What was once THE WORLD is now being called McWorld by
keen observers of our consumer culture. The McNews reports the
big story of the day: McDonald's may soon be serving its McCustomers
a different Mcburger. I am reminded of the Classic Coke fiasco.
Don't mess with success ! Or in this case, don't mess with a
mess. I'm one of those soon to be OBSOLETE baby boomers who
remember what REAL hamburgers tasted like -and smelled like as
they sizzled on the grill of the friendly, neighborhood Greasy Spoon.
McWorld is taking EVERY nostalgic memory away from us !
I can now identify with that character in the Twilight Zone episode:
" Walking Distance ". Imagine just being able to walk back into
the saner and safer world( ??? ) of 1959 !
But the McWorld news can only tell me that the monsters
are due on Maple Street.
It seems that McPeople are terribly worried about
clones - HUMAN clones. McPeople at least are alike everywhere -
as alike as McDonald's hamburgers !
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Friday, December 27, 2002
Graceless on Christmas Eve ( WHJJ )
I make no claim to being a pious soul myself . But
often enough the VILLAGE ATHEIST type annoys me. Or was he just
another jerk in the entertainment business ? I am talking about
the TALK RADIO fill in for smart,congenial, and popular Arlene
Violet on Christmas Eve ( WHJJ ).
Of course the lines went dead. It is one thing to be
intelligently and politely controversial. It is quite another thing
to be obnoxious and downright TOXIC.
Imagine a guy who finds fault with the humane sentiment:
" There but for the grace of God go I " !
A guy who scolds people for not giving a hard earned 20
dollar bill to a hopeless derelict.
A guy who seems to believe that every religious person who
believes in a GOOD God is a dimwit.
TALK RADIO is an art form , not just a forum for cranks.
And that guy -who even maliciously mispronounced Arlene Violet's
name - should be shown the door.
Believing that EVIL is just EGO, he was hardly egoless
himself in thinking the majority of his listeners morons in their
religious faith.
As a ratings gimmick in your face PROFUNDITY flunks
Rudeness and disrespect should not be the norm for
Carl Sagan handled the science vs. faith controversy
with great tact and sensitivity. View the movie " Contact " or
read the novel.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
A Lott of distraction
If I were a Republican, I would feel free to comment
on how to punish Trent Lott for his " Gone With The Wind " nostalgia
for the dead past of the Old South. Clearly those days of accepted
segregation of black people and respectable racism can NEVER come
But ironically the most beloved black militant, Malcolm
X, for most of his Black Muslim career, preached just this: black
separatism. And he had a keen nose for sniffing out Jewish " control "
or influence in the civil rights movement. It escaped him until his
last days that liberal and radical Jews were just naturally empathetic
to the oppressed, to the victims of all forms of discrimination.
Today phony Democrats will try to make a lot of political
hay out of Trent Lott 's party time drivel.It is only human to
indulge the idiosyncrasies of a 100 year old LOYAL son of the
South ( also an old SOB ! )
It takes more political courage to tell the whole country
on the floor of the Senate or the House that HEALTH CARE is a basic
human right than to beat the dead horse of an OUTLAWED racism.
But few Democrats are champions of WORKING CLASS
America. " Political correctness " is a just a cheap way of
seeming PROGRESSIVE while millions of working class people -of
ALL races and ethnic groups - are on the edge of the social abyss !
What matters to our more RESPONSIBLE leaders is the
sacred illusion of democracy. Just replace RACE with CLASS and
a lot of Malcolm 's more wild rhetoric make great sense.
Just for the record, I voted for Ralph Nader.
on how to punish Trent Lott for his " Gone With The Wind " nostalgia
for the dead past of the Old South. Clearly those days of accepted
segregation of black people and respectable racism can NEVER come
But ironically the most beloved black militant, Malcolm
X, for most of his Black Muslim career, preached just this: black
separatism. And he had a keen nose for sniffing out Jewish " control "
or influence in the civil rights movement. It escaped him until his
last days that liberal and radical Jews were just naturally empathetic
to the oppressed, to the victims of all forms of discrimination.
Today phony Democrats will try to make a lot of political
hay out of Trent Lott 's party time drivel.It is only human to
indulge the idiosyncrasies of a 100 year old LOYAL son of the
South ( also an old SOB ! )
It takes more political courage to tell the whole country
on the floor of the Senate or the House that HEALTH CARE is a basic
human right than to beat the dead horse of an OUTLAWED racism.
But few Democrats are champions of WORKING CLASS
America. " Political correctness " is a just a cheap way of
seeming PROGRESSIVE while millions of working class people -of
ALL races and ethnic groups - are on the edge of the social abyss !
What matters to our more RESPONSIBLE leaders is the
sacred illusion of democracy. Just replace RACE with CLASS and
a lot of Malcolm 's more wild rhetoric make great sense.
