Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spouse murder : " They seemed like the perfect family.... "

Horrific crime scene -a for hire murder of a beautiful wife

No doubt fiendish evil may lurk in the souls of any-or all- human beings. But too much of it is associated with this venerated institution of legal marriage.

 In any public library you can find a whole shelf of books on the topic of divorce. Browsing them one gets the sickening feeling that the institution itself is toxic in capitalist society: all about money and private property .

 Love is not a commodity.

Present day marriage should evolve " back " into a less self-centered, isolated, precarious COMMUNAL form. Children should be a collective obligation- not extremely personal burdens.
Not too many democratic socialists talk about this very old now perspective on " bourgeois marriage ".

In general, even romantic love need not be selfish. Until then we will have more " Alfred Hitchcock Presents " crime fiction." They seemed like the perfect family.... "

Image result for wife murder, Clayton
Kelley Clayton and " loving " husband Thomas

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