Monday, January 12, 2015

Cant phrases start most wars: like FREE WORLD

Even professed atheist humanists like the late great science writer Isaac Asimov show prudent hesitation in publicly mocking God. Asked why he could not find HIM, Asimov replied: "Why can't HE find ME ?" Shortly afterwards Asimov had some bad luck with his health. He reasoned that a kind God would tolerate his intellectual confusion. "But would HE tolerate a wise guy?" he wondered.

But if the terrorists were exposed to Isaac Asimov in their more educable youth, they might have grown up-under the influence of scientific rationalism-to be harmless and oh-so-beloved socialists rather than suicidal, homicidal maniacs.

Right wing talk radio here in Rhode Island, USA, is suggesting that a few well placed atomic bombs will quickly end international terrorism. Let's save the FREE WORLD, they rant. But FREE WORLD was a cant phrase even at the height of the Cold War-when we were fighting GODLESS communism.

Cant phrases inspired our entry into the First World War-which was the "war to end all wars... to make the world safe for democracy. " Thank God the Russian Bolsheviks were not fooled!

And yes, what ringing eloquence in French: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity." THAT is what global capitalism is all about.

Can we at least make our world safe for our ONE PERCENT plutocracy? Forget about EQUALITY and FRATERNITY!

(comment on article published in Die Tageszeitung ( Germany) on Jan.9 2015 by Dorothea Hahn , WATCHING AMERICA)

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