Friday, November 17, 2000

Vote for Nader= vote for W ?

Was it in a bullying tone the young voter in  Bob Kerr's

    column ( Nov. 17 ) was told by a Gore supporter : " A vote for

    Nader is a vote for Bush " ?

          Smartly she commented: " A vote for Nader is a vote for

    Nader ! "

               Now with the mess in Florida both  the ruling parties

    must be reminded of the ABCs of Democracy.

              Also the INDEPENDENT  LEFT in  our United  States is

    a joke. The  CPUSA denounced Nader - far more to the left than

    Al Gore - as a spoiler,  yes , a despicable spoiler who savored

    his sordid role !

               Let me remind the Party of its not so ancient

    history. Before Uncle Joe Stalin got around to assassinating

    Leon Trotsky in Mexico , there were the famous  Moscow Trials.

    The revolutionary Trotsky was denounced as a vile traitor

    plotting with Hitler to overthrow the Workers Paradise, the

    Soviet Union.

               The Stalinist bureaucracy - becoming quite comfortable

    and corrupt in power - could not stomach Trotsky's wild idea

    of " permanent revolution " .

             Alas it was Uncle Joe who made a pack with the German

    madman dictator, Adolph Hitler.

            What would  Eugene Debs have said about the pernicious

    habit of voting for the lesser evil, voting for the Democrat,

    no matter how remote he was from even LIBERAL ideals ?

               Is Ralph Nader the new Trotsky - the perennial

    enemy of ALL establishments ?

         God  bless - and protect- him.

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