Friday, September 8, 2000

Hate Crime Demogogues

I STILL admire President Bill  Clinton - and would

    vote for him again for a third term, if that were possible. But

    Bill is wrongheaded  - if well intentioned - on this hate crime

    business. In his final months in office, he wants to make hate

    crime legislation a top priority.

            The mean spirited Republican ogres are  truly RIGHT on

    this inflammatory issue. Must we believe that they are titillated

    by heinous " hate crimes " ?

             Oddly enough - most liberals REJECT the death penalty and

    rightly so. So what is the ultimate legal punishment for a hate

    crime offender ? Just what is already  in the law books !

               It is indeed un -democratic to make CLASS laws . By

    the way why not protect the RICH against hate crime since they

    are the object of so much maniacal jealously ?  How

    many communists would be found guilty of HATE CRIME ?

              No, I don't feel sorry for the rich . Just alarmed

    at fatuous thinking .

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