Tuesday, December 31, 2024

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LETTERS : H.P. Lovecraft ecstatic over successful weight control

[ "But my most spectacular feat of the season is reducing. You know how fat I was in 1923, and how bitterly I resented the circumstance. In 1924 I grew even worse, till finally I had to adopt a #16 collar! Dur¬ ing the combined period of my wife’s hospital sojourn and my Philadel¬ phia trip, I had the opportunity of regulating my own diet for the first time in my entire career—eating just as much as I wanted, rather than as much as someone else thought I ought to have. Upon the close of this period I had thinned perceptibly, returning to a 15% collar.I don’t know how much I lost, for after passing the one hundred ninetythree mark on the upward course a year before, I had refused to mount a pair of scales! During the winter I kept a sterner guard of my diet, and managed not to regain the tonnage I had lost—and then, when in January I became absolute autocrat of my breakfast, dinner, and supper table, I flung my hat in the air—or ring—and started reducing in ear¬ nest!! And I didn’t even need to be fat at all! It was all the result of acquiescing spinelessly in the dicta of one’s solicitous family! How the pounds flew! I helped the course along by exercise and outdoor walks, and every time my friends saw me they were either pleased or fright¬ ened at the startling shrinkage. Fortunately I had not been fat for so many years that the skin must needs suffer radical distension. Instead, it shrunk neatly along with the tissue beneath, leaving a firm surface and simply restoring the lost outlines of 1915 and before. And what a story the scales and my clothing told! The latter had to be thoroughly re-tai¬ lored, whilst every week I bought smaller and smaller collars. It was dramatic—breathless—sensational—this reclamation of a decade-lost statue from the vile mud which had so long encrusted it. As you may imagine, my wife protested fearfully at what seemed an alarming de¬ cline. I received long scolding letters from my aunts, and was lectured severely by Mrs. Long every time I went up to see Little Belknap. But I knew what I was doing, and kept on like grim death. I had simply changed my dietetic standard to the normal, and—as I hope—perma¬ nently broken the fat-accumulating tendency. When I had condensed to my old pre-war figure, I ceased to apply the extremes of my method— yet not only did I escape a subsequent increase, but have even lost nine additional pounds—this last year without even trying. " ]

Suzy Snowflake 1953. A Christmas Classic.

" Thinking about things " I love these heartfelt COMMENTS on You Tube that connect an old song with a poignant memory of youth , of sad or happy days. I too at age 68 find myself " thinking about THINGS " that awaken the Proustian memory. Not just old songs but old mental images , memories still green. One of these first song memories I recovered on You Tube was a Christmas song I first heard while watching that black and white TV on a cold winter day in 1953 in the Valley View Housing Project in Providence, Rhode Island : " Here Comes Suzy Snowflakes ". Also,a song I may have heard in the first grade at St. Edward's Catholic School nearby : " Our Lady of Fatima ". It is still nice to imagine the kind Holy Mother resting on a silvery Moon in a star studded night sky. The Holy Mother of unconditional divine love- in a cold, indifferent or possibly malevolent universe-for me best described by Albert Camus or Thomas Hardy. *** You Tube comment [This reminds me of my childhood so much. Like when I was really little, my parents split up and I went to live with my Mum and my little brother. She used to play this song in the kitchen and called it our song while we danced around together. I legitimately haven't heard it since I was 6 years old and I'm so happy I found it.]

Local leaders react to the death of Jimmy Carter

There is really no bottom to the hypocrisy of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM political servants of the American plutocracy . They never think outside the box of CAPITALISM, American imperialism, and invariably ISRAELI ZIONISM. You can say perhaps that Jimmy Carter did for " OUR democracy " what fellow Democrat Bernie Sanders did for " democratic socialism USA " . Nation-states on all continents are prepared to start wars with false words and phrases. And in our so called FREE WORLD with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. Once again MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY by starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? NOTE : Today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party would not tolerate Jimmy's Carter's much professed FAITH in GOD and devotion to Christianity . Carter's party has sent the still worshipped God of millions into exile !

Richard Dawkins in Conversation with Kmele Foster | Richard Dawkins’ Fin...

@ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago Shop the The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins store Big Bang Heavyweight T-Shirt $32.00 Fourthwall THE FOUR HORSEMEN $28.00 Fourthwall The New Atheist cult has no quarrel with the religion of CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM , AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM . The " Thought Police " on college campuses and in the mainstream news media -and on social media like YouTube and Facebook - have a BIG BROTHER sponsor in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and in the diligent ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion. Also , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party in practice is now as anti-Christian as the New Atheism. One reason they lost Election 2024 and the FAKE NEWS media was discredited . Nice to know that Richard Dawkins supports the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization and would not want to see REMOVED any of my numerous posts which " violate community guidelines " .

Former US President Jimmy Carter dies aged 100 | BBC News

I like what I just read on the World Socialist Website : [ "The question for the working class is not to evaluate Carter as a human being in comparison to those who succeeded him in the White House. The downward curve is unmistakable, reflecting the decline of the American ruling class as a whole, culminating in the senile warmonger Biden and the demented fascist Trump. The purpose of this brief review of the history of Carter’s presidency is to make a Marxist assessment of a president who, like all the leaders of American imperialism, defended the interests of the capitalist ruling elite against its overseas enemies and, above all, against the working class at home. " ]

Monday, December 30, 2024

Creating a Map of Word Meaning in the Brain | Harvard Medical School

Fwd: A promising recent trend on my blog , Steve.

