Friday, February 28, 2025

Painting on Ma's wall


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My letter published in Time Magazine (2003) on the topic of euthanasia and the tragic case of Terry Schiavo.

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His short stories take you back the world of Irish Catholic neighborhoods in the Great Depression. Farrell was definitely under the political influence of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party and even of Leon Trotsky himself then in exile in Mexico.He rejected the Stalinist idea of proletarian propaganda literature. A number of his short stories describe real intellectual types attracted to radical left wing politics.I enjoyed reading many of his now "dated" short stories.

Watch "Exorcist Child Star WILD Cursed Life (Evil)" on YouTube  Is there any celebrity actress or actor that Hollywood Babylon has not corrupted?

Democrats attack Trump and Vance after explosive Zelenskyy meeting | Fox News Note the cabal of Zionist Jew Democrats who defend the honor of Zionist Jew warmonger embezzler V Zelensky.

The Exorcist: What It Was Like to See the Movie in Theaters | SYFY WIRE

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An excerpt of the transcript of the movie " The Exorcist". I think the first line below is exceptional meaningful as " theme": make us despair?

Watching in my apartment "The Exorcist" movie more than 50 years later

Do you have to be " superstitious" old Catholic to believe that EVIL can assume a palpable form?

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Trump spits on Zelensky!

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This rather stunning headline is easily explained: For years now the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, packed with militant Zionist Jews who identify with Zelensky , has promoted the HATE RUSSIA NEW McCarthyism in" OUR democracy".And the agenda of warmonger embezzler Zelensky: create a " Greater Israel" Ukraine. Militant ZIONIST Jews have two countries -- and one is dearer than the other.

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Truth is hateful?

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This longtime independent democratic socialist has said for a few years now that the Zionist Jew warmonger, embezzler V Zelensky can start nuclear World War III with POST -Communist Russia.

Fwd: I want to access old Providence Journal archives . But how ?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 at 11:28
Subject: Fwd: I want to access old Providence Journal archives . But how ?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 at 11:26
Subject: I want to access old Providence Journal archives . But how ?
To: letters <>, Gregg, Katherine <>

 Hi , I have been reading the Providence Journal newspaper for years . Presently I want to access your old archives.  I was stymied in this ,I think , because I only have a CITIZENS BANK debit card. Can I come down to the Business Office ( still at 75 Fountain St. , Providence ? ) and just pay cash  ? I might also consider online subscription to the Providence Journal.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Thank You , Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Island , APT . B216 .

‘Religion Makes Smart People Believe Stupid Things’ | Sam Harris

The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " ,being effectively controlled by secular ZIONIST Jews , is never a booster for God and Faith . But daily it encourages dangerous nonsense about the benevolence of global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism for which the New Atheist Cult celebs are shills for all three ! NOTE : Does TRUTH " violate community rules on hate speech " ? ).

The Rise of Atheism Explained | United Kingdom Atheist Study

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I must ask just what this militant New Atheism Cult would inspire us to do in" OUR democracy " ? Does militant atheism make people better citizens and better soldiers in war time ? Better family men ? Better wives and husbands ? How many homeless shelters and food banks are set up by the more pious members of the " Church of the Big Bang " ? How do the New Atheists stand on global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism for which they seem to be shills for all three ? Vociferous in " God Hatred ", the New Atheism seems to have a very weak HUMANIST social conscience ? And hearts as cold as that "cosmic backround radiation " in intergalactic space , in one of the Great Dark Voids . And a for a little less than 100 dollars you can buy two New Atheism booster T-shirts ! Perhaps a future New Atheism T-shirt will feature the " Son of God Particle " ?

SHOCK MOMENT: Trump Abruptly Interrupts Starmer's Answer About US Trying...

How ironic ! The top American plutocrat of American imperialism, Donald Trump , meets the top representative of British capitalism and the New Colonialism in Europe , Keir Starmer. They must guard THEIR " Free World " ( which includes APARTHEID Israel ) against the more sinister Russian oligarchy of Vladimir Putin. And WE THE PEOPLE in " OUR democracy " are told to believe stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. Once again " make the world safe for democracy " most likely by nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ! And the crushed, humiliated, exploited , oppressed , wretched WORKING CLASS of the world will just passively accept this, or even nag their unemployed sons to join " the service " ? Join the next Great Crusade for the interests of the bourgeoisie directing the " Free World " ?

