Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The family in crisis under capitalism : EXCERPT ( sad reading )

Regrets having children ( selfishness or normal ? )

[ French author Corinne Maier has two children but can't wait for the youngest to leave home, saying they have left her "exhausted and bankrupt". 

Her attack on "idealising parenthood" struck a chord with many mothers and fathers around the world. Here are some of their comments - followed by the responses from others who completely disagreed. ]


 [  It's good to know I'm not the only one who has felt empty being a mom. While I love my two children very much, I feel today I should never have had them. Not only are they expensive, but to raise children comes at a cost to career advancement unless women wait until they are over 35. There are so many reasons to feel joy in being a mom, but I feel exhausted and unfulfilled. Alex, San Antonio.

I've never been someone who's good with kids... and I'm still not. My child is six now and I still find it hard to relate to him and his friends. A whole lot of the time, I just don't like being a mother, and I generally don't fit well into this role. I feel like an outcast among all the school mums who are so actively involved. Anonymous, Cologne.

It is difficult to say I regret having children because I love them. But, on balance, if I could turn back the clock and tell myself what it is like, I'm not sure I'd bother having any. It's only "wonderful" a very small proportion of the time. Without them I'd have money, freedom and far less worry. Mary, Edinburgh.

Reasons to avoid having kids:
•You will lose touch with your friends
•Your sex life will be over
•Children cost a fortune
•Child-rearing is endless drudgery
•Vacations will be nightmares
•You’ll lose your identity and become just “mom” or “dad”
•Your children will become mindless drones of capitalism
•The planet’s already overcrowded
•Your children will inevitably disappoint you ]

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