Wednesday, January 29, 2025

One unflattering view of SEP leader David North and his World Socialist Website

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David North

UPDATE: Comments have been closed on this article because I simply cannot waste my time replying to people who are not worth replying to. I regard the Socialist Equality Party as detritus left over from the period when sect and cult formations operated in much more fertile soil. Today they are completely irrelevant. I only commented on the WSWS's laughable article because the website is influential to an extent on people who are not mentally ill. Those who are part of David North's fan base had their moment to make their case here and they ruined it by evading my repeated demands that they explain the obvious contradiction between Robert Scher's written statement and the comments he made–at least how they interpreted them–during the Congressional questioning seen on Youtube. That's all folks. Don't go away angry. Just go away.

[ Do I agree or disagree here about David North and his Socialist Equality Party ? All I can honestly say is that for very many years now just about ALL self-described Marxist -Leninist -Trotskyist " vanguard " parties on the generic Left ( maimed survivors of the " Tumultuous Sixties " ? )have degenerated into daffy TRUE BELIEVER personality cults not unlike the Church of Scientology " with a dose of the " New Atheism " roadshow cult. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I would be ( in fact am ) BANNED on their websites. But having a FREE MIND has its merits and satisfactions !]

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