Saturday, January 18, 2025

Worldwide protests ahead of Trump inauguration

As a long time independent democratic socialist I think these world wide protests against the presidency of MAGA Republican ( fascist ? ) Donald Trump are perfectly understandable but completely impotent unless they target global capitalism in general, the TWO PARTY SYSTEM here in the United States, and American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. Minus the WOKE the Democratic Party is still the WOKE WARRIOR Party. They promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism for years now. And they now cannot even pretend to honor the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " will never succeed in rallying the working class for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia , Islamic Iran, super-power China, less than super-power Venezuela, and oh yes, nuclear weapons armed North Korea. Not with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago . Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Do you think that we are challenged fighting the conflagration in the vicinity of Hollywood Babylon California ? Try dealing with the hell fire conflagrations on " The Day After " !

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