Thursday, August 17, 2000

Rotten kid curse , Bob

 Good morning, Bob. Throwing eggs at a man's business

    property should be punishable vandalism. Imagine the owners

    being ruined for upholding the law : no cigarette sales to


           There is a rotten kid epidemic , Bob - and not just

    on Narragansett Parkway in Warwick.

            I guess nobody ever said NO to the punks. I hope

    I was never  ROTTEN KID myself . But I do remember this one

    particular curse - from mother to son :

         " When you grow up, I hope  YOU have a kid just as

    rotten as you are ! "

             Fearing the worse, I never had any kids.

                                   Have a nice day, Ron

    ron:  i never had any little ones either, frankly because the prospect
    scares the hell out of me and my wife.  and you're right.  there really
    is a rotten kid epidemic going on.  and i think the stock explanations
    are the right ones - breakdown in family, lack of respect, too many mind
    twisting cultural influences....  anyway, thanks for the comments. 

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