" Many psychiatrists and psychologists share a secret " ... " that would scare most people " - interesting QUORA article in my email today

Many psychiatrists and psychologists share a secret which is totally unknown to their patients. It is the main characteristic of the profession, and it's hidden beneath the doctor-patient barrier.

Take our friend Celia.

She is a pediatric psychiatrist who constantly struggles with her thoughts which are often inconsistent and weird for someone who has spent 11 years studying Medicine and psychiatry.

Actually, I should say 12 years, since she spent a year in a mental institution due to her suffering from Anorexia since she was a teen, which had grown into a life-threatening condition. Deep down she still has it, since Anorexia never leaves your mind. Celia is always counting calories, always professionally hiding some of her food under her silverware, and often skips meals.

(Her husband hates it, but there's nothing much he can do.)

Although her weight has normalized since a long time, she is tortured by the image she sees in the mirror, and worries about it during most every waking hour. The weighing scale is her mortal enemy, and it constantly calls her for an update.

Celia helps kids with mental issues on a professional basis, but her own mind is a mental mess, and it's really hard to imagine how she can help her patients if you know what goes on in her own mind, how she can untangle the patient's mental knots if she cannot untangle her own.

Celia is unfortunately not an exception.

Most every psychiatrist we known suffered from severe mental issues at some point in their life (and usually still do), and it seems to be a common divisor of the profession: they are attracted to psychiatry because of their own mental unbalance.

It's a contradictory plague we nowadays see everywhere in our everyday life: people becoming "professional" trauma coaches because of personal experiences. Mothers who become birth healing coaches after their own traumatic childbirths, people who become divorce therapists after their own deeply unsettling divorce.

I had a pretty nasty divorce myself, but does that make me a specialist ? Of course not — actually on the contrary. This brave new world of "experience therapists" consists of people who project their own meagre experiences on the problems of their patients, and that's not how professional therapy should work.

This relatively new phenomenon has been hiding in the world of professional psychiatry and psychology for ages, and it's the biggest secret of the profession — an invisible contradictory elephant in the room.

Because trauma does not turn you into a specialist at all —

It turns you into a patient.

SOURCES: painting by BeksiÅ„ski.

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A bleary view of my letter to the editor of the Providence Journal circa 1967 protesting the Vietnam War. Titled: "Dying for a Colossal Lie" by Ronald Ruggieri.

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A late winter spike in my blog views?

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

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Horrible nursing homes in the state of Maine?

LIVE: ‘Ukraine War is Over’, Jeffrey Sachs Makes Fiery Speech At EU Parl...

But is it ? Zionist Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky's dream of " Greater Israel " Ukraine dies ?

Blog statistics for this week - VIEWS

Germany 2.83K Austria 2.78K Singapore 1.88K United States 1.18K France 657 Hong Kong 369 Mexico 138 Ireland 25 Türkiye 25 Other

Ukraine's Zelenskyy to sign mineral deal during Trump White House visit

With MAGA President Donald Trump MAGA AMERICAN IMPERIALISM gets bolder. Nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over " sovereign " Ukraine , you say ? And WE THE PEOPLE voted YES for this ?

‘No questions asked’: Providence deli offers free sandwiches to those in...

There is often much hidden kindness in every" Town Without Pity ". But why does " OUR democracy " still resemble the portrait American socialist writer Upton Sinclair painted of it in his classic of American literature : " The Jungle " published at the turn of the 20th century ? That book was about a lot more than the rotten meat scandal. I just re-read a week ago.

Every FLAWLESS Anti-God Argument Ever Made (Christians Must-Watch)

Should the New Atheist Cult , by some truly divine miracle, succeed in wiping out pernicious FAITH in GOD , I wonder what kind of social system they would try to set up with their new political clout ? I suspect that it would please the late reactionary , belligerent ZIONIST Jew militant atheist philosopher Ayn Rand , author of the cult classic " The Virtue of Selfishness ". And so very RATIONAL are global capitalism, American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism ! And " Atlas Shrugged " . NOTE : The New Atheist Cult roadshow celebs are shills for all three ! NOTE : Even the enjoyment of great literature often involves the willing suspension of disbelief .

