Monday, May 8, 2023

President Joe Biden a useful idiot for the ZIONIST Jew agenda in the United States , Israel, Ukraine

And the EXPLANATION for Biden's stubborn support within the US political Establishment ? Note that Biden's administration is packed with die hard friends of Israel , ZIONIST Jews . It does not matter what the American people think . What matters is what the Chuck Todd and the New York Times think. In corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden they have THEIR useful idiot ! This also true of the arrogant promotion of the WOKE agenda in the nation's public schools . Even in the military . It seems that " OUR democracy " arrives at the ironical position of disassociating itself with the fundamental principle : MAJORITY RULE . What matters here is what the LBGTQ " community " wants supported by the latest findings of secular ZIONIST Jew " science ". ( boys are girls ! )Persecute all public school teachers bold enough to dissent . Persecute dissenting parents and wink at our ZIONIST Jew Attorney General branding them " terrorists " right out of the McCarthy Era ( when not a few intellectual Jews , back then loyal to communist Moscow instead of Zionist APARTHEID Israel , were also persecuted ) . [ CRITICAL RACE THEORY " A.G. Merrick Garland Tells FBI To Investigate Parents Who Yell at School Officials About Critical Race Theory School boards want some perturbed parents branded domestic terrorists. "]

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