Thursday, June 1, 2023

Motor Mouth Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline distinguished himself by being in the very vanguard of WOKE in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party

MOTOR MOUTH Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline distinguished himself by being in very vanguard of WOKE in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. He was a sludge-hammer for the prosecution in the Trump Russia Collusion hearings . Since 2016 David Cicilline has promoted the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism . In his new role as CEO of this influential DEEP STATE Rhode Island Foundation David will safeguard the very diverse interests of the friends of APARTHEID Israel . No doubt anyone questioning HIS agenda in this pseudo-benevolent organization will be dismissed as one of those deplorable haters , even anti-Semitic . In Rhode Island the self-serving advocates of the homeless and the mentally ill will slobber over this oh-so-progressive LIBERAL Democratic . But nothing will change . How many useless people will be honored by bourgeois high society as HUMANITARIANS OF THE YEAR ? Is not the Rhode Island Democratic Party a lot like the old Stalinist Soviet Union without the " socialism " ?

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