Thursday, March 20, 2003

But do Texans have the biggest BRAINS ?

Yet another Texas jury-whose skulls are disproportionate to

    their feet -have judged brain damage possibly caused by Saddam

    flavored nerve gas no excuse to spare a Gulf War veteran -convicted

    of murder -Texas style - the death penalty.

             Science tells us that we THINK and FEEL with our brain, which

    viewed in a jar in a human anatomy class LOOKS no more miraculous than

    a human heart in another specimen jar. We have no problem understanding

    that a diseased heart will malfunction. Why this MENTAL BLOCK when

    the brain - a physical organ - malfunctions ?

               Does religious belief in the SOUL muddle thinking here ?

         If you accept the discoveries of modern biology, if you accept

    the truth of evolution that humans evolved from apes, you must ask

    how FREE WILL suddenly came into existence .

              Clearly legal ideology is on collision course with Science.

    Scientists do not wear robes, talk pompously, and insist on being

    called YOUR HONOR. But they have a habit of telling the TRUTH.

             Most judges nowadays - not just Texas jackasses - can only

    find inspiration for their pompous and inhumane views in the Dark

    Ages. For inspiration they must look at portraits of the Spanish

    Inquisition. Like THE JUST JUDGES !

          Indeed they are so much more PROOF of the old monkey brain !

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