" Empathy " is best taught not by exposing kids to phony, compromised , lying adult models but by introducing them to the great literature of Western Civilization- so scorned by neo-liberal " identity politics".

 Any literate democratic socialist has observed that public schools in America actually communicate the essence of bullying : the capitalist way of life-now personified by " The Donald ".

At no point in her campaign did I detect a hint of real " love and kindness " from " Corrupt Hillary ", Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

I recall with affection one character's ( " Catcher in the Rye " ) aversion to all forms of phoniness in the middle class adult world. But post war America was in fact a lot less phony than America in 2016 with its " grief counselors " for budding neurotics.

In real life " Holden " might have become a New York Times journalist - a lesson in irony.

Image result for Holden Caulfield and phonies