Friday, March 24, 2017

What has Harvard Business School or Harvard Law School done for working class Americans ?

Here is a simple question which will non-plus nine out of ten neo-liberals in oh -so-liberal Boston : there is a class struggle in the world between workers and capitalists. Socialists have studied this struggle since the Great French Revolution. Which side are YOU on ?

Hardly any Harvard professors have any loyalty to the American working class. They grovel before their capitalist masters. For them social climbing is a matter of becoming more and more hostile and contemptuous of the " underprivileged ". They think that being " smart "- with DEGREE- should set no limits on your income. Or your snobbery ! Or your arrogance !

What has Harvard Business School or Harvard Law School done for common people in America ? This university mass produces neo-con , war mongering ,politicians
Image result for Harvard Business School , capitalism
They don't teach socialism

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