Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Celebrating post-Christmas , early New Years Eve , Brother John's birthday at niece Beth's house in Seekonk , Rhode Island
Usually shy Elie entertained family members while we were having a post-Christmas , early New Years Eve celebration at my niece Beth's house in Seekonk , RI ; also celebrating my brother John's 63 rd birthday which falls on December 24 - a bit of a loss for John. Mom always told us not to forget youngest brother John's birthday on Christmas Eve. Since my father, Domenic Ruggieri, was back in 1960 a local radio celeb ( " Don Rogers", radio station WEAN , Providence , Rhode Island ) Johnny's birth was announced on radio and noted in Pop's rather impressive fan mail . As a baby brother John did resemble our living room picture of the Christ Child. Even with a little too much wine in him Johnny is still a " Good Fella ".
Now with AI and advanced computer technology the MAD EMPEROR of Ancient Rome , Nero , winks at me !
The " ancients " were mostly very young back then and the cities of Rome and Athens were new , fresh and beautiful . As it does with we humans TIME mocks and leaves them in ruins ! A wonderful creative idea especially for young students of Ancient History : an aerial view of the recreated SHINING CITY that was Ancient Rome. I also like the vividly revived faces of all those Roman emperors - some evil , some good, many quickly murdered by inner circle intrigue. But all so HUMAN faces . But of course they were just HUMAN BEINGS . If we could really go back in time , what would we expect to see ?
Nero winks at me !
American Secretary of State Antony Blinken will soon be as popular in the big world as his ZIONIST Jew war criminal mentor Henry Kissinger ( recall Vietnam and Chile )
ZIONIST Jew American Secretary of State Antony Blinken will soon be as popular in the big world as his ZIONIST Jew war criminal mentor Secretary of State now sleeping the sleep of the just , no doubt (recall Vietnam and Chile ) Henry Kissinger. But the Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews as is his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. TV ads now have them championing FREE SPEECH ( especially for sex education in the 3rd grade ! ) but for years now they have betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. They are pillars of censorship of anti-war ,anti -ZIONISM American public opinion.
Most working class CHRISTIANS in the USA have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . In Gaza , Palestine the genocide is the work of Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
There is a crisis in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM of capitalist America
There is a crisis in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM of capitalist America. Neither party can even pretend to represent the working class majority . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is trying to use effete States Rights arguments , shyster lawyers, and shamelessly partisan judges to keep Donald Trump - the clear leader in the polls -off the ballot in the 2024 presidential election. This shows complete contempt for at least half the voters in " OUR democracy " .
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I give critical support to INDEPENDENT " Profile in Courage " Robert F. Kennedy Jr. .
The warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky started a totally senseless war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
The warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky started a totally senseless war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Ordinary working class Ukrainians -millions now refugees in Poland ( when will the WELCOME wear out ? ) - were longing for membership in effete NATO ?
It does seem that Zelensky's " Greater Israel " agenda for Ukraine is going up in smoke. But he said that he wants HIS Ukraine to resemble APARTHEID Israel . Whatever, Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever in crimes against humanity -like presently genocide in Gaza , Palestine.
What passes for " OUR democracy " is not consulted on these wars. The Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews as is Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. Senate leader Chuck Schumer said a while back that he wants to be " guardian angel of Israel ". Do not expect the New York Times to mock him on this. Any " guardian angel " in the Congress for US border with Mexico ? I will forward this post to the New York Times and the Boston Globe.
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Friday, December 29, 2023
" OUR democracy " and Zionist APARTHEID Israel's has so much wisdom to teach these AXIS of EVIL countries !
Zionist APARTHEID Israel -together forever with American imperialism in crimes against humanity , like genocide in Gaza , Palestine - has so much to teach these AXIS OF EVIL countries about the wisdom of " OUR democracy ". In the USA we have had a whiff of this " democracy " for years now .. What more democratic perfection than Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump ? But inspired by stale Wilsonian blather, we can once again " make the world safe for democracy " !
Zelensky's agenda for " Greater Israel " Ukraine seems to be going up in smoke
The warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky's agenda for " Greater Israel " Ukraine seems to be going up in smoke . Were ordinary working class Ukrainians living in misery before the war and languishing with a longing for membership in NATO ? What a stupid war ! Again, American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity like genocide in Gaza , Palestine.. Risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Is that what " OUR democracy " really wants ?
In response to the migrant crisis AI can PLAN a CONTINENTAL GOVERNMENT
It is necessary to interview these migrant people as INDIVIDUALS:: Could they possibly have any agenda besides ending extreme desperation ? Perhaps we need to consider a CONTINENTAL government to deal with the New Reality ? AI -thank God - can PLAN this !
Old Karl Marx was right about THE LAW in capitalist democracy : It is never above the POLITICS of the ruling class
Old Karl Marx was right about THE LAW in bourgeois capitalist democracy . It is never above the POLITICS of the ruling class. True , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party no longer connects " OUR democracy " with any respect for MAJORITY RULE . In 2020 Donald Trump received 75 million votes ?
After Black slavery there was Black WAGE SLAVERY as described by Karl Marx back in 1848
I remember in a high school history class in Providence , Rhode Island ( circa 1965 ) that the Civil War did not break out immediately after Northern abolitionists had a heartfelt conviction that slavery was EVIL . There was the issue of UNION . WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are very sanctimonious on the long past issue of Black slavery. When the Southern Black slaves were finally FREE the Northern capitalists embraced them with what Karl Marx way back in 1848 accurately described as WAGE SLAVERY .
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Jack London one of America's true literary giants . When the " socialist " Jack London wrote " The Iron Heel " , a novel describing the coming of FASCISM in the USA - the Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky was very impressed and wrote a review . It does seem that larger than life Jack London died of hopeless alcoholism at the age of 40 .
Like our world famous, Providence , Rhode Island horror writer H.P. Lovecraft , Jack London himself entertained disturbing " fascist " ideas. Not a few men of genius have a divided personality. Whenever I am at the bus stop in Kennedy Plaza, Providence I am reminded of London's book " The People of the Abyss ". Many of his short stories -like " To Light a Fire " - describe the cruel Darwinian struggle for existence .