Just for the record, I voted for Ralph Nader.
Friday, December 13, 2002
I am not neurotically annoyed by too many things. But
perhaps middle age has made the sense of disgust -unlike the other
vital senses -more acute. I hear more things in hell, to be sure.
I often fantasize about ridding myself of the damm TV
forever. But I am too attached to the VCR -which is blessedly free
of noisy, dumb, and obnoxious commercials.
I must catch the morning news on Channel 10. What I can't
stand - and don't understand - is the very beginning of the program
where the cameras always zoom in on the screaming-hyenas - FANS - of
Katy and Matt, I guess . How can they be so infantile over a moment
of media attention ?
What a contrast between the nightmare news and the
demeanor of the celebrity news people - ( they ooze narcissism ) -
and the bestial FANS in the street.
The Providence horror writer H.P Lovecraft got it right
about the future of humanity. A decayed species will inherit the
earth. Public education gives most kids a vocabulary of 100 words
- BASIC ENGLISH. A dismal future for the newspaper business !
perhaps middle age has made the sense of disgust -unlike the other
vital senses -more acute. I hear more things in hell, to be sure.
I often fantasize about ridding myself of the damm TV
forever. But I am too attached to the VCR -which is blessedly free
of noisy, dumb, and obnoxious commercials.
I must catch the morning news on Channel 10. What I can't
stand - and don't understand - is the very beginning of the program
where the cameras always zoom in on the screaming-hyenas - FANS - of
Katy and Matt, I guess . How can they be so infantile over a moment
of media attention ?
What a contrast between the nightmare news and the
demeanor of the celebrity news people - ( they ooze narcissism ) -
and the bestial FANS in the street.
The Providence horror writer H.P Lovecraft got it right
about the future of humanity. A decayed species will inherit the
earth. Public education gives most kids a vocabulary of 100 words
- BASIC ENGLISH. A dismal future for the newspaper business !
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Trent Lott and words, words, words !
I am as far removed from Trent Lott politically as an ordinary,
law-abiding American can be. I voted for Ralph Nader. Presently IT SEEMS
that Lott is condemned by his own words as a die hard ,incorrigible,
OLD FASHIONED racist. But put brainless emotions aside, and what do you
really have here ? A talk a lot politico who -not running out of gas-
blew it all out the wrong hole.
Trent Lott is not a little obnoxious for liberal types.
But words must be judged in their context and in the context of a
man's whole life. Not a few black activists speak derogatively of
Jews in " Hymie Town ". But that does not make them Nazis - just the
jerks of the moment.
FREE SPEECH must permit all of us to make fools out of ourselves
now and then without being completely ruined.
Reactionary ideas must be challenged by rational, humane
ideas -not by the smothering atmosphere of political correctness.
The Left -in general - has little to teach the Right about
free speech and -often enough - common decency !
To think that all Southern whites are KKK sympathizers
is as stupid as thinking all Italian-Americans love the Mafia !
Don't think the South has not CHANGED profoundly in the
last 50 years. It most certainly does not send die hard racists to
the U.S. Senate or to the House.
But there are too many old generals around on both sides
always living in the past - in THEIR glory days.
In his heart Trent Lott may have as much affection for
blacks as old Joe Kennedy had for Jews. But BUSINESS has a way of
keeping lunacies in check. And most liberals still don't believe
Why not suspect most of our leaders of being NICE GUYS -
whatever their political philosophy ?
law-abiding American can be. I voted for Ralph Nader. Presently IT SEEMS
that Lott is condemned by his own words as a die hard ,incorrigible,
OLD FASHIONED racist. But put brainless emotions aside, and what do you
really have here ? A talk a lot politico who -not running out of gas-
blew it all out the wrong hole.
Trent Lott is not a little obnoxious for liberal types.
But words must be judged in their context and in the context of a
man's whole life. Not a few black activists speak derogatively of
Jews in " Hymie Town ". But that does not make them Nazis - just the
jerks of the moment.
FREE SPEECH must permit all of us to make fools out of ourselves
now and then without being completely ruined.
Reactionary ideas must be challenged by rational, humane
ideas -not by the smothering atmosphere of political correctness.
The Left -in general - has little to teach the Right about
free speech and -often enough - common decency !
To think that all Southern whites are KKK sympathizers
is as stupid as thinking all Italian-Americans love the Mafia !
Don't think the South has not CHANGED profoundly in the
last 50 years. It most certainly does not send die hard racists to
the U.S. Senate or to the House.
But there are too many old generals around on both sides
always living in the past - in THEIR glory days.
In his heart Trent Lott may have as much affection for
blacks as old Joe Kennedy had for Jews. But BUSINESS has a way of
keeping lunacies in check. And most liberals still don't believe
Why not suspect most of our leaders of being NICE GUYS -
whatever their political philosophy ?