Keep ‘In God We Trust’ Out of Schools | FFRF’s Ask An Atheist

[ Why did the secular ZIONIST Jew censorship cross over my words in the post below ?] With reference to the American Constitution separation of Church and State never meant hostility between STATE and CHURCH . The Founding Fathers had nothing in common with the obnoxious New Atheist Cult roadshow celebs . What the militant atheists want is to institutionalize hostility between CHURCH and STATE in " OUR democracy ". Their idea of DEMOCRACY has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE and everything to do with deference to neurotic and cranky minorities. They would have " OUR democracy " resemble the " officially atheist " old Soviet Union minus even a pretense of " socialism ". They really do have an obvious if outspoken-and reactionary political agenda : they are shills for Israeli Zionism, American imperialism, and global capitalism. As another false " community " they are utterly alien from the working class . But they do fit into the agenda of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - which was just routed in Election 2024 in the United States. To the degree that American and European SCIENCE has gone WOKE , it has betrayed the very spirit of SCIENCE. 21st century civilization is closer to " The End of Science " than to the " End of Faith ". The " God Particle " is a joke even in halls of " science " . So is " The Church of the Big Bang " .

Who are the haters in the Holy Land?

Filters SHORTS Now playing Israeli settlers verbally abuse and spit at Christian nuns in Jerusalem

Israeli settlers spitting on Christians in Palestine ( YouTube videos )

Filters SHORTS Now playing Israeli settlers verbally abuse and spit at Christian nuns in Jerusalem 9.6M views 1 year ago Middle East Eye A group of Israeli settlers verbally abused and spat at Christian nuns on Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, a route of religious ... SHORTS Now playing Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews spit on Christians and churches 1.7M views 1 year ago TRT World Ultra-Orthodox Jews were filmed spitting on Christians and churches in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem. On October 4, Israeli ... SHORTS Now playing Ultra-orthodox Jews spit towards Christian pilgrims leaving Church of the Flagellation 3.8M views 1 year ago WFAA Some ultra-Orthodox Jews were caught on camera spitting towards Christian pilgrims leaving the Church of the Flagellation in the ... 1:08 Now playing Israeli settlers assault Christian abbot in Jerusalem verbally and physically 310K views 1 year ago Middle East Eye Israeli settlers incite and attack a Christian abbot, Fr Nikodemus Schnabel, in the old city of Jerusalem. The rise in harassment of ... 2:12 Now playing Occupied East Jerusalem: Outrage over ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting at Christians 267K views 1 year ago Al Jazeera English Israeli forces have arrested five people suspected of spitting at Christian pilgrims, nuns and Church doors. The videos have gone ... SHORTS Now playing Israeli settlers assault German Christian clergy member in Jerusalem's Old City 12M views 1 year ago The New Arab Extremist Israeli settlers are still harassing and confronting members of Christian clergy in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem ...

Watch "Twilight Zone Minute -- Walking Distance" on YouTube  My favorite Twilight Zone episode 

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Bob Kerr: Dr. Skip Sviokla, an addict now treating addicts

Bob Kerr - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

Bob Kerr: On some days, the great thoughts just aren’t there

Watch "Street Stories: Bob Kerr" on YouTube

Bob Kerr: Retiring, After Decades Of Service To Rhode Island's Poor - TPR: The Public's Radio

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Which countries have the best public schools?

Watch "Which country has the best education in the world? - The Global Story podcast, BBC World Service" on YouTube

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Is TRUTH anti-Semitic?

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Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet.Is that a sane way to assure " Never Again!" ? Genocide in Gaza Palestine?

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If only in some way I could go back in time and shake this ancestor's hand! Next best thing to meeting God?

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Early childhood reverie of our family life at old Valley View Housing Project in Providence Rhode Island - the post war years.

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Censorship will not cure racism

The human hand as a marvelous biochemical machine.

My hand in the photo with silver ring given to me by beloved woman companion Doreen Rousseau who passed away in April 15, 2017.But the ring is getting loose on my finger and I fear losing it.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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After observing signs of alcohol and drug use decadence today( tiny and numerous nips bottles, cigarette butts, a syringe) at a bus stop near Garden City Cranston this QUORA article caught my attention.On my RIPTA bus ride two men, one clearly drunk and talking foolishly to himself , the other in some sort of drug stupor, got off at Harrington Hall, the most notorious homeless shelters for men in the state of Rhode Island.