The OPEN MIND is also a virtue !
I recommend this CREATIONIST video as science literacy must recognize science ILLITERACY camouflaged as objective science. BUT I do not think that SCIENCE has all the answers and the argument from DESIGN for a CREATOR of US and the Universe does not deserve to be scoffed at. Must respect for LIFE and everyday MORALITY have a metaphysical foundation ? Does dogmatic MATERIALISM in science also lead to crackpot " wisdom " or even pure EVIL ?
In any case, I would never pass judgment on thoughtful individuals who insist on EVIDENCE for any heartfelt belief .
DEATH is the reward for any serious flaw in DNA . Billions of years of YES and NO events just might explain even the wonder of the human brain.
Nature can also be DUMB ! It knows how to make a brain of genius . It does not " know " how to heal Alzheimer's disease. Or even try ?
Still FAITH is FAITH and REASON is REASON . The open mind is also a virtue !
TRADE SCHOOLS must not be victims of class snobbery
I just viewed this story on the TV evening news. One factor is pernicious WOKE ideology and indoctrination which has nothing to do with solid education credentials even in LIBERAL arts. Separation of theory and practice mass produces useless " brains " or brainless robots . A good idea : school should never be isolated from available JOBS. With modern computer and Internet resources what passes for formal EDUCATION should not make you a financial cripple for decades. Young people with talent for Science and Medicine should get FREE tuition as long as they maintain their grades. That should help the doctor shortage . TRADE SCHOOLS must not be victims of class snobbery .
The mainstream news media will never succeed in making Zionist APARTHEID Israel " well liked " in " OUR democracy "
The warmonger embezzler, ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky , would be president of " Greater Israel " Ukraine , is not " well liked " by working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " USA. It is not enough for an ally to be liked . He must be WELL LIKED .. Which is also true of Willie Loman in Arthur Miller's famous play " Death of a Salesman ".
The mainstream news media in the United States will never succeed in making Zionist APARTHEID Israel " well liked " here.
Young Americans embracing Osama bin Laden " letter " is an over-correction to ZIONIST Jew censorship of TRUTH
Puzzling young American reaction to the Osama bin Laden letter is easily explained : it is an over-correction to ZIONIST Jew censorship of TRUTH about Israeli Zionism together forever with American imperialism in crimes against humanity, like the present horrific genocide in Gaza, Palestine.. The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, dominated by Zionists ' has no chance in the 2024 American presidential election.
What will happen by Election Day 2024 in the USA ? Tell this to Randy Weingarten , president of the American Federation of Teachers
What will happen by Election Day 2024 in the USA ? 100 million working class CHRISTIANS will recover their FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT rights from the ZIONIST Jew imposed censorship of American public opinion in many areas : from Israeli Zionism and the genocide in Gaza , Palestine to WOKE ideology in our public schools.
NOTE : " Critical Race Theory ", popular with teacher unions , is not applied to APARTHEID Israel. Ask Randy Weingarten president of the American Federation of Teachers.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Perhaps the very idea of the NATION STATE must be reformed ?
What is the connection between American imperialism and the conditions in these neighboring countries that create PANIC migration ? Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X would say that this too was " chickens coming home to roost ".
From the perspective of democratic socialism the very Idea of the NATION STATE must be reformed. What we really need here is a CONTINENTAL GOVERNMENT which through rational planning creates EQUILIBRIUM in movements across borders. SPANISH - which is one of the great languages of Western Civilization - is already the second language of the United States. Any ATM will tell you that. All that is needed is a little more social imagination.
It is time to cancel TALK RADIO !
My own experience over the years with local TALK RADIO ( mostly 630 WPRO ) here in Rhode Island is this : on most issues it is WOKE WARRIOR Democrat with a secular ZIONIST Jew point of view prevailing . Oddly enough, they never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel.
But right wing or left wing any serious criticism of Israel or American militarism is taboo. But most annoying is that ALL the talk radio celebs invariably slobber over their program sponsors. Which itself hints at corruption. We do live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . A talk radio host who slobbers over shoddy products and services can hardly be taken seriously as a voice for sanity in the community.. What passes for PUBLIC OPINON can get distorted on ALL radio talk show programs. The host controls the mike in the manner of a bully not a moderator . Also mostly fans and sound bite driveling , ,think alike air heads call the show, Our top radio celeb, Gene Valicenti , calls them his pet " seagulls ". Their opinions are compared on air to gull droppings ! . How endearing to any listener who might appreciate serious FREE SPEECH public debate.,
In short , I think it is time to cancel TALK RADIO. . It has become both effete and useless and dangerously reckless in its meretricious commercials seasoned with the personal slobbering touch of the talk radio celebs themselves. PUBLIC OPINION must divorce itself from the priorities of Corporate America.
I resent unelected guardians of " OUR democracy " telling WE THE PEOPLE who we can't vote for
As a long time independent democratic socialist I resent un-elected guardians of " OUR democracy " - including many shyster lawyers and judges connected to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party- telling WE THE PEOPLE who we can't vote for. I myself favor with critical support that true " Profile in Courage " Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. , perhaps the lesser of the lesser evils.
The homeless pandemic in the FREE WORLD is inseparable from landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights
The homeless pandemic in the FREE WORLD is inseparable from the landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Very few of the Democratic Party attached " advocates " for homeless Americans talk about THE SYSTEM being the root of the evil. We democratic socialists have understood this for years.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Iran would be rather foolish not to want its own nuclear arsenal
Israeli Zionism together forever with American imperialism bully the world with their GENOCIDAL nuclear weapons . Iran would be rather foolish not to want its own nuclear arsenal. But Iran is not on the high moral level of corrupt Joe Biden and thug Benjamin Netanyahu ?
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever in crimes against humanity like GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine
American imperialism ruined Iraq two decades ago. Does it expect GOOD WILL toward " OUR democracy " to prevail in the region ? Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever in crimes against humanity like presently GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine. In ' OUR democracy " the principle of MAJORITY RULE is becoming a joke.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
A US Congress that truly represented us would NOT give one more cent to Israel
A while back the war criminal president of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu was slobbered over by assembled Congress of the United States. Today - still together forever with American imperialism - his Zionist APARTHEID Israel is the most hated country on the planet. The ordinary working class people of the world - Christians and Muslims-alike- have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine is no way assure " Never Again " . A Congress that truly represented us would not give one more cent to Israel .
