Sunday, December 15, 2024

An Evening with Richard Dawkins – Featuring Sam Harris – Night 1

Apart from his God Hating MAKE-A-BUCK obnoxious New Atheist road show, does biologist Richard Dawkins ever direct any of his critical thinking skills to the immediate crisis of civilization caused by decaying capitalism, reckless American imperialism, and forever belligerent Zionist APARTHEID Israel " ? The world is on the brink of nuclear World War III ! It does seem that ALL the New Atheism stars have sided with the chief oppressors of the world. The late alcoholic, ex-Trotskyist , Christopher Hitchens the outstanding example . Who cares about genocide in Gaza Palestine if the the Palestinian people are foolish enough to believe in the Koran ? When the World Court indicted the Zionist Jew Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity it left out the whole clique of enablers in " OUR democracy " : The president of the United State, Joe Biden , his vice-president Kamala Harris, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland . What does PURE REASON of SCIENCE say about these villains ? " HUMAN EQUALITY DOES NOT EXIST - how capitalism poisons everything " Like the charlatan Christian TV evangelists who advise us - with dollar signs in their eyes - to " get right with God , the equally enterprising New Atheists tell their adoring ticket buying fans- with remarkable chutzpah : " Get right with EVIL ! ". They must find profound relief in the thought of a Dostoevsky character : " If God does not exist , then everything is permitted " ( at least to the plutocrats and most COMFORTABLE people of the world ) . Why do so many very bourgeois " intellectuals ", falsely associated with the far- Left, think they can make this a happier, saner world by insulting BILLIONS of the world's religious people , Catholics , Protestants , Muslims, orthodox Jews ?. THAT -not SOCIALISM was the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union : making itself an " officially atheist " tyranny. I thought the New Atheists were fading away ! NOTE : the New Athist war on God has some interesting historic precedents in 19th century socialist movement when Marx and Engels were its towering figures : [ "Herr Dühring, however, cannot wait until religion dies this, its natural, death. He proceeds in more deep-rooted fashion. He out-Bismarcks Bismarck; he decrees sharper May laws [127] not merely against Catholicism, but against all religion whatsoever; he incites his gendarmes of the future against religion, and thereby helps it to martyrdom and a prolonged lease of life. Wherever we turn, we find specifically Prussian socialism. " ] [After Herr Dühring has thus happily destroyed religion, “man, made to rely solely on himself and nature, and matured in the knowledge of his collective powers, can intrepidly enter on all the roads which the course of events and his own being open to him” {D. Ph. 407}. ]

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