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From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 at 11:04
Subject: A promising recent trend on my blog , Steve.
To: Steve Ruggieri <s.ruggieri54@gmail.com>

    Interesting development , Steve . For the last seven days I have more views from the United States than from Singapore or Hong Kong  !
United States
Hong Kong

Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, has died at 100

The year Jimmy Carter was elected president of the United States my like minded friends and I gathered enough signatures to put the American based Socialist Workers Party on the ballot here in Rhode Island . We had to gather more than 2000 signatures to assure that at least half of them were valid . I and a woman friend , a militant feminist named Annette G. , served as presidential electors for the SWP which put forward radical leftist firebrand Peter Camejo ( later Ralph Nader's vice -president running mate in the Green Party 2000 ) as their presidential candidate. . In 1980 one now well known and dubious " socialist " Bernie Sanders served as a presidential elector for Socialist Workers Party . Many years later I am still inspired by Peter Camejo's 1968 speech " How to Make a Revolution in the United States " . What we democratic socialists ( in contrast to various STALINIST parties on Left ) thought about Jimmy Carter and his then ( not completely decadent ) Democratic Party has stood the test time. Our general criticism of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in capitalist USA has stood the test of time . Indeed, our general criticism of capitalism , American imperialism ( in 1979 defeated in Iran , the torment of the Carter years ) and Israeli Zionism has stood the test of time. Sad to say that sundry political cults on the Left have not stood the test of time. What WE THE PEOPLE need is not any sectarian " socialist " party now but a more inclusive , with more mass appeal, American Labor Party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. Various factions on the working class Left can compete for influence in the intellectually healthier atmosphere of a truly mass party . Note : President Jimmy Carter's Christian orientation would certainly disqualify him for much influence in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party openly contemptuous of God and Christianity. For these elitist snobs seeing a Ten Commandments monument in a public park is like Count Dracula catching a glimpse of a silver crucifix !

Why Religion is a Scam People are Born Into | Richard Dawkins

Why do these New Atheist celebrity scientists continue their road show mostly beating the dead horse of Biblical fundamentalism ? I recall a Brown University CATHOLIC biology professor who has no quarrel with Darwin's " Origin of the Species ". But the followers of the New Atheist road show fail to see its reactionary political agenda : Without exception this cult is PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST, PRO-ISRAELI ZIONIST , and completely PRO-CAPITALIST . They never fulminate against the religion of " patriotism " , the religion of nation-state worship , or even the worship of the Moloch Stock Exchange ( early in 1929 a famous astrologer was telling readers of her newspaper column that the sky is limit on wealth getting : and that popular song " Blue Skies , nothing but blue skies ahead for you ". Certainly the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu must get more inspiration from the reactionary ZIONIST Jew atheist philosopher Ayn Rand than from Moses and passages in the Old Testament ( waiting for emergency surgery he might change his mind ) . To be sure , one striking example of religion being a form of EVIL is CHRISTIAN Zionism . The war criminal Zionist Jew Benjamin Netanyahu must invite them into APARTHEID Israel as the proverbial " useful idiots " ! Most working class CHRISTIANS around the world will never be converted to New Atheist drivel and to fanfare for Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine .

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A Jew explains his disillusionment with Zionism ( Rich Siegel , Jan. 1 , 2012 )

Very interesting excerpt from an article by a Jewish man, Rich Siegel , finally completely disillusioned with Zionism : [ " It was the story of Tove Johannson, a young Swedish peace worker. While escorting Palestinian children home from school in Hebron, the group was attacked by settlers chanting, "We killed Jesus. We'll kill you, too." A settler broke a bottle over the young woman's face and caused her severe injuries. I remembered having been accused of killing Jesus at the tender age of seven, and was shocked that members of my tribe were admitting it, and proud of it, while acting in a depraved and violent manner. It seemed to me that they were almost begging for the next holocaust, and were making it unsafe to be a Jew. " ] " Deir Yassin Remembered .. the cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism " by Rich Siegel ( first published Jan 1, 2012 ) radicalrons.blogspot.com " Deir Yassin Remembered .. the cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism " by Rich Siegel ( first published Jan 1, 2012 ) A militant socialists attempt to expose the truths of our culture with all its absurdity and rich irony. TRUE ! How does the Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " ? Israel Kills +45,000 Palestinian "Civilians" in 447 days | Gaza Genocide Updates | Dawn News English

Gaza Genocide Updates: Israel Kills +45,000 Palestinian "Civilians" in 4...

Very interesting excerpt from an article by a Jewish man, Rich Siegel , finally completely disillusioned with Zionism : [ " It was the story of Tove Johannson, a young Swedish peace worker. While escorting Palestinian children home from school in Hebron, the group was attacked by settlers chanting, "We killed Jesus. We'll kill you, too." A settler broke a bottle over the young woman's face and caused her severe injuries. I remembered having been accused of killing Jesus at the tender age of seven, and was shocked that members of my tribe were admitting it, and proud of it, while acting in a depraved and violent manner. It seemed to me that they were almost begging for the next holocaust, and were making it unsafe to be a Jew. " ] " Deir Yassin Remembered .. the cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism " by Rich Siegel ( first published Jan 1, 2012 ) radicalrons.blogspot.com " Deir Yassin Remembered .. the cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism " by Rich Siegel ( first published Jan 1, 2012 ) A militant socialists attempt to expose the truths of our culture with all its absurdity and rich irony. TRUE ! How does the Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " ?