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet
Zionist APARTHEID Israel together forever with American imperialism is making itself the most hated country on the planet . As if GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine is the best way to assure " Never Again ". Working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are revolted by this crime against humanity. And we are very much aware of CENSORSHIP of anti-war , anti-Zionism public opinion here.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
A SANE " socialist " society will not outlaw God !
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see the EVIL of the old Soviet Union as unnecessary and brutal totalitarianism and the ridiculous; persecution of RELIGION organized or just there in the heart of human beings. OFFICIAL ATHEISM was a monstrous mistake from the beginning . What was not a mistake : the idea of SOCIALISM replacing greedy capitalism based on the exploitation and oppression of the working class. In the over-idolized USA " OUR democracy " still reeks of lies and brutality and crackpot militarism. I have a " margin of hope " for a sane society. Which will certainly NOT outlaw God . And think MATTER IN MOTION can replace the human soul.
NOTE : Was not Joseph Stalin in his day considered " a splendid Georgian " by Lenin himself ?
You can be sure that most working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are not waving Israeli flags
As a longtime democratic socialist I can only commend the Squad's collective " Profile in Courage " voice against Israeli Zionism and American imperialism GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine. I hope they can initiate a congressional investigation into ZIONIST Jew controlled CENSORSHIP of American public opinion in " OUR democracy ". You can be sure that most working class CHRISTIANS in this country are not waving Israeli flags. While BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies boldly wave Palestinian flags.
The Biden administration is packed with pro-Israel members as is his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. The thug leader Netanyahu in Israel and the warmonger embezzler Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine are not very well liked among ordinary working class people around the world. . MASS UNPOPULARITY does have consequences in the real world.
" OUR democracy " cannot just shut out former president Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential election.
The number of shyster lawyers loyal to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party out " to get Trump " is too noticeable. As a democratic socialist I do not see how " OUR democracy " can shut out former president Donald Trump- the clear leader in polls- from the 2024 presidential election. Presently I favor Robert F. Kennedy Jr with " critical support " .
Friday, December 22, 2023
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet . Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine - together forever with American imperialism - is no way to assure " Never Again ". The working class people of the world - more and more working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " - have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. No affection here for the thug war criminal Netanyahu in Israel or the warmonger , embezzler Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are getting sick of warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew Zelensky
Working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are getting sick of the warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew president of " Greater Israel " Ukraine V. Zelensky. His dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. No mystery that American imperialism's military has a severe recruiting problem.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
" OUR democracy " and MAJORITY RULE cancelled by will of the DNC ?
WOKE WARRIOR Democrat President Joe Biden thinks it is self-evident that Donald Trump instigated INSURRECTION in the USA. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think this not nearly so self-evident as the senility , corruption, and creepiness of " Sleepy Joe " Biden - of the TEAM Joe Biden & Son.
State's rights and hack Democratic Party owned judges can nullify the political will of 75 + MILLION Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 ?
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party acts more and more as if a fundamental principle of democracy MAJORITY RULE has been cancelled by will of the DNC .
Not nearly so self-evident as the senility and corruption of " Sleepy Joe " Biden !
Not nearly as self-evident as the corruption , senility , and creepiness of " Sleepy Joe Biden . And not nearly so self- evident as Joe Biden backed GENOCIDE in Gaza Palestine by Zionist APARTHEID Israel . Not nearly so self-evident as Joe Biden being REJECTED for re-election in the presidential campaign in 2024.
What do 75 MILLION + Americans who voted for Trump have to say about the state of " OUR democracy " under the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ?
I am a longtime independent democratic socialist possibly leaning toward RFK Jr. for president in 2024.
The number of SHYSTER lawyers and judges out to " Get Trump " is quite remarkable
On the whole the number of SHYSTER lawyers and judges out to " Get Trump " and connected to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is remarkable. They are out of touch even with the bourgeois democratic principle of MAJORITY RULE. They will never get " Sleepy Joe " Biden re-elected in 2024 president of the United States. There is , however , a general crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM on the brink of meltdown in " OUR democravcy ".
Boston -for me THE BEST CITY in the United States
As a lifelong resident of nearby Rhode Island I have always enjoyed my occasional visits to for me THE BEST CITY in the United States. In general , the BIG CITY is a product of the COLLECTIVE genius , energy , know how, remarkable skills of the diverse PEOPLE.. I hope Boston remains a magnificent city under whatever government for centuries to come. Unlike New York City ,which is also a WONDER OF THE WORLD , I never feel nightmarishly LOST in friendly Boston. Now and then I would get on a train at the Providence Station , arrive in Boston less than an hour later and just walk around THE COMMON on a nice spring day. And also nice to get back to MY city of Providence , Rhode Island honored by world famous horror writer H.P. Lovecraft : " I AM PROVIDENCE : . MY city does have its virtues even apart from legendary Federal Hill.
Be back next spring to beautiful Boston !
WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party relies more and more on State's Rights and political hack judges to promote its elitist agenda
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am appalled by the state of Colorado attempting to deprive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ( 75 MILLION votes in 2020 ) of a place in " OUR democracy ". More and more the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party relies -oddly enough - on STATE's RIGHTS and political hack judges to promote its agenda, which has nothing to do with WE THE PEOPLE popular democracy .
Arrogant of the state of Colorado to deprive 75 MILLION vote winner ( 2020 ) Donald Trump of a place in " OUR democracy "
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think ALL our presidential elections within the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM are rigged in favor of the Corporate America, the ruling class , the American plutocracy . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has lost respect even for the fundamental principle of MAJORITY RULE. More and and more -oddly enough -it relies on STATE's RIGHTS and political hack judges to promote its agenda. In 2020 Republican candidate Donald Trump received 75 MILLION + votes. It is arrogant for the state of Colorado to think it can deprive Trump ( way ahead in all polls ) even of participation in the 2024 presidential election. What is about to meltdown is the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. Nothing now can save the Joe Biden presidency in 2024 .
