Friday, December 20, 2024

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Paul Krugman on Retiring from NYT | Amanpo...

[@monah5532 " Thank you, Dr. Krugman, for sharing your insights, opinions and wisdom with so much decency and humanity for all these years. Wishing you all the best for this next chapter in your career. " ] Find a Nobel Prize winning economist who does not give whole hearted support to the ABCs of capitalism and openly rejects all forms of " socialism " as pernicious to the idea of " freedom " as construed by left-wing and right wing lawyers and judges interpreting the American Constitution ? True , you have to be still alive to get a Nobel Prize in Economics . But could not an exception be made for Karl Marx for his world shaking work " Das Kapital " ? So long ago the book explained lucidly ( with nearly Euclidean logic ) how the working class ( who do all the work ) end up owning virtually nothing and the capitalist class ( who do nothing ) end up owning virtually the whole world ? When I was in high school in the mid-Sixties Cold War Years students were allowed to study a sterilized ," dangerous " version of the Communist Manifesto ". But the " introduction " explained at length that Marx was all wrong about " OUR democracy " in the United States of America. You see, kids , we have a solid middle class and a mostly upwardly mobile working class . So do not hate the rich -just THINK RICH yourself ! Try reading " Looking Out for Number One " . So if there is hope today for upward mobility for the working class and " recovery " for the ruined middle class , it lies in THE LOTTERY ! NOTE : Can Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman not see that the homeless crisis in " OUR democracy " is on collision course with land-lord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights ?

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