" Deir Yassin Remembered .. the cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism " by Rich Siegel ( first published Jan 1, 2012 )

[ " I find it painful to witness the spectacular hypocrisy of a people who are still whining, "Where was the world during the holocaust?" while committing another holocaust in Palestine. It's a depravity that paradoxically I find both familiar and unfathomable. The willingness among Jews to obsess with Jewish suffering while being completely immune to Palestinian suffering, scares me. I don't want to believe that I come from a place that sick. Remembering myself as a child, both a victim of bullying and an unconscious bully, I've sometimes been tempted to excuse Israel. But Israel's leaders know. Zionism's leaders through history have always known. And the public has always had the responsibility to know. Having made a U-turn on Zionism, I still had to resolve my relationship with my Jewish tribal identity. Two incidents served to cement a decision about this issue. The first was in 2006. It was the story of Tove Johannson, a young Swedish peace worker. While escorting Palestinian children home from school in Hebron, the group was attacked by settlers chanting, "We killed Jesus. We'll kill you, too." A settler broke a bottle over the young woman's face and caused her severe injuries. I remembered having been accused of killing Jesus at the tender age of seven, and was shocked that members of my tribe were admitting it, and proud of it, while acting in a depraved and violent manner. It seemed to me that they were almost begging for the next holocaust, and were making it unsafe to be a Jew. " ]

Jon Stewart & Bernie Sanders on Rebuilding Trust & Efficacy in the Gover...

No serious SOCIALIST alive ,or once alive , on the planet Earth since 1848 thinks abstract " democracy " can be saved with no loss to the capitalist system and American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism. " Socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders joins a long procession of charlatan voices for socialism - always in the service of the bourgeoisie ! In general, breathing the stale political atmosphere of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is fatal to any genuine socialist soul .

Biden signs 50 bills into law on Christmas Eve, here are some of the hig...

Just from a public relations point of view : does President Joe Biden have any enduring " public image " other than that of a corrupt, creepy , senile stinker ?

Richard Dawkins in Conversation with Chris Williamson | Richard Dawkins’...

How deep ! " The universe does not owe us comfort ! " . Of , course , neither does the American and British plutocracy. The high priest of the Big Bang elevates himself to the high priest of the UNIVERSE . Too narcissistic to believe in any GOD , the New Atheist would make himself the idealist Plato's " philosopher king " . If these conceited New Atheists command a following , it can only be of neurotic , snobby petty bourgeois intellectuals mostly connected to WOKE academia. They make themselves the brain trust of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. The fact that " OUR democracy " is overwhelmingly working class CHRISTIAN ( " deplorables " ? ) is irrelevant to these obnoxious elitists. Just as human rights for Palestinians are irrelevant in APARTHEID Israel - now a realized vision of the right wing atheist philosopher Ayn Rand , famous for her classic " The Virtue of Selfishness ". What would Ayn Rand think of these CHRISTIAN Zionists ? Useful idiots ?

Friday, December 27, 2024

Richard Dawkins in Conversation with Chris Williamson | Richard Dawkins’...

Apart from delirious God Hatred , the New Atheist Cult has a more serious political agenda : they are one more ideological front for world capitalism, American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism. One can only wonder if these very-pseudo liberals long for an " officially atheist " state like Stalinist Russia but minus the " socialism " . No doubt the ZIONIST Jew fans of the New Atheism are closer to the obnoxious pro-capitalist , very right wing , very pro-Zionist atheist Ayn Rand than to the Moses of the Old Testament. Who needs God anyway when you have Golden Israel ?

Friday Panel: Taking Antisemitism to Court—A Legal Solution to Antisemit...

@ronruggieri9817 [ Note the scratch over of my words . OFFENSIVE to " community guidelines " ? I forward my posts to my Facebook page ( 5000 views ) and my blog ( approaching a MILLION views ) .] Who are the people who are multiplying so called " Jew hatred " around the world and far from Ivy League campuses in the USA ? THEY are the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and his horde of zealots in Israel , in the United States , and in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration - on its way out is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews as is the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party still led by self-described " guardian angel of Israel " Senator Chuck Schumer. The present American Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a disciple of that former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger. Remember those immense anti-war demonstrations of the late " Tumultuous Sixties " ? Do you think young working class CHRISTIANS in the United States and in Europe can be mobilized for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia to defend the agenda of these people along with the American plutocracy ? What the American plutocracy ,soon to be led by MAGA-MANIAC Donald Trump, and what the bourgeoise governments of Europe promise to do in defense of Israel and Ukraine and what they can do -in defiance of world public opinion - are two different sides of " realpolitik ". Try telling the TRUTH about the crisis of world civilization ? The ZIONIST Jew censorship of real American public opinion will quickly REMOVE !

The state of Rhode Island takes no pride in at least waging a war on bli...

The usual dumpy scene at this RIPTA bus stop the next day, December 27.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Malnutrition in the Obese Commonly Overlooked But With Serious Consequences » Division of Cardiovascular Medicine » College of Medicine » University of Florida

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Happy Scrooge Christmas for residents in public housing.

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US President-Elect Trump Fires 34 Posts Over An Hour On Christmas | Worl...

A longtime democratic socialist myself ( I understand I am banned from Trump's MAGA-UTOPIA ) I have been in touch with many friends and relatives who ( out of despair with the Joe Biden -Kamala Harris WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ) voted for, and have at least some grudging admiration for Donald Trump . The reason : they simply like a man who speaks his own thoughts . REFRESHING from " FAKE NEWS " mainstream news media drivel .