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Having " FUN " in Phuket, Thailand's " CRAZY NIGHTLIFE "
" CRAZY NIGHTLIFE in Phuket , Thailand could well have been a place " visited " in the French poet Charles Baudelaire 's poem " Flowers of Evil " . The lure of sick decadence always high on sin . The " Conqueror Worm " awaits these compulsive joy seekers . No real cure for BOREDOM in moral decay.of SPENT youth .A " Carnival of Souls " horror show every night in Phuket , Thailand.. Laughter understood only in Hell ! With a dark doomed ring to it - crazed drug addiction and alcoholism. The loneliness of the circumscribed " I " floating aimlessly in the absolute zero of intergalactic space.. But have FUN !
You would think that such appalling hygiene in street food preparation would lead to Great Plague mortality statistics every month. What is the educational level here ? We must not hurt the feelings of FILTHY PEOPLE ? Even under the most horrendous UNHEALTHY conditions CAPITAL makes a HEALTHY Profit !
Nothing can save the Joe Biden presidency in 2014
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think ALL our presidential elections within the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM are rigged in favor of the Corporate America, the ruling class , the American plutocracy . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has lost respect even for the fundamental principle of MAJORITY RULE. More and and more -oddly enough -it relies on STATE's RIGHTS and political hack judges to promote its agenda. In 2020 Republican candidate Donald Trump received 75 MILLION + votes. It is arrogant for the state of Colorado to think it can deprive Trump ( way ahead in all polls ) even of participation in the 2024 presidential election. What is about to meltdown is the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. Nothing now can save the Joe Biden presidency in 2024 .
Not even the most " progressive " of the Democrats talks about a SYSTEM problem here
Intelligent social critics of American society see that the exponentially growing homeless population crisis is on collision course with legally sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Yet the TWO PARTY SYSTEM makes even the vocabulary of social SCIENCE taboo. Not even the most " progressive " of the Democrats talks about a SYSTEM problem here.
Apart from explaining homelessness Marxism ALONE offers a rational explanation of capitalist profit making . It all based on the EXPLOITATION of the working class including " middle class " brain workers. Also 19th century physical science established the well known principle of CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ( you can't get something from nothing ! ).
How long can this IRRATIONAL system of capitalism hang on ? It has been moribund for more than a century . And we are not entering another " American Century "
Monday, December 18, 2023
Stale Wilsonian blather applied to making the world safe for belligerent ZIONIST Jews in Israel and in Ukraine and in " OUR democracy " ?
A good thing is that US military recruiters have a serious recruiting problem attracting even young half-wits to fight for " OUR democracy " vs. all those NON-NATO ( ? ) countries that don't live up to the high ethical standards of our Democratic and Republican politicians. What high moral principle will nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia be fought over ? " OUR democracy " aside , how many young people would be eager to fight along the warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine or the thug war criminal ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel , now engaged in genocide in Gaza , Palestine ?
The whole working class CHRISTIAN world is sick of the ZIONIST Jew agenda in Ukraine and in Gaza , Palestine ( genocide ) . Sick of the warmonger embezzler Zelensky in Ukraine and of the thug war criminal Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel. And sick of together forever Israeli Zionism and American imperialism .
Sunday, December 17, 2023
This latest Catholic Church scandal shows how the New World Order Church is completely integrated into global capitalism . It has completely alienated itself from the " Body of Christ ". Today it even slobbers over Zionist APARTHEID Israel. CORRUPTION can never uncorrupt itself. It belongs to Satan !
A remarkable American journalist Christ Hedges lectures on genocide in Gaza, Palestine
An excellent, informative, and extremely moving presentation of Israeli genocide in Gaza - together forever with American imperialism - by the remarkable American journalist Chris Hedges. Although it is now past 4:00 AM in Rhode Island I felt compelled to listen to the whole lecture -and follow up. I will share this lecture video on Facebook and my personal blog.
I recall protesting the Vietnam War more than 55 years ago. I am still shaken by the EVIL in the world.. And it does have a RATIONAL explanation ( CAPITALISM & IMPERIALISM & ZIONISM ) .
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Saturday, December 16, 2023
I pass by and film a Pro-Palestine demonstration in front of Providence City Hall , Saturday , Dec. 16. 2023
Returning to Kennedy Plaza bus stop today around 11:30 AM I encountered this Pro-Palestine demonstration in front of the Christmas tree display at Providence City Hall. I caught some of the speech on my camera phone . I was struck by the sign saying : " STOP CENSORING MEDIA
Nobody in a SANE SOCIETY will be awarded MILLIONS in a slander lawsuit
Nobody in a SANE SOCIETY ( democratic socialist ) will be awarded MILLIONS in a slander lawsuit. Also, in a democratic socialist country nobody will have MILLIONS to lose in the law courts . And NOBODY will be allowed to become filthy rich by exploiting and oppressing working class people.
Whatever is left of the legal profession will not get rich defending landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Or get wealthy from DIVORCE cases. There will be no plutocratic elite to wine , dine , entertain and CORRUPT our SUPREME COURT ( or whatever is left of that bourgeois legal institution ).
Zionist APARTHEID Israel-together forever with American imperialism- is making itself the most hated country on the planet. Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is an insane way to assure " Never Again ". The conscience of the world has no trouble distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. The thug leader of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu gets no respect from working class CHRISTIAN Americans . Of course , ZIONISM lover Joe Biden and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party do not take note of this. Reply
Friday, December 15, 2023
Fwd: A civil dialogue on " socialism " , Steve
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 at 22:15
Subject: A civil dialogue on " socialism " , Steve
To: Steve Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 at 22:15
Subject: A civil dialogue on " socialism " , Steve
To: Steve Ruggieri <>
Why don't you just go ahead and book a one way ticket to China? And make sure to surrender your passport once you arrive.
The problem with communist China right now is that it is not COMMUNIST enough. There is a need for serious REFORM here. @leighc2982
What will happen to the legal profession when there is no more PRIVATE PROPERTY to fight over ?