Why We Don't Need Religion to be Moral | Dan Barker

All the New Atheist Cult inspired " God Hatred " is a long way from the polite , HUMANIST atheism of the Nobel Prize winning French writer Albert Camus . It is highly neurotic and sophomoric . And it ignores the EVIL caused by essentially godless global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism. It only appeals to rather unbalanced petty bourgeois intellectuals and permanently sophomoric college students. It is utterly alien to working class people and will never have a mass audience and following . People should tremble before they mock God !

Cape Cod's Dark Secret: The Tony Costa Murders

vv The family of Patricia Walsh , victim of Cape Cod serial killer Antone Costa, lived down the street from my family on California Ave., Providence , Rhode Island in the then idyllic post war Washington Park neighborhood. It does seem like such a long long time ago now. We lived at 315 California Ave. The Walsh family lived at 232 California Ave. I just checked these addresses in the on- line Providence Directory. Of course the whole neighborhood was shocked when they read about the pretty young girl - murdered by the drug crazed Antone Costa in Provincetown, on Cape Cod.I used to play touch football in the street with her brother, Dennis whom I remembered as a lively, joking athletic type. Danny Barclay - now a Providence Police detective - was one of his chums. Patricia Walsh now and then gave the California Ave. gang a ride in her light blue Volkswagen -which a while back I recognized in a magazine article. She seemed the vivacious type , still with a mild case of adolescent acne. I think I heard it from Dan that Patrician's parents had turned her bedroom into a shrine - left unchanged for years. And from Dan that Dennis responded to the fiendish murder of his sister with lyrics from the Beatles : " Let it be... let it be.. I may have bumped into Dennis a few years ago, but I simply was not prepared to discuss the events of 30 years ago.The Walsh family were members of the St. Paul's Church parish.

Fwd: List of neighbors in the old neighborhood circa 1960 - some vivid memories of certain families and individuals

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 at 11:47
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

A little bleary hard to read without a magnifier but this is a list of all our mostly friendly and well known to us neighbors on California Ave. in the Washington Park neighborhood of Providence circa 1960 . Our phone number at 315 California Ave. was HO 1-5807 ( a lucky number ? ) ***** **** [Remembering controversial Rhode Island radio personality Steve White. His family lived down the street from us on California Avenue in Providence. I see a 20 year old Steve (Wight) chatting with my father in front of our 315 California Avenue home: how can I get into radio Don? At the time my father was employed by WEAN. Steve also had a job at The Palace Theater in Washington Park. As an usher his job was to kick out punks after shining a flashlight in their faces.Circa 1957. Steve's brother Jeffrey was a Providence police detective. A very nice family] **** Remembering Steve White on Rhode Island Talk Radio 256 California Ave. **** [ "The late Steve White, former RI talk host and general drunken agitator, during one of his last shows on WALE 990am. This is Steve on his best behavior (although I was in the studio with him and can attest: he was still seriously drunk." ] ETA: Is it me, or does his first caller sound exactly like Little Edie from Grey Gardens? [ "THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this, Sir! This is wonderful- RIP Steve White." ] Posted 7 years ago **** The Walsh family - 232 Califirnia Ave : Patricia Walsh and her fine family lived down the street from us (315 California Ave. in Providence ) at the corner of Virginia and California Avenue. Of course the whole neighborhood was shocked when they read about the pretty young girl - murdered by the drug crazed Antone Costa in Provincetown, on Cape Cod.I used to play touch football in the street with her brother, Dennis whom I remembered as a lively, joking athletic type. Danny Barclay - now a Providence Police detective - was one of his chums. Patricia Walsh now and then gave the California Ave. gang a ride in her light blue Volkswagen -which a while back I recognized in a magazine article. She seemed the vivacious type , still with a mild case of adolescent acne. I think I heard it from Dan that Patrician's parents had turned her bedroom into a shrine - left unchanged for years. And from Dan that Dennis responded to the fiendish murder of his sister with lyrics from the Beatles : " Let it be... let it be.. I may have bumped into Dennis a few years ago, but I simply was not prepared to discuss the events of 30 years ago.The Walsh family were members of the St. Paul's Church parish. ***** NOTE ON SERIAL KILLER ANTON COSTA : Trial and imprisonment " On June 12, 1969, Costa was arraigned on charges of murder for three of the deaths.[10] In May 1970, he was convicted for the murders of Wysocki and Walsh and sentenced to life in prison at Massachusetts' Walpole Correctional Institution. On May 12, 1974, Costa died from an apparent suicide by hanging in his cell,[2] though this was later questioned[by whom?] as a possible murder. "[9] ******** Costa's account " [Costa described the murders of Walsh and Wysocki in his unpublished novel, Resurrection, written while he was in prison. In his account, Costa and a friend identified by the pseudonym "Carl" were consuming LSD and Dilaudid with the two women. Carl then shot Walsh and Wysocki. Costa claimed he was able to subdue his friend, and upon realizing that Wysocki was still alive, used a knife to end her suffering. According to Costa, he and Carl then buried the bodies.[8] The novel also describes the deaths of Susan Perry and Sydney Monzon as being due to drug overdoses. Costa claims it was Carl who dismembered and buried their bodies, and that he had no knowledge of it until after their deaths.[4]