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
The whole country now knows that Cranston, R.I. is a big
mess- with the lowest bond rating in the nation, now even lower after
our Honest Abe mayor, Stephen Laffey ( I like him ! ) expressed his
own " depressing assessment " ( PROJO editorial, Dec.10- " An honest BB ")
The economic situation here makes even passing through hazardous
to your health. For example, if you are lying injured on a busy main
street like Reservoir Ave, don't expect the police or an ambulance to
come to your rescue. And don't expect them to investigate what happened
to you. And don't expect them to help you with a gargantuan medical bill.
And for the bigger picture here in R.I, I will say that the
Ocean State has literally gone to the dogs. Vicious dogs own most of
our urban streets. And they are now beginning to announce their presence
in once idyllic rural Rhode Island.
The visitors to the Ocean State are more likely to encounter Cujo
here than Jaws.
Perhaps Governor Carcieri will improve the situation. Was not
THAT his campaign slogan : RHODE ISLAND IS GOING TO THE DOGS ?
And he won ! Good luck and God bless him.
Friday, December 6, 2002
Humbug in Warwick
Allergic to the very spirit of Christmas, a Warwick Fire
Dept. dispatcher destroyed a co-worker's decorations - wanting
" a Christmas free work-place ". A direct descendent of one Ebenezer
Scrooge - not yet visited by ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and
Future ? Or did he just forget those little " helper " pills that
get millions of normally decent people through the JOYOUS season ?
To be sure, the spirit of consumerism poisons the season
for the most good natured amongst us. If I were a radio personality,
I would read to the kids this poem on the night before Christmas:
" Howl " by the Jewish beatnik A. Ginsberg. THEN I would offer
the music of Bach as a sedative.
Don't be too hard on that cheerless dispatcher: Tis a very
stressful time of year. Perhaps Santa Claus will give us a brand new
casino for Christmas. Never lose hope !
Dept. dispatcher destroyed a co-worker's decorations - wanting
" a Christmas free work-place ". A direct descendent of one Ebenezer
Scrooge - not yet visited by ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and
Future ? Or did he just forget those little " helper " pills that
get millions of normally decent people through the JOYOUS season ?
To be sure, the spirit of consumerism poisons the season
for the most good natured amongst us. If I were a radio personality,
I would read to the kids this poem on the night before Christmas:
" Howl " by the Jewish beatnik A. Ginsberg. THEN I would offer
the music of Bach as a sedative.
Don't be too hard on that cheerless dispatcher: Tis a very
stressful time of year. Perhaps Santa Claus will give us a brand new
casino for Christmas. Never lose hope !
Sunday, December 1, 2002
Book award like a beauty contest ?
The phony Wizard of Oz is showing up everywhere in our
culture. A Nobel Prize winner -who did deserve it - writes that
he learned this simple truth while still a fresh faced graduate
student : There are no wise old men behind magnificent doors looking
after us ! The President, the Pope, the King, the Celebrity -all are
as clueless as we are. But everywhere we are bamboozled by GREAT
Now it seems that even THE GREAT AUTHOR may be just
another humbug. A judge for the National Book Award confesses
that it was simply impossible for him to read all those books
he pretended to read.
I guess books are judged by their cover. But beauty
contests are more honest: Nobody pretends that those half naked
BROADS can also qualify for MENSA.
It looks like some kid in the library was assigned: " Profiles
in Courage ". Not the scholarly type himself,I suspect . But someday
-with the help of steroids - he just might win the Super Bowl for
the New England Patriots.
That Holden kid in " Catcher in the Rye " got it right about
all the phonies out there !
Now I must buy all those Christmas cards for dear
friends and relatives. Don't forget the boss !
culture. A Nobel Prize winner -who did deserve it - writes that
he learned this simple truth while still a fresh faced graduate
student : There are no wise old men behind magnificent doors looking
after us ! The President, the Pope, the King, the Celebrity -all are
as clueless as we are. But everywhere we are bamboozled by GREAT
Now it seems that even THE GREAT AUTHOR may be just
another humbug. A judge for the National Book Award confesses
that it was simply impossible for him to read all those books
he pretended to read.
I guess books are judged by their cover. But beauty
contests are more honest: Nobody pretends that those half naked
BROADS can also qualify for MENSA.
It looks like some kid in the library was assigned: " Profiles
in Courage ". Not the scholarly type himself,I suspect . But someday
-with the help of steroids - he just might win the Super Bowl for
the New England Patriots.
That Holden kid in " Catcher in the Rye " got it right about
all the phonies out there !
Now I must buy all those Christmas cards for dear
friends and relatives. Don't forget the boss !
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