In a democratic socialist society nobody will be awarded MILLIONS for defamation of character. Nobody will possess that much money to lose in a law suit. . A victim of slander will have to settle for an apology and for published TRUTH that vindicates him or her.
Bourgeois LAW is truly irrational . In a democratic socialist society THE LAW will never make you prosperous. Nor will exploiting the working class.
Also LUCKY people must forget about keeping their LOTTERY WINNINGS. Professional athletes will not be millionaires in FUTURE WORLD .
What will happen to the legal profession when there is no more PRIVATE PROPERTY to fight over ?
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever !
[ Why would they scratch out " and censorship of ANTI-WAR public opinion in " OUR democracy " ?]
When the passionate concern for millions around the world is Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine, the Congress passes a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on college campuses, as if HAMAS has many tenured professors in Academia USA. And college kids with all their higher education have no capacity to think for themselves ? Sometimes the Zionist APARTHEID Israel bias of the mainstream news media and censorship of ANTI-WAR public opinion in " OUR democracy " makes independent thinking for ALL citizens challenging. But everywhere ordinary working class people have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED .
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever !
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever !
Why would they scratch out " and censorship of ANTI-WAR public opinion in " OUR democracy " ?
When the passionate concern for millions around the world is Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine, the Congress passes a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on college campuses, as if HAMAS has many tenured professors in Academia USA. And college kids with all their higher education have no capacity to think for themselves ? Sometimes the Zionist APARTHEID Israel bias of the mainstream news media and censorship of ANTI-WAR public opinion in " OUR democracy " makes independent thinking for ALL citizens challenging. But everywhere ordinary working class people have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED .
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever !
Thursday, December 14, 2023
By junking the US MILITARY we can end MEGA-INFLATION overnight
By JUNKING THE US MILITARY we can end MEGA-INFLATION overnight . Are WE THE PEOPLE really that invested in American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism? " OUR democracy " rises like jewel star above all other countries . What more can FREEDOM want than Joe Biden for president or Donald Trump for president ?
All that money for the military won't recruit physically and mentally healthy American youth. Only young half-wits will sign up for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia . Or for defending the endlessly defended " right to exist " of Zionist APARTHEID Israel. Genocide in Gaza , Palestine is no way to assure " Never Again " .
In all countries in the 21st century THE MAN IN UNIFORM just seems so effete . Time to junk him !
LOCAL NEWS: " Uncle Tony's in Cranston voluntarily closes after inspectors find rodents , cockroaches "
We live in the Golden Age of False Advertising. I think this is the pizza joint advertised daily on 630WPRO with monotonously cloying nostalgic commercial. The owner says he wants to honor the Italian cooking tradition he remembers from his long ago youth.
Nothing arouses nostalgia for grandma's Federal Hill kitchen more than cockroaches and rat droppings !
Uncle Tony's in Cranston voluntarily closes after inspectors find rodents, cockroaches | WJARH
How is a BLACK ONLY party in Boston any less obnoxious than a WHITES ONLY party ?
The fundamental sickness of " identity politics " is that it creates race hatred where none existed. The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party wants Black voters to be obsessed with " Critical Race Theory " notion that ALL White people have " White Supremacy " in their DNA.
The pillars of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy " ironically are not the Black community. They are invariably DNC connected secular ZIONIST Jews ( who never apply CRT to APARTHEID Israel ).
In general, WOKE ideology has no foundation in traditional Marxism which illuminates social justice movements with a CLASS STRUGGLE perspective. Way back in 1965 Malcolm X in his Harlem speeches made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and American imperialism.
The phony " socialists " like Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party long ago forgot the ABCs of SOCIALISM.
The ZIONIST Jew Democrat leaders frequently patronize , groom and mentor ambitious , social climbing , petty bourgeois Black politicians like our own Gabe Amo recently elected to the US Congress from state of Rhode Island . Gabe wasted no time declaring his support for Israel in its genocidal war in Gaza, Palestine . In contrast to corrupted politicians like Gabe Amo BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies feature Palestinian flag waving .
No doubt Gabe Amo would advise social climbing , petty bourgeois Black individuals-like him- to forget all about that SOCIALIST nonsense while offering LEADERSHIP to the Black community. LEADERSHIP that never fails to support CAPITALISM and American IMPERIALISM and Israeli Zionism.
Just keep making RACE politics eternal ! How is a BLACKS ONLY party any less obnoxious in Boston than a WHITES ONLY party ?
Were ordinary working class people in Ukraine languishing for membership in moribund NATO ? Fighting a doomed war with Russian " Bear "
Were ordinary working class people in Ukraine languishing with a longing for membership in a moribund NATO led American imperialism itself more and more subservient to Israeli Zionism ?
It was a very stupid proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia from the beginning . Now it is being led into the abyss by warmonger , embezzler ZIONIST Jew Zelensky ( who even said he wants to model HIS country after Israel ).
Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States have no more regard for Mr. Zelensky than they do for the thug leader of APARTHEID Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.
No wonder the American military has a serious recruiting problem. SANE young Americans are not moved to bellicose fury by stale Wilsonian blather that was FALSE more than a century ago.
Crushed by MEGA-INFLATION, the American middle class is not enthusiastic about giving Zelensky more billions for his doomed war with the Russian " Bear ". Nor should Netanyahu get another US tax dollar for Israel 's endless " right to exist " war crimes. Genocide in Gaza, Palestine is an insane way to assure " Never Again ".
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
How could Zelensky 's " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda not spread to Poland ?
Crude forms of right wing anti-Semitism are being fueled by the crimes against humanity of Zionist APARTHEID Israel. Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine is not a very sane way to assure " Never Again ! " Poland has been flooded with a MILLION or more ( ? ) refugees from Ukraine . Leading NATO's proxy war with POST -COMMUNIST Russia is the warmonger, embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky . Clearly Zelensky has his own " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda. How could that not spread to Poland ?
Presently Zelensky is no more popular in the United States than Israel's thug leader Netanyahu .
This " Biden Family Business " recalls the last days of the German Weimar Republic
One thing is clear about this " Biden Family Business ". Whatever corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden's involvement in this shady decadent business( that recalls the last days of the German Weimar Republic ) THE MAN and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ( just as much as the " conservative " Republican Party) are possessed by the insanely greedy spirit of decaying American capitalism.