Police: Amazon driver dumped 80 packages in woods

This is hardly admirable behavior for a unionized or non-unionized worker. There is always the moral obligation to the PUBLIC that must be considered. Still, ALL the labor news in the mainstream news media only confirms that classic Marxist view that capitalism is very much a system of exploitation and oppression of the working class. And the solution to the conflict between capital and labor is not : follow " socialist " Bernie Sanders in his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. We need an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party -only less muddled, stuffy and compromised. ( It beats bloody violence in the streets for now ! )

The 10 Biggest Myths About Our Economy

As a long time independent democratic socialist I think the biggest myth about the capitalist economy is that it makes the world a more free and happier place . The TRUTH : In all countries CAPITALISM remains a system of exploitation and oppression of the working class : Shared with Public: Prominent scientist J.D. Bernal on Marx's concept of capitalist exploitation. [ I laughed when I read one Jewish person exclaim : " Socialism is anti-Semitic " . And perhaps old Karl Marx would agree ? Consider this opinion of prominent scientist J.D. Bernal : One perhaps long forgotten science scholar, J.D. Bernal writes in his book " Science In History " : [" Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ". .... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ". " The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . "] ( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 ) NOTE : Also, the mainstream news media imagines that it can " sell " nuclear World War III ( against POST-COMMUNIST Russia! ) to the American working class and the American middle class with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. The wisdom of a " Tumultuous Sixties " Thought- Crime : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "

Remembering Christopher Hitchens | Richard Dawkins, Stephen Fry, Douglas...

The half-demented New Atheism Cult " War on Faith " does not advance what famous biologist Charles Darwin understood in the middle of the 19th century -the true origin of the species. I understand that the Catholic Church today does not have a " know nothing " attitude toward SCIENCE , even the BIG BANG ( which has its own cult of TRUE BELIEVERS ) . But the New Atheism Cult has a very definite , quite reactionary ,political agenda : Find one of the cult members loudly opposed to CAPITALISM, AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM ? Indeed , Christopher Hitchens , ex-Trotskyist ( not ex-alcoholic ) now departed , and no doubt enjoying the pristine NOTHINGNESS that created him , actually bragged about being a born again ZIONIST and even being part Jewish . Hitchens gave his whole hearted support to American imperialism's criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq ( the Devil became Islam ). When we lose traditional FAITH in God we can always worship some nation-state ! Also, none of the star power New Atheists care to protest the decades long WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ( and their mainstream new media ) based betrayal of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. I guess their SCIENCE has no need for a free discussion of Ideas & Opinions . Can you begin to create a mass movement of REASON by scolding and insulting and ridiculing BILLIONS of religious people on the this planet ? Are you in fact promoting a dictatorship -not of the proletariat ( or even of the bourgeoisie ) but of the eternally snobby INTELLECTUAL CLASS ? The biggest mistake of the Old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was declaring itself a godless , " officially atheist " tyranny ( and thereby poisoning the SOCIALIST idea for a century ) .

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Fwd: Investigate Cranston Public Housing - complying or no?

My friend Dave living Arlington,Mass.Public Housing says he has the same problem over there. Ron Ruggieri 75 Mathewson St Cranston Rhode Island (401 580-7432).

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From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 25, 2024, 7:42 AM
Subject: Investigate Cranston Public Housing - complying or no?
To: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>

Here at my Randall Manor apartment my thermostat will not read above 60 degrees in very cold weather. I doubt if this in an isolated problem.Try calling maintenance!

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Fwd: For Many Public Housing Residents, It’s Cold Inside, Too - The New York Times

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From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 24, 2024, 6:23 PM
Subject: For Many Public Housing Residents, It's Cold Inside, Too - The New York Times
To: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>

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We are weighed down by a vast criminal lumpenproletariat both foreign born and native.

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The very un -Platonic execution of the Greek philosopher Socrates

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Marxist scholar Evelyn Reed on men and women in women 's liberation.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Watch "Last Witness to President Abraham Lincoln Assassination I've Got A Secret" on YouTube

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Charismatic young assassin of CEO plutocrat."El Guapo"? Or "Bad Boy"?

Watch "How does Photosynthesis look like?" on YouTube

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Plant cells ALIVE and BEAUTIFUL under a microscope!

Transparent Aluminum: Because Regular Aluminum Just Wasn't Sci-Fi Enough

Fwd: Italy’s town of diaries: where ordinary people’s memoirs are salvaged and celebrated | Books | The Guardian

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From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 22, 2024, 6:54 AM
Subject: Italy's town of diaries: where ordinary people's memoirs are salvaged and celebrated | Books | The Guardian
To: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>

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Signs of intelligence in a person?

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The irrational hatred of new atheists | Racism | Al Jazeera

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Not enough that the Universe is ABSURD . HOMOSAPIENS must add CRAZINESS to it !

The crisis of global capitalism, American imperialism and Israeli Zionism is creating mass insanity and promoting individual psychosis. Not enough that the Universe is ABSURD as French writer Albert Camus viewed it. HOMO- SAPIENS, on our pale blue dot planet Earth , must add CRAZINESS to it ! Car slams into crowd at Christmas market | DW News [youtube.com Car slams into crowd at Christmas market | DW News A car was driven into a crowd of people at a Christmas market in the central German city of Magdeburg on Friday night. Two people have been killed, according...]

" The ZIONIST Jew censorship just removed my reply to you . The " democracy " of SCIENCE !

