Thursday, November 16, 2000

Sympathy for ex-drunk Bush

Don't blame me for the street squabling. I voted for Ralph Nader.

 good citizens of the USA must not riot over  the difference between a

 and a Coke, the  REAL difference between Al Gore and   George W.

       Let's accept the Constitution for now. And that means the Electoral

 College. Both Bush and Gore come from very respectable and honorable

 American families.  Neither will lead us to the promised land, which

 for me I   guess ( according to PROJO editorial ) is the Welfare State.

         And neither will deliver us to Satan and Ruin . The show will

 go on.

          Martin Sheen - who lately reminds me of his Greg Stillson role

 in the Dead Zone, the power hungry maniac - wearing a hard hat - who

 just wants to be elected President so he can start World War 111 - has

 just smeared George W as " white knuckled drunk ".

          Please Mr. Sheen . If W has not touched the bottle in the last

 two crazy weeks, we can assume that he is definitely an EX- DRUNK.

         And W was seen KISSING a baby - not  shielding himself from

 non-fan with a baby.

            We must be more sympathetic with drunks. One said : " I

 don't wish this disease on my worst enemy  ! "

         Will  " Coke " finally get to command Air Force  One ?

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