The idea that LABOR ( organized or unorganized ) has a home in THEIR Democratic Party is purely delusional. Only corrupt union leaders will support " friends of labor " Democrats. " Socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders resides in this party as just an old joke !
The private lives of " progressive " Democrats tell another story !
The last capitalists in America will charge admission ( like the Roman Colosseum ) for a tour of our own glorious ruins.
The problem of rotting infrastructure goes far beyond these precariously constructed bridges in Rhode Island. You don't have to be a clairvoyant to foresee COMING CATASTROPHE for populated big cities all over the USA. In a way, it is like the fall of the Roman Empire. The HUBRIS of that ancient glory built up more than it could maintain and sustain. In 21st century it will be impossible to remove out of sight all crumbling ruins of decaying capitalism. Like the poet Shelley's " Ozymandias " : " Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair. "
Homo Sapiens learns the tragic way that there are " limits to growth " even in capitalist utopia.
NOTE : The last capitalists in America will charge admission ( just like the Roman Colosseum ) for a tour of our own glorious ruins.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Working class CHRISTIANS unite with our Islamic brothers and sisters to condemn Zionist APARTHEID Israel
Working class people everywhere have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine is a foolish way to assure " Never Again ". Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States must unite with our Islamic brothers and sisters around the world to condemn the crimes against humanity of Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
Our ruling class may use their genocidal nuclear weapons in the next war but with no hatred in their hearts
The mainstream news media in the United States IN VAIN tries to sell the working class and middle class citizens the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. To be sure , " OUR democracy " ( seemingly owned by WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ) is still the last word on FREEDOM around the world.Right ?
While preparing for nuclear World War III our ruling class, through its mainstream news media , daily rebukes all the " haters " in the world and self-righteously condemns all nasty hate speech. So if THEY use inherently genocidal nuclear weapons in a war with no popular support , they do so with no hatred in their hearts - so unlike HAMAS .
On " THE DAY AFTER " THEY will still occupy the moral high ground. And proclaim it in the very last edition of the New York Times !
I spend a couple of hours this afternoon indulging my life long habit of BOOK BROWSING in a public library. At the Providence Public Library I noticed much of the space offering a splendid window view of downtown could be much more BOOK BROWSER FRIENDLY if library management positioned a half dozen desk and chair sets. They were there years ago. I recall collecting a dozen books that aroused my browsing intuition , placing them on a desk and happily browsing them for hours.Is there a trend in public libraries for slighting THE BOOK , foolishly thinking that ubiquitous library computers are making them all but obsolete ? For me printed BOOKS and periodicals and public computers supplement each other.
Always asking for more money , warmonger embezzler Zelensky . WE THE PEOPLE say : " Give him nothing ! "
Made nearly destitute by MEGA-INFLATION the American working class, along with an American middle class also in free fall, does not have any warm fuzzy feeling for warmonger , embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky , would be president for life of " Greater Israel " Ukraine . No stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than century ago will stir up public support for the proxy -war against Russia in Ukraine. American imperialism and Israeli Zionism are not on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy , the Chinese " communists " , Islamic Iran , or even HAMAS in Palestine.
Always asking for more money , warmonger , embezzler Zelensky . WE THE PEOPLE say : " Give him nothing ! '
Warmonger embezzler Ukrainian president , ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky , cannot get enough of US tax payer money
The warmonger embezzler Ukrainian president , ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky, cannot get enough of US tax payer money. Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States and their Muslim brothers and sisters do not find Ukraine leader Zelensky a very attractive figure anymore than the thug ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel.
Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States collectively shout : " NOT ONE MORE CENT FOR WAR MONGER ZELENSKY in " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
Black woman college president a victim of the secular ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism
I see this Black woman college president as one of many victims of what can only be characterized as the secular ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism.. In general, the sun is setting on Israeli Zionism together forever with American imperialism,. The thug Netanyahu leading APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger embezzler Zelensky leading " Greater Israel " Ukraine are hardly attractive figures for the world's working class CHRISTIANS and their Muslim brothers and sisters. NOTE : Quite a few RELIGIOUS Orthodox Jews think Zionism is a mockery of traditional Judaism. The TRUTH of genocide in Gaza , Palestine is shouted by huge Pro-Palestine crowds in the streets of all countries on the planet.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Most working class CHRISTIANS hare horrified by Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine
The Harvard faculty is right to stand by their president. Anti-Semitism is never intelligently analyzed . As if the crimes against humanity of Zionist APARTHEID Israel has nothing to do with it. The REALITY right now is Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine. But no surprise here , the mainstream news media wants to obsess on mostly imagined forms of anti-Semitism..
Does it make moral sense to worry more about the tranquility of affluent Jewish college students already well protected in gated communities , often very well politically connected , than about young Palestinians in Gaza whose mental and physical health is being destroyed by APARTHEID Israel cutting off all the resources that sustain life ?
Most working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are horrified by Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine.
The ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism
In recent decades the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization has been betrayed by ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism. With Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine the REALITY our mainstream news media prefers to obsess on mostly imagined anti-Semitism in the Ivy League. A pro-Palestine demonstration is smeared as vile anti-Semitism ? The New McCarthyism is also hell- bent on nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
How many working class families in " OUR democracy " are eager to sacrifice their military age kids for the likes of thug ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in Israel and the warmonger ,embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
Any objection to APARTHEID Israel can get you blackballed ?
What is really going on here ? Do these university presidents have a FBI dossier indicating anti-Semitic proclivities ?They are most certainly victims of the DNC based New McCarthyism .Does protesting Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine constitute vile anti-Semitism ? Any objection to APARTHEID Israel can get you blackballed ?
Sunday, December 10, 2023
H.L. Mencken - along with many other highly intelligent and prominent American citizens - had a rather negative view of the Jews. But why ?
H.L. Mencken
[“The Jews could be put down very plausible as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered they lack any of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.”
― H.L. Mencken, Treatise on the Gods
tags: antisemitism, jews, qualities, race]
Do 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in the United States have any say in " OUR democracy " ?
