Friday, September 26, 2014

But does God weep at overpopulation ?

        Abortion rights is front page news in the Providence Journal today( Sept.26 ).  Bishop Tobin, now a registered Republican, says that Democrat candidate for governor, Gina Raimondo, is not- right- with- God in her open defiance of Church dogma on abortion. It seems that Almighty God is furious over the " unjust death of unborn children " . I wonder just how relevant this stale controversy is in the economic wasteland of Rhode Island.  I understand that the Catholic Church has no theological objections to Darwin's theory of evolution. Even if you believe sincerely that abortion is morally deplorable most of the time, you must wonder if God is majestically indifferent to the exponential proliferation of the human race .   Last month I reread a dusty old paperback book, a bestseller in 1968: " The Population Bomb " by Paul Erlich . It is still a scary book even for those who would still like to believe in the Wisdom of Providence.  It seems perfectly possible that overpopulation can put a precipitous end to our " homo sapiens " species.  Does not reproductive self-restraint show as much decent respect for the RIGHT TO LIFE as any fulminating Pro-Life preacher ?
                 A certain horror confronts the young student of biology when he or she finally understands the cruelty of Darwinian " struggle for existence ". There is simply no " right to life " in the natural world. A thoughtful religious person must ask : How far above Nature are we humans anyway ?
                 And how cruel the capitalist system is to the family- protective instincts of so many good and loving mothers and fathers. When they lose a job, the system is not only indifferent to their fate, it mocks their family's RIGHT TO LIFE .
       Somehow Catholic reproduction morality must be made more consistent with truly progressive Catholic social philosophy. I cannot identify with the nasty " New Atheism "  nor with sanctimonious , blowhard pillars of the Church- like Bishop Thomas Tobin.

        As for Gina Raimondo - a new-Democrat ( clueless about the rotten side of capitalism) , I too have looked into her soul. It is the unwicked but dried up soul of a certified public accountant. But God too has a Pythagorean fascination with NUMBER. To think in the beginning there was just ONE !

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