@ronruggieri9817 49 minutes ago How many of these New Atheist cult members would agree that the whole world would be better off without global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist ( never the " village atheist " ) am I paranoid in suspecting that our obnoxious , arrogant New Atheists are funded by " Deep State " ? No voice for world peace among them ? The late drunk Christopher Hitchens, for example - from Trotskyist to pro- imperialist , Zionist ! Reply Highlighted reply @wecoolwecoolbounce5191 21 minutes ago God didn't make the pills you take nor did he make you forget your dosage this morning Reply @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago @wecoolwecoolbounce5191 The ZIONIST Jew censorship just removed my reply to you . The " democracy " of SCIENCE !

Fwd: I did not take my pills today ?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 at 12:02
Subject: I did not take my pills today ?
To: Steve Ruggieri <s.ruggieri54@gmail.com>

1 reply
5 minutes ago
God didn't make the pills you take nor did he make you forget your dosage this morning
0 seconds ago
@wecoolwecoolbounce5191 That is an old STALINIST tactic recommended by ZIONIST Jew psychiatrists in the pay of American imperialism and APARTHEID Israel .

Lawmakers working to avoid government shutdown

With the possibility -presently delayed - of American military recruits having their paychecks suspended by " OUR democracy : perhaps they might reflect on just what " service " they are always being cloyingly thanked for ? " Thank you for you service " ? For WHAT ? For WHOM ? Your service to American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity ? To hard hearted CAPITALISM that will ignore you when you are homeless and on the brink of a mental breakdown ? Just contemplate the benevolence of our venerable TWO PARTY SYSTEM and our capitalist legal system where the JUST JUDGES rarely find fault with the workings of the PROFIT system . There must be some inherent wickedness in the poor and the working class , since they fill the jails in " OUR democracy " . But anyway American soldiers -paid or payless - " THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! "

Religion Is Still Evil - Richard Dawkins

Instead of WOKE WARRIOR Democrat drivel about RELIGION being evil , the New Atheist bigots should point to EVIL capitalism, evil MILITARISM , evil Israeli Zionism now committing genocide in Gaza , Palestine . The New Atheism seems to operate in collusion with secular ZIONIST Jews hell bent on starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran. Whatever they think about God and religion you would think that the oh-so-WOKE LIBERAL New Atheists could at least be a voice for PEACE ON EARTH . Just how SCIENTIFIC is all this WOKE nonsense which invariably insults the Christian Tradition of Western Civilization . How many vociferous and obnoxious New Atheists are defenders of the Free Speech , Free Thought tradition of Western Civilization ? As a long time independent democratic socialist I often wonder if the New Atheism is sponsored by " Deep State " USA in collusion with the secular elite of APARTHEID Israel .

Would We Be Better Off Without Religion? - Christopher Hitchens [2007] ✝...

How many of these New Atheist cult members would agree that the whole world would be better off without global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist ( never the " village atheist " ) am I paranoid in suspecting that our obnoxious , arrogant New Atheists are funded by " Deep State " ? No voice for world peace among them ? The late drunk Christopher Hitchens, for example - from Trotskyist to pro- imperialist , Zionist !

Paul Krugman’s dishonest apologetics for Ukrainian fascism - World Socialist Web Site

[ "Krugman finally gets to his real concern, late in the column. He writes: Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a malevolent actor, and friends of freedom everywhere have to hope that it will be thoroughly defeated. I wish I could say that the citizens of Western democracies, America in particular, were fully committed to Ukrainian victory and Russian defeat. In reality, while most Americans support aid to Ukraine, only a minority are willing to sustain that aid for as long as it takes. Viewing the conflagration from his multimillion-dollar Riverside Drive apartment, Krugman is one of the those “willing to sustain that aid for as long as it takes”—to fight to the very last Ukrainian. The view is altogether different for the masses of workers buckling under war-driven inflation and social austerity. " ] From the World Socialist Website

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From the World Socialist Website 

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Working class  "deplorables" love Bernie Sanders?

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Albert Camus was the first relevant writer -philosopher of my youth.

Friday, December 20, 2024

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The Nickel Boys - Wikipedia

Re: Screenshot (Dec 20, 2024 5:10:50 PM)

I will edit this truth back into my blog title,Steve.

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024, 5:16 PM Steve Ruggieri <s.ruggieri54@gmail.com> wrote:
Ron- I think Camus got it right!

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 8:13 PM Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com> wrote:

Re: Screenshot (Dec 20, 2024 5:10:50 PM)

Ron- I think Camus got it right!

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 8:13 PM Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com> wrote:

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Trump Suggests Canada Should Become the 51st State

What this longtime independent democratic socialist thinks is that the whole of North America, Mexico , Central America , and South America should be governed under one controlled branch of a WORLD GOVERNMENT . That global " system " could immediately ameliorate the nightmare mass migration crisis . It will establish " equilibrium " of population and resources throughout the whole region of disjointed nation-states. From a Darwinian point of view , no " fascist " government on earth can control stampeding mass movements of desperate human beings. Better luck blocking the Monarch butterflies !

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Paul Krugman on Retiring from NYT | Amanpo...