The REALITY is Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine. But the mainstream news media would switch public attention to mostly imagined anti-Semitism in the United States. Zionist APARTHEID Israel's crimes against humanity in Gaza , Palestine is no way to assure " Never Again ".
But American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever ? Do 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in the United Sates have any say in " OUR democracy " ? To be sure, the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are completely out of touch with the American working class. They even threaten us if we use English pronouns in the traditional way- which displeases some ZIONIST Jew teacher union presidents.
The REALITY is Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine . The mainstream news media now focuses on mostly imagined anti-Semitism
Liz Magill is one of many victims of the ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism in " Our Democracy " Actually for decades now it has made just telling the truth an impudent form of hate speech. They never EXPLAIN why Ideas & Opinions offensive to THEM are hateful by universal standards.
Presently with the REALITY being GENOCIDE of Palestinians in Gaza the mainstream news media strives to make the hot topic mostly imagined anti-Semitism. An affluent Jewish college student at Harvard , for example, has as much chance of being physically harmed by real anti-Semitism as being struck by lightning. Compare to a young Palestinian in Gaza !
The common people of the world have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza is a rather foolish way to assure " Never Again ".
University President Liz Magill is a victim of the ZIONIST Jew based New McCarthyism
President Liz Magill is a victim of the DNC based New McCarthyism. Ironically since 2016 the New McCarthyism has its vanguard in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . Leading the pack are belligerent ZIONIST Jews who never apply " Critical Race Theory " to APARTHEID Israel.
Ironically ZIONIST Jews set themselves up daily as " Just Judges " of hate speech always confusing Ideas & Opinions with hate. They have made a mockery of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization in " OUR democracy ". TRUTH is not ant-Semitic .
" Harvard Hates Jews : ? Why anti-Semitism is never intelligently analyzed
Who sponsored this FALSE banner ? Many prominent Jewish lawyers are Harvard :Law School graduates . Do they think that " Harvard Hates Jews " ? Activist liberal lawyer Ralph Nader thought that Harvard University routinely functions with upper class prejudice against the working class. For example , young Nader observed that there were all sorts of laws protecting landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights and none ( back then ) benefitting tenants.
Also the " HATE JEWS " psychosis is never intelligently analyzed. Prominent Jews have explained this as consequence of their many sided talents and virtues. For the past 70 years anti-Semitism in the world can definitely be connected to Zionist APARTHEID Israel oppressing and dispossessing the Palestinians. Nowhere on the planet are oppressed people inclined to love their oppressors.- even if that hatred can become psychotic and obsessive.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Why the American military has a recruiting problem
How politically illiterate can you be ? Israeli Zionism together forever with American imperialism constitute the GOOD GUYS in the big world and the oppressed Palestinians , the Russians, and Chinese "communists" are the dark villains with an inherent revulsion for all the virtues of " OUR democracy " .
If the American military has a serious recruiting problem , it is because more and more young people do not see themselves as brainless cannon fodder for nuclear World War III .
As propaganda Wilsonian blather ,stale and false more than a century ago , has lost its Yankee Doodle Dandy inspiration . In fact THE MAN IN UNIFORM in all countries is beginning to seem quite effete. Time to junk the military ?
How long will the mainstream news media in the United States smother anti-war, anti-ZIONISM public opinion in " OUR democracy " ?
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism together forever. Making itself the most hated country on the planet , APARTHEID Israel could find a more rational way to assure " Never Again " than genocide in GAZA , Palestine.
Are working class Americans impressed with the thug Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel or the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? Risk nuclear World World War III for these miscreants ?
How long will the mainstream news media in the United States smother anti-war. , anti-Zionism public opinion in " OUR democracy " ?
Friday, December 8, 2023
MAJORITY RULE is becoming more and more irrelevant in " OUR democracy "
No surprise here, the Joe Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jews who presently see the thug Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel ( despite mass protests against him there ! ) and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine as paragons of the Wilsonian blather that was stale and false more than a century ago.
The state of " OUR democracy " is not such that it can be recommended to the FREE WORLD without blushing.
Our American plutocracy is not on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy, nor is our CIA , " Deep State " , Pentagon War Crimes Dept., Homeland Security on a higher moral level than HAMAS .( Consult the complete works of Henry Kissinger here on preserving the global status quo ).
The Israel Lobby will soon find a louder , more flamboyant champion of ZIONISM in quasi-fascist Donald Trump.
What WE THE PEOPLE think - MAJORITY RULE -is becoming more and more irrelevant in " OUR democracy ".
The legal circus surrounding the PERSECUTION / PROSECUTION of both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden confirms Karl Marx on THE LAW
The legal circus surrounding the PERSECUTION / PROSECUTION of both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden validates the classic MARXIST view of THE LAW . This intricate intellectual edifice gets whatever its coherence from its function : representing the will of the capitalist ruling class collectively and often enough in resolving internal conflict.
It is naive to think that our " Just Judges " are above POLITICS , above siding with this or that sector of the American plutocracy. And many of them are bribed , bought and sold souls.
Likewise our TWO PARTY SYSTEM does not serve any idealized " OUR democracy ". It is presently on the brink of meltdown. A crisis for the capitalist ruling class.
In the figures of corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden and megalomaniac , quasi-fascist Donald Trump we present " OUR democracy " to the FREE WORLD ? Worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? What do THE YOUTH of America think ?
A wealthy ZIONIST Jew bully threatens to bankrupt a major university ?
With millions in the streets around the world protesting Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine the mainstream news media in the United States ,with exemplary chutzpah, tries to change the hot topic of public discussion to a mostly imagined threat of " Anti-Semitism " in the safest country in the world for affluent , politically connected Jewish college kids.
A wealthy ZIONIST Jew bully would withdraw 100 MILLION from a university which makes a milktoast liberal effort to uphold FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ?
My favorite Jewish author, Karl Marx ,would inspire the oppressed and exploited in " OUR democracy " today to unburden our plutocrats of their wealth in all its forms. Be assured that such real socialists are not found today even in the FAR LEFT of Joe Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
The SHAMED university presidents do not themselves have the ideological tools to defend boldly FREE SPEECH in the schools of higher education. APARTHEID Israel's policy of GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine is not a very rational way to assure " Never Again " in the 21st century.
GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine is not a rational way to assure " Never Again " in the 21st century
My favorite Jewish thinker -philosopher is Karl Marx . His perspective on this problem ? You deal with rich ZIONIST Jew bullies ( who would black ball Ivy League law school students protesting GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine ) the same way as other capitalist-imperialist oppressors and exploiters of the working class : you take their WEALTH in all forms away from them.
GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine is not a rational way to assure " Never Again " in the 21st century.
Fwd: Rather than launch an investigation into " rampant anti-Semitism " the House should ......
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 at 04:53
Subject: Rather than launch an investigation into " rampant anti-Semitism " the House should ......
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 at 04:53
Subject: Rather than launch an investigation into " rampant anti-Semitism " the House should ......
To: <>
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Rather than launch an investigation into " rampant anti-Semitism " the House , actually the much abused " Profiles in Courage " SQUAD, should, I hope, soon launch an investigation into ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media in " OUR Democracy " and into their daily censorship of anti-war , anti-ZIONISM public opinion in the United States. Just the " SCRATCH OVERS " on You Tube are stupidly vicious and bigoted.
GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine is not the most rational way for Jews in Israel or anywhere else on the planet to assure " Never Again ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Rolling Stones " Claudia Lennear " in the Hope High School Year Book 1964
It struck me while reading about " Brown Sugar ", Claudia Lennear, in yesterday 's Providence Sunday Journal "( " Claudia Lennear's journey among the stars " , June 22, G3 ) that I had the ancient 1964 Hope High yearbook in my closet. To her Hope High classmates she was known as Claudia Offley. I looked for the name and class picture in the yearbook and found it on page 185. It read : " Her very frowns are fairer far than the smiles of other maidens are .... " by Coleridge. Claudia was living at 102 Somerset St. in Providence.
Now back to the Rolling Stones singing " Brown Sugar " on You Tube. By the way, the 1964 Hope High yearbook is a story in itself. This particular yearbook belonged to my dear " big brother " Rick who passed away in March [ 2013 ]
Rhode Island TV celebrity Judge Frank Caprio ( diagnosed with pancreatic cancer ) and Leo Tolstoy's " The Death of Ivan Ilyich "
What reminded me of this Tolstoy classic " The Death of Ivan " Ilyich " was the news of Rhode Island's world celebrity judge Frank Caprio being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I like the Old Catholic tradition of lighting candles in a dark quiet church for ANY troubled soul or in loving memory of particular dead ones.
Ivan Ilyich is a high court judge in Czarist Russia " who has never given the inevitability of his dying so much as a passing thought ".
The good judge Frank Caprio asks for fan club prayers for WHAT ? More LIFE ? What happens " at the hour of our death " to the hope of ETERNAL Life ?
My dear departed woman friend with late stage bone cancer inquired about treatment at some national cancer center.I was in the bedroom with her when they told her over the phone that they do not accept "Medicare Only "patients. Dorene Rousseau passed away in " comfort " at the Hope Hospice Center in the spring of 2017.
She was an " Old Catholic " too and my sister Adrienne and I recall taking her to a local Catholic Church for " Confession " some months before she died.
I am sure good Judge Frank Caprio does not have to worry about " Medicare Only " restrictions. How effective are fan prayers for celebrities ?
But I will light a candle in some dark quiet Catholic Church for both my Dorene and Judge Frank Caprio.
[ There is a picture of a much younger Frank Caprio in my brother Rick's ( RIP ) 1964 Hope High School Year Book.]
Our capitalist " Culture of Narcissism " promotes mental illness and criminal violence
Our capitalist" Culture of Narcissism " promotes mental illness. If YOU are frustrated in some egocentric goal , then let the whole world know that YOU " are mad as hell and cannot take it anymore ".
Apart from mass murder , EGO is supreme in everyday capitalist social relationships. Especially in presidential elections in " OUR democracy ".
WE THE PEOPLE have a constitutional right to appeal to " The Squad " to initiate a congressional investigation of ZIONIST Jew controlled censorship
The Ideas & Opinions of 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR Democracy " are daily muzzled by ZIONIST Jew controlled censorship of mainstream news media in the United States. As a democratic socialist I appeal to " The SQUAD " -themselves smeared as " anti-Semitic " - to initiate a congressional investigation here. This is OUR Constitutional right !
No more US tax payer money for thug Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel or warmonger, embezzler Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine
To be sure, working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are fed up with sending tax payer money to the thug ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and to the warmonger embezzler, ZIONIST Jew , V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Fwd: Automated Reply Re: Fwd: US should keep funding thug ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
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Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 20:06
Subject: Automated Reply Re: Fwd: US should keep funding thug ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
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From: Letters, NYT <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 20:06
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I appeal to the " SQUAD " to open up a congressional investigation of ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion in " OUR democracy "
A registered Democrat ( in practice INDEPENDENT democratic socialist ) in Cranston, Rhode Island I appeal to the much maligned "SQUAD "to initiate a congressional investigation into ZIONIST Jew controlled CENSORSHIP of American public opinion in " OUR democracy " ? Not just Muslims marginalized but also have some 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIAN citizens been effectively marginalized-along with the " SQUAD "- as " deplorables " ? We are not WOKE enough for the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ?
I commend the " SQUAD " for protesting Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine . They are truly themselves " Profiles in Courage ". I forward this post to the office in the US Congress of each " SQUAD " member. I share it on my Facebook page and blog.
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" Why don't you just block Ron Ruggieri... He's clearly a wacky-doodle " ?
Radical Ron " could run for President and win, it would seem "
downtown21 • 3 days ago
Why don't you just block Ron Ruggieri of 75 Mathewson St B216 Cranston, Ri 02920 and be done with it? He's clearly a wacka-doodle.
downtown21 NX-74205 • 3 days ago
You're absolutely right! I know I should. I've blocked people saner than him. But something about him makes it hard to look away, no matter how awful and bigoted his comments become. Sheesh he could run for President and win, it would seem.
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