Screenshot (Feb 26, 2025 8:50:31 AM) Our Uncle Louie's office in downtown Providence was Room 510 in in this building (circa 1960 )

Remembering " Uncle Louie " - RIP [ " Ruggieri Associates (Albert H Cooper Louis M Ruggieri) consulting eng 170 Westminster R510 " ] Taken from 1960 Providence City Directory . At that time -a more prosperous time for our " Uncle Louie " - Louis Ruggieri had his engineering office at 170 Westminster St., R 510 . His partner was one Mr. Albert H. Cooper . The story goes that there was some dishonest business practice on Cooper's part which ruined Uncle Louie's international engineering firm " Ruggieri& Associates " . I heard that Uncle Louie was a regular customer at the nearby Chinese Restaurant ( Mee Hong Restaurant 102 Westminster ? ) Also a regular hard drinker- this very talented man born and raised on Federal Hill in Providence , Rhode Island. When my 12 year old, older brother Ricky said he wanted to be an airplane pilot Uncle Louie sternly told him : " You have to know Calculus . Do YOU know Calculus? " One day Uncle Louie showed me a greenish , still radioactive mineral which was once just plain SAND transformed by the first Atomic Bomb test at Alamagordo , New Mexico. Later years when I protested the Vietnam War Uncle Louie called me " Un-American " . At that time he had some engineering contract in Vietnam ( along with a Vietnamese girl friend on the side. Which later led to a bitter divorce and ( sadly ) a possible suicide on the 4th of July ( liberation day ? ) [earlier Uncle Louie had a role in the North Providence town management .See above.] In his last year of life , now a broken man, Uncle Louie was often a dinner guest at our house and was loved and treated kindly by his younger brother , my father Domenic, and my mother Janet . RIP " Uncle Louie " now in a still a nameless , numbered grave at St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery in Cranston, Rhode Island.

Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' (Official Audio)

The second term of top American plutocrat Donald Trump confirms a trend ( that the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party never resisted ) of the American plutocracy seeking direct rule over " OUR democracy ". The ultimate irony will be if they soon get us into a major war with their mainstream news media spewing forth stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago . Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? If there is anything left of " OUR democracy " ( like FREE SPEECH ), we will soon enter an era very similar to the " Tumultuous Sixties " . Once again bright young college bound youth will FEEL in their bones that " times are changing ! " . I am reminded of young Dustin Hoffman in the movie " The Graduate " reacting to goofy job seeking advice from the middle class oblivious : " PLASTICS ! :.

the graduate one word plastics

The second term of top American plutocrat Donald Trump confirms a trend ( that the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party never resisted ) of the American plutocracy seeking direct rule over " OUR democracy ". The ultimate irony will be if they soon get us into a major war with their mainstream news media spewing forth stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago . Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? If there is anything left of " OUR democracy " ( like FREE SPEECH ), we will soon enter an era very similar to the " Tumultuous Sixties " . Once again bright young college bound youth will FEEL in their bones that " times are changing ! " . I am reminded of young Dustin Hoffman in the movie " The Graduate " reacting to goofy job seeking advice from the middle class oblivious : " PLASTICS ! :.