[@monah5532 " Thank you, Dr. Krugman, for sharing your insights, opinions and wisdom with so much decency and humanity for all these years. Wishing you all the best for this next chapter in your career. " ] Find a Nobel Prize winning economist who does not give whole hearted support to the ABCs of capitalism and openly rejects all forms of " socialism " as pernicious to the idea of " freedom " as construed by left-wing and right wing lawyers and judges interpreting the American Constitution ? True , you have to be still alive to get a Nobel Prize in Economics . But could not an exception be made for Karl Marx for his world shaking work " Das Kapital " ? So long ago the book explained lucidly ( with nearly Euclidean logic ) how the working class ( who do all the work ) end up owning virtually nothing and the capitalist class ( who do nothing ) end up owning virtually the whole world ? When I was in high school in the mid-Sixties Cold War Years students were allowed to study a sterilized ," dangerous " version of the Communist Manifesto ". But the " introduction " explained at length that Marx was all wrong about " OUR democracy " in the United States of America. You see, kids , we have a solid middle class and a mostly upwardly mobile working class . So do not hate the rich -just THINK RICH yourself ! Try reading " Looking Out for Number One " . So if there is hope today for upward mobility for the working class and " recovery " for the ruined middle class , it lies in THE LOTTERY ! NOTE : Can Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman not see that the homeless crisis in " OUR democracy " is on collision course with land-lord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights ?

Darwinism vs Creationism: A Debate On Truth & Evolution with Wendy Wright

I must ask the visible and vociferous leaders of the obnoxious New Atheism cult : So what if all you so very smart people cannot believe in God as described in ancient Judeo- Christian mythology ? ALL you seem to be TRUE BELIEVERS in irrational capitalism, barbaric imperialism , and godless Israeli Zionism ( the ZIONIST Jew inner circle is closer to the militant atheist, pro-capitalist philosopher Ayn Rand than to the Moses of the Old Testament ) . Let ONE of you tell me that you despise irrational capitalism and protest American imperialist , Israeli Zionist wars !

Government shutdown will cost troops their pay, Pentagon warns

Rank and file members of the armed forces may use their pay- free time to reconsider their much honored " service " to American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. All those cloying, ubiquitous " THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE " comments good for stirring up war fever in " OUR democracy " for nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Their real source ? The direct beneficiaries of YOUR " service " - the capitalist ruling class. Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? ". NOTE : You can count on the ZIONIST Jew censorship in " OUR democracy " to be very diligent about blocking American public opinion that is not brainlessly pro-war and fatuously pro-APARTHEID Israel . I share all my YouTube posts on Facebook ( 5000 friends ) and on my blog ( approaching a MILLION views ) .

Tribal violence comes naturally to chimpanzees

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All the bourgeois governments of NATO boiling over from war fever.But the working class in any country is not consulted.

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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Putin taunts the West over Russia’s hypersonic missile capability in new...

I like what I just read on the World Socialist Website : [ "Kirillov is the highest ranking member of any nuclear-armed military to have ever been assassinated. The murder was striking not only for its brazenness but for the degree to which the US and British media and political establishment have openly defended it. The killing of a military leader outside of a battlefield in a terrorist bombing is, under international law, classified as an act of “perfidy” and is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions. " ] Will there be a referendum in " OUR democracy " for a YES or NO vote on nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? But I guess it is not what WE THE PEOPLE think that counts. It is what " DEEP STATE " ( the shadowy government of American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity ) wants . Could those mysterious drones flying over US airports (and causing 1938 radio program " War of the Worlds " panic) be part of THEIR preparations for a NATO invasion of Russia ? And will stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago " sell " to a post 2024 Election American public now quite cynical on the credibility of the " FAKE NEWS " ( Trump 's phrase ) mainstream news media ? Once again MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR PLUTOCRACY ?

CVS hit with lawsuit, accused of unlawfully filling opioid prescriptions

[ Why was my chosen word " stupid " crossed out ? Does that phrase " violate community guidelines " ?] In general, we would live in a saner society if all aspects of the jackass WAR ON DRUGS were to go on retreat . To be sure , the prescription drugs daily advertised on our venerable TV news stations should not be promoted in these too often meretricious and very stupid commercials ( they reek of charlatanry ! ). On the other hand PAIN medicine is becoming too puritanically regulated. Are competent medial doctors now hesitant to prescribe the most standard pain medicine even to 92 year old ladies with excruciating arthritis ? Let her take good old Tylenol! But read today's alarming headlines about " safe " Tylenol ? Extreme pain untreated with EFFECTIVE pain medicine could easily lead to despair and suicide . Why not just let medical doctors just THINK FOR THEMSELVES rather than intimidate them with fear of losing their state license ? I am hearing complaints of the sick and wretched elderly all over . In general, the American health care system stinks . And ballyhooed OBAMACARE in no way established health care in " OUR democracy " as a basic human right .

LIVE: House Votes on Crucial Communism Teaching Act (H.R. 5349)

While American imperialism and Israeli Zionism are ganging up ( insane preparation for nuclear World War III ? ) on POST-COMMUNIST Russia the House , representing " OUR democracy ", fatuously votes on " Crucial Communism Teaching Act " an action right out of the notorious McCarthy era in American history. And yet given the deplorable state of the nation's public schools , just how effective can it be ? While the American working class and lower middle class figure much higher in the last four years ( under the WOKE WARRIOR Biden-Harris administration ) on the venerable MISERY INDEX the American ruling class would command public school teachers to instruct their pupils on the BENEVOLENT nature of the capitalist system. What the wicked Karl Marx called EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION is nothing of the sort. OUR millionaires and billionaires are a gift to us ordinary people of that FREEDOM and EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW which the American Constitution protects . And for years now the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats and the MAGA Trump Republicans have insisted that our " FREE SPEECH " celebrate our plutocrat overlords . NO FREE SPEECH for commies ! Do not expect the mainstream news media to explain " communism " and " socialism " in any way not approved by the capitalist ruling class. As wicked Karl Marx said a long long time ago : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". In essence what working class high school kids have to know about OUR economic system is that " THE CAPITALIST IS A CAPITALIST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WORKING CLASS ! ". Remember that on those PASS or FAIL exams for kids with a low attention span. Also remember how organized labor and vicious strikes are a mortal threat to the very idea of FREEDOM USA !

