Monday, December 1, 2014

Right wing columnist Lonnie Barham leaves Warwick Beacon

I read a number of Lonnie Barham's columns which were certainly well written and worth reading. I recall his very PROGRESSIVE view on ending the foolish and expensive war on drugs. But his right wing ideology showed in a letter to the Providence Journal in which he expressed the strange opinion that retired editorial page editor, Robert Whitcomb, was so Far-Left that he was only borderline employable. What– a Bolshevik in power at 75 Fountain St.? Is Colonel Lonnie happy now with the right-wing, science illiterate, and ethics hypocrite Ed Achorn?

Also, very curious how so many right wing columnists fear the "tyranny of the majority." Does our ONE PERCENT plutocracy rule by divine right?

( post to Warwick Beacon letter:
"Sorry to see Lonnie go": 11/25/14 by George W. Gange)

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