. By the way, the author of "The Virtue of Selfishness," was also a vicious Zionist who HATED the inferior Palestinians.

Liberal Senator Whitehouse is a big fan of the American Civil Liberties Union. Perhaps he can establish an ACLU branch in Israel?
In America, separation of Church and State is sacrosanct secularism. What can be more undemocratic than a self-defined JEWISH state? What if our own ruling class were to declare this a WASP country?
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