Monday, December 30, 2024

Why Religion is a Scam People are Born Into | Richard Dawkins

Why do these New Atheist celebrity scientists continue their road show mostly beating the dead horse of Biblical fundamentalism ? I recall a Brown University CATHOLIC biology professor who has no quarrel with Darwin's " Origin of the Species ". But the followers of the New Atheist road show fail to see its reactionary political agenda : Without exception this cult is PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST, PRO-ISRAELI ZIONIST , and completely PRO-CAPITALIST . They never fulminate against the religion of " patriotism " , the religion of nation-state worship , or even the worship of the Moloch Stock Exchange ( early in 1929 a famous astrologer was telling readers of her newspaper column that the sky is limit on wealth getting : and that popular song " Blue Skies , nothing but blue skies ahead for you ". Certainly the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu must get more inspiration from the reactionary ZIONIST Jew atheist philosopher Ayn Rand than from Moses and passages in the Old Testament ( waiting for emergency surgery he might change his mind ) . To be sure , one striking example of religion being a form of EVIL is CHRISTIAN Zionism . The war criminal Zionist Jew Benjamin Netanyahu must invite them into APARTHEID Israel as the proverbial " useful idiots " ! Most working class CHRISTIANS around the world will never be converted to New Atheist drivel and to fanfare for Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine .

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