White House tells federal agencies they don't have to comply with Musk's...

The second term of top American plutocrat Donald Trump confirms a trend ( that the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party never resisted ) of the American plutocracy seeking direct rule over " OUR democracy ". The ultimate irony will be if they soon get us into a major war with their mainstream news media spewing forth stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago . Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? If there is anything left of " OUR democracy " ( like FREE SPEECH ), we will soon enter an era very similar to the " Tumultuous Sixties " . Once again bright young college bound youth will FEEL in their bones that " times are changing ! " . I am reminded of young Dustin Hoffman in the movie " The Graduate " reacting to goofy job seeking advice from the middle class oblivious : " PLASTICS ! :.

Atheists Rip CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Apart For 1 Hour

The New Atheists definitely have a political agenda-indeed quite a reactionary one : they are ALL shills for Israeli Zionism, American imperialism, and global capitalism. You can be sure that God Hating in this world will not become an epidemic. Given STATE power the New Atheist Cult would create a regime very similar the STALINIST nightmare in the old Soviet Union- only minus the " socialism " . As a longtime independent democratic socialist I concluded long ago that the biggest mistake of the Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was making itself a dreary , godless, " officially atheist " tyranny.. The New Atheist roadshow will at most attract significant numbers of neurotic petty bourgeois intellectuals and permanently sophomoric college students, who will form a " community " that will remain in the pockets of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party here in " OUR democracy " USA . Like the LGBTQ+ " community ". You can be sure that the HUMAN in human beings will never worship the " God Particle " or some future " scientific" revelation " Son of God Particle " !. Leave it to " village atheist " type eccentrics to form the " Church of the Big Bang " !

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Do we ever see headlines like this about Palestinian mother's in Gaza mourning their innocent children victims of Israeli genocide ?

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Interesting but Thank God for World War II?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Watch "College used to be affordable. What happened? w/Ellen Schrecker | The Chris Hedges Report" on YouTube

Workers picket outside Stop & Shop's Freetown distribution center

CAPITAL vs LABOR is still as much a fundamental reality in " OUR democracy " as when socialist American writer Upton Sinclair wrote " The Jungle " way back at the turn of the 20th century. That book was about a lot more than rotten meat !

Lester Holt Exits NBC Nightly News After More Than a Decade

These prima donna news anchors are programmed by their capitalist - American imperialist - Israeli Zionist owners never to show a hint that there is anything fundamentally wrong with " Our way of Life " , " OUR democracy " and our TWO PARTY SYSTEM, and every succeeding stupid war You might guess that never, even their college years, did they get the SOCIALIST point of view , its general idea that THE SYSTEM is based on the exploitation and oppression of the " little people ". Like vacuous Hollywood WOKE WARRIOR Democrat celebs they live in a blue bubble of unreality- almost pathologically " out of touch " . Yet, " everybody trusts Lester Holt " ? Really ? The last thing "THE NEWS " , public school education , and higher education in " OUR democracy " will encourage is " critical thinking " skills ..

PART 2: Neil deGrasse Tyson's Sharpest Arguments Against Religion

One can only wonder if New Atheist Cult celeb narcissist Neil DeGrasse Tyson has any time for SCIENCE now since he seems to spend most of his time on the MAKE A BUCK roadshow fulminating against God and FAITH . But his New Atheist Cult definitely has a quite reactionary political agenda. They are ALL shills for global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism. Nope, nothing wrong here ! They will convert the whole world to militant atheism ? Not likely . They tend to attract petty bourgeois phony intellectuals with a decidedly snobby attitude toward working class CHRISTIANS and display toxic Islamophobia .

A message in the trash


The Ultimate Playlist of Atheists Dismantling Religious Beliefs

The more honest New Atheism recruits should realize that focusing their wrath on " unscientific " religion ( has Science a method for arriving at ultimate metaphysical truths ? ) will never win over a mass audience. They should see that the real root of much EVIL and mental confusion in human life is the deeply IRRATIONAL nature of global capitalism . You will rarely hear any of the New Atheism Cult road show celebs voice damning criticism of global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism. Organized religion ( to be sure, in many cases wallowing in darkness ) does not nearly do as much EVIL as these other social forces . To be sure , secular ZIONIST Jews, attached to belligerent APARTHEID Israel , are more involved in preparing nuclear World War III than any CHRISTIAN establishments. Decades ago ( April 1963 ) Pope John XXIII issued the world that " Pacem in Terris " encyclical. The world plutocracy is still not listening .

