Tuesday, January 21, 2025

ATHEISTS Schooling CHRISTIANS For 1 Hour (Perfect Debates)

Do the TV road show evangelists of the obnoxious New Atheism cult advocate -like the old Soviet Union - an " officially atheist " FREE WORLD ? Without ever moralizing about the EVIL of global capitalism, American imperialism , Old Europe colonialism, Israeli Zionism they would have their audience of mostly petty bourgeois WOKE " liberal " potential recruits for the unholy CAUSE consider becoming PROFESSIONAL atheists with their very own MAKE A BUCK road show . The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was making itself an " officially atheist " tyranny . Religious people did not fit into their CLASSLESS ( read Leon Trotsky's " The Revolution Betrayed " ) society. But unlike the old Bolsheviks, most of them redeemed by a HUMANIST outlook, the celeb leaders of the New Atheism cult are shameless shills for Israeli Zionism, American imperialism , and global capitalism. These intellectual snobs will never persuade the masses - the BILLIONS of the world's Catholics , Protestants , orthodox Jews , Muslims...- to abandon their FAITH with which they make sense out of LIFE in general and make sense out of a seemingly infinite universe ( NOT from NOTHING ! ) They will never erect the likes of Notre Dame Cathedral over " relic " tracks of the God Particle ( or Son of the God Particle ) . The people who are really serious about changing the world for the better should not be lacking in emotional intelligence ( like too many fanatics on the Left and on the Right ) . What is left of " Marxist vanguard " parties -still godless - have al degenerated into bizarre personality cults toxic to ordinary working class people . They have gone nowhere in one hundred years . Browsing Isaac Asimov reference book short biographies of scientists , I am struck by the number of eventual suicides and unbalanced personalities. So if you see yourself as a future crusading for atheism professional scientist- like the Big Four - you are well advised to " get a life ! " Could the New Atheism road show be a sign of " The End of Science " instead of " The End of Faith " ?

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