Ukraine says it assassinated top Russian general

I like what the World Socialist Website said about the WAR CRIME recently : [ "On Tuesday, the Ukrainian secret service assassinated Igor Anatolyevich Kirillov, the Russian lieutenant general in charge of its nuclear and chemical defense forces, in a terrorist bombing outside his home in Moscow. Kirillov is the highest ranking member of any nuclear-armed military to have ever been assassinated. The murder was striking not only for its brazenness but for the degree to which the US and British media and political establishment have openly defended it. The killing of a military leader outside of a battlefield in a terrorist bombing is, under international law, classified as an act of 'perfidy' and is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions. But this flagrant war crime was hailed by the British and American media. The Times of London called it a “legitimate act of defense” in a lead editorial, while the Telegraph called it “ingenious” and the Wall Street Journal 'audacious' ] How many young people from working class CHRISTIAN backgrounds can American imperialism ( and Israeli Zionism ) along with its subservient NATO allies - all regimes of the capitalist bourgeoisie - recruit for nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Do stupid , ignorant, low IQ, easily brainwashed, brutes make effective ground combat troops ?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Stephen King's Post on Trump Potentially Losing Election Goes Viral

I recall a younger Stephen King writing somewhere in "Danse Macabre " that a really good HORROR STORY should work to turn you into a conservative Republican. The last four years of Bidden Harris and their WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party was that HORROR STORY for a now popular vote victory for Donald Trump. Biden's self proclaimed legacy : HE left us with a better country than four years earlier ? Really ? As a long time independent democratic socialist I presented a write-in vote for the ghost of Eugene V. Debs here on Election Day in Cranston, Rhode Island. Debs was five times Socialist Party candidate for president of the United States, his last campaign organized out of a jail cell in " OUR democracy " . Apart from his completely understandable scorn for Trump , what political sagacity does the popular horror writer , Stephen King, show by slobbering over equally FASCIST minded WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ? Professional writers should be very concerned about the state of the Free Speech, Free Thought tradition of Western Civilization ? Is that DNC based WOKE is all about ? Is that what the ZIONIST Jew controlled main stream news media has been protecting for decades now ?

USA News LIVE: Pentagon Rules Out Threats From Multiple Drone Sightings ...

You would think that if this is not " Deep State " intrigue , some members of Biden's WOKE WARRIOR government would appeal to CIVILIAN drone pilots to identify themselves and assure the public that there is no sinister intention with the drones that are scaring people into panic .

Around The World in 1900 Colorized (60fps) India, London, New York, Chin...

We are ALL just a moment in TIME too often prisoner of our own EGO !

Why America Can’t Break Free from Israel

Two very dubious allies of " OUR democracy " USA : the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Do 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in the United States support nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran to make the world safe not for " democracy " but for these maniacs ? BILLIONS of dollars of American taxpayer money can serve a more saner , more constructive purpose. Also routed in Election 2024 , besides the Kamala Harris -Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, was the credibility of the mainstream news media. Stale Wilsonian blather, that was false more than a century ago, will not rally the masses here for another stupid war . Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT- CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " The daily censorship of American public opinion in " OUR democracy " is despicable to decent human beings everywhere.

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Another war crime of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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Wisdom of ancient Greece 

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More wisdom from Demosthenes 

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Great quote from the famous Greek orator Demosthenes

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John Barry (1933-2011) - The Midnight Cowboy Theme

A great scene in this movie sums up a very conservative right wing view of " loneliness " as an excuse for misbehavior -very funny with a grain of truth in it : O'DANIEL [ "But I'll bet you got one thing in common with them other boys. I'll bet you're lonesome. JOE Well, not too, I mean, a little. O'Daniel rises suddenly in a fury of self-righteousness, pacing, his voice simpering, whining sarcastically. O'DANIEL I'm lonesome. I'm lonesome so I'm a drunk. I'm lonesome so I'm a dope fiend. I'm lonesome so I'm a thief, a fornicator, a whore-monger. Poop, I say, poop! I've heard it all and I'm sick of it, sick to death. JOE Yessir, I can see that. O'DANIEL Lonesomeness is something you take. You bear? Dammit, you take it and go about your business, that's all. " ]

Biden Claims He's Leaving the United States "In a Better Place" Than Fou...

What incredible self-delusion ! The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party administration of corrupt , senile , Joe Biden and daffy Kamala Harris has left the country ( meaning the American working class and the American lower middle class )" in a better place " than four years ago? But alas, under MAGA-REPUBLICAN President Donald Trump " OUR democracy " will finally recommend itself to the whole world eager for PEACE on Earth , TRUTH , JUSTICE , and the AMERICAN WAY ! So out of touch with REALITY are these TWO PARTY system representatives of Corporate America that it truly borders on collective insanity. A book I read years ago ( in the " Tumultuous Sixties " ) by American socialist humanist psychiatrist Erich Fromm titled " The Sane Society " is still even more relevant today . Does not " capitalist alienation " explain most of the totally irrational violence reported daily in the news media ?