NYC migrant crisis: Roosevelt Hotel in New York is expected to close

I suspect the migrant -immigrant experience in " OUR democracy " has not changed much ( mostly a nightmare ) since American socialist author Upton Sinclair wrote " The Jungle " at the turn of the 20th century. NOBODY -citizen or non-citizen - gets THE JOB in this country unless some respectable or not so respectable Corporate America capitalist can exploit you while THE SYSTEM will endlessly oppress you. No surprise that at the end of Sinclair's novel the Lithuanian young man, Jurgis Rudkus, joins the Socialist Party. Really the book was not all about rotten meat ! In general ,the homeless crisis in " OUR democracy " is on collision course with landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.

Caught on Camera- Providence middle school brawl

How will the minds of these kids ever be " turned on " or how can they get basic education and a minimum of " cultural literacy " in an atmosphere hostile even to CIVILIZATION ? These can be LOST YEARS for so many " underprivileged " youth while so many subjects like math and science are accumulative . How can you learn elementary Algebra if you got lost in Arithmetic class ? How can you make any educational progress at all if even reading a short story for English class is an impossible ordeal for you ? And what is all the VIOLENCE about ? The content of the Freudian ID ? Raging hormones ?

South Pacific Original Soundtrack : This Nearly Was Mine

A long long time ago my father going by his radio name on WEAN , Providence, R.I. " Don Rogers " received a fan mail from the woman writing him below to " Please play the musical score from South Pacific some time ". Well, for Lauretta M. Talbot wherever you are , I share this video in memory of " Pop " and his still remembered " Dream Time " show " [ " Dear Don , I want to tell you how much I enjoy your show. I'm up usually at 3 A.M so I put the radio on very low so I won't awaken my husband, Please play the musical score from " South Pacific " some time for me . Thank You, Mrs. Lauretta M. Talbot , 1387 Langley St. , Fall River, Mass., Dec. 21st 1960 " ]

Wave of anchor shake-ups hits television news | USA TODAY

None of these news room celebs could ever rise above the petty bourgeois " respectable" presentation of " THE NEWS " . Nor would this be tolerated by the capitalist owners of news media. TRUTH is alien to the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ". Preparing the next stupid big war : yet another BIG LIE . Of course, with stale Wilsonian blather that was false the first time around, circa 1917. "What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " . Just a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT-CRIME.

The Providence Journal’s printing facility to close

I enjoyed working there at their front gate guard shack (US Security Associates) mostly part time for a number of years. I loved the quiet of the night shift. Always alert on the job, but before they put high tech cameras and computers in the guard shack, always with interesting stuff to read .My boss there Ed was a perfect gentleman and a former town manager of East Providence. Now and then I worked the front desk at 75; Fountain St. and could see all the PROJO celebs passing in and out of the building. Often I had classical music playing on low. Every thing and every place is just a moment in time. On the fourth floor there was once the Providence Journal radio station WEAN. My father worked there for more than 30 years. The printed newspaper is in its death agony all over the country. But I still prefer it to lousy computer screens. My best friend' s father, Bob Marshall, for years worked at the Production Facility as a fork lift operator. I have somehow inexplicably lost touch with friend Ron , still living somewhere in New Hampshire.

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The 1941 Providence City Directory lists my grandfather Ludovico Ruggieri as a cobbler. He and wife Andreanna, and their sons Nicholas, Luigi , and Domenic ( our father ) were living at 62 Gesler St. on Providence Rhode Island legendary Federal Hill. Pop was born in 1922.

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Reverie of working at the soon to be shut down Providence Journal Production Facility 

After 3 years of war in Ukraine, imperialist war propaganda collapses - World Socialist Web Site

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A revival of  Gilded Age American imperialism?" WE want control of nearly all of sovereign Ukraine's natural resources.And my friends in NATO can help themselves to a share too."  Over the bodies of slaughtered Palestinians in Gaza " The Don " Trump and "Hyman Roth " Netanyahu have made a deal to build the New Las Vegas .