Ukraine says it killed Russian general in Moscow blast | BBC News

American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " pretends that it can stir up war fever against POST-COMMUNIST Russia ( as a start ) among mostly working class and lower middle class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy ". And with potent propaganda -like stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? " Make the world safe for democracy " once again and mostly for the likes of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? The MISERY INDEX in capitalist USA among working class and lower middle class Americans is rising faster than the Wall St. Stock Market. Just what WE THE PEOPLE need : nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST RUSSIA, Islamic Iran , throw in North Korea and even little Venezuela. You can count on the bravado of American and Israeli fighter-bomber pilots - always dropping war crime bombs on the mostly civilian " enemy " and rarely risking their own casualties. How many brainwashed recruited combat troops can be assembled to occupy the ( radioactive ? )capitals of Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China ? Do the American plutocracy and the Israeli Zionists imagine that they can replace the present leaders of the " Axis of Evil " with lackeys subservient to Washington and Tel Aviv ? And countless MILLIONS of THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD can be terrorized into abject submission ? Vietnam taught the American ruling class no lessons ? Just imagine those ticker tape parades in New York City right on " The Day After " !

Ouaga 2000: The Richest Residential District In Burkina Faso, "Where The...

humblelion496 4 months ago BBC and France24 wont show the world how beautiful Burkina Faso is @InoKun-lu5ef 3 months ago Wow, I love your content, and thank you for showing us this beautiful city. We Africans have to become positive ambassadors of our countries and continent. Thanks again.

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Sleepwalking into nuclear World War III?

Monday, December 16, 2024

2 charged for flying drone 'dangerously close' to Logan Airport

All we need now is THE RADIO BROADCAST for total panic : Like this one : [ " 'The War of the Worlds' was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air directed and narrated by Orson Welles as an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898) that was performed and broadcast live at 8 pm ET on October 30, 1938, over the CBS Radio Network. The episode is infamous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place..... " ] It simply must be " Deep State " intrigue. Law abiding civilians - most of them- would have the decency to let the public know that nothing sinister is intended.

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This simply must be "Deep State" intrigue- CLASSIFIED above all top secret from the American people!

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Is World War 3 on the horizon? | On Balance

War is a function of society's ruling class. World War III will be no different . Can the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " stir up war fever with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? With the misery index up for working class people and middle class people in capitalist USA, THEY are going to convince us that the leaders of these " Axis of Evil " countries just do not measure up to the high moral standards of either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Joe Biden or MAGA Republican Donald Trump ? Do not measure up to the high moral standards of our CIA , FBI, " Deep State ", Pentagon War Crimes Machine , the CEOs of our beloved military-industrial complex, to the high moral standards of the New York Times editorial board ? Hard for the US military to recruit for this lunacy of possible nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran ? Throw in China , North Korea , Venezuela ! Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " Thought Crime : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " Young Americans of recruitable age should ponder : " Count myself out of the next Great Crusade ? " To make the world safe for democracy ?

Drones over New Jersey: Crisis in our skies | NewsNation Special

Cannot the pilots of these drones have the courtesy to tell the American public : " NOPE , nothing sinister is going on up there ! "

An Evening with Richard Dawkins – Featuring Sam Harris – Night 1

Apart from his God Hating MAKE-A-BUCK obnoxious New Atheist road show, does biologist Richard Dawkins ever direct any of his critical thinking skills to the immediate crisis of civilization caused by decaying capitalism, reckless American imperialism, and forever belligerent Zionist APARTHEID Israel " ? The world is on the brink of nuclear World War III ! It does seem that ALL the New Atheism stars have sided with the chief oppressors of the world. The late alcoholic, ex-Trotskyist , Christopher Hitchens the outstanding example . Who cares about genocide in Gaza Palestine if the the Palestinian people are foolish enough to believe in the Koran ? When the World Court indicted the Zionist Jew Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity it left out the whole clique of enablers in " OUR democracy " : The president of the United State, Joe Biden , his vice-president Kamala Harris, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland . What does PURE REASON of SCIENCE say about these villains ? " HUMAN EQUALITY DOES NOT EXIST - how capitalism poisons everything " Like the charlatan Christian TV evangelists who advise us - with dollar signs in their eyes - to " get right with God , the equally enterprising New Atheists tell their adoring ticket buying fans- with remarkable chutzpah : " Get right with EVIL ! ". They must find profound relief in the thought of a Dostoevsky character : " If God does not exist , then everything is permitted " ( at least to the plutocrats and most COMFORTABLE people of the world ) . Why do so many very bourgeois " intellectuals ", falsely associated with the far- Left, think they can make this a happier, saner world by insulting BILLIONS of the world's religious people , Catholics , Protestants , Muslims, orthodox Jews ?. THAT -not SOCIALISM was the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union : making itself an " officially atheist " tyranny. I thought the New Atheists were fading away ! NOTE : the New Athist war on God has some interesting historic precedents in 19th century socialist movement when Marx and Engels were its towering figures : [ "Herr Dühring, however, cannot wait until religion dies this, its natural, death. He proceeds in more deep-rooted fashion. He out-Bismarcks Bismarck; he decrees sharper May laws [127] not merely against Catholicism, but against all religion whatsoever; he incites his gendarmes of the future against religion, and thereby helps it to martyrdom and a prolonged lease of life. Wherever we turn, we find specifically Prussian socialism. " ] [After Herr Dühring has thus happily destroyed religion, “man, made to rely solely on himself and nature, and matured in the knowledge of his collective powers, can intrepidly enter on all the roads which the course of events and his own being open to him” {D. Ph. 407}. ]