Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Brockton school committee members request National Guard Troops to help ...

If the public school system of the United States ( now decaying in all major cities ) has or ever had any specific purpose , it was to prepare a new generation for the hellish job market of capitalism. Only by way of accident do the better more curious ( and often from the more affluent families in the neighborhood ) acquire what has been called " Cultural Literacy " or just " higher culture " . Popular science writer Carl Sagan observed that all normal kids are naturally curious but the SYSTEM too often succeeds in killing " holy curiosity " by the 6th grade. BOREDOM is a soul destroyer . The situation in today's decaying public schools is probably hopeless as long as their general purpose is to fit kids into the capitalist system of exploitation , police brutality , and alienation from the STATE . The capitalist state is always mystified by bourgeois ideologists as a near object of worship complete with sacred documents like the " Constitution of the United States " , the hypocritically saluted " Declaration of Independence " ( the last thing THE SYSTEM wants is independent thinkers with critical thinking skills ) . Oddly enough , the WOKE WARRIOR educators in the public schools in " OUR democracy " are nearly obsessive in their desire to destroy the CHRISTIAN faith, to destroy faith in any God but the god of the Marketplace, the commercial gods of radio and TV. Ultimately they destroy even faith in REASON ! Lacking any moral compass, young neglected souls gravitate toward nihilism and hedonism with no respect even for RATIONAL, BENEVOLENT AUTHORITY . The circumscribed " I " replaces any sense of belonging to a community with shared values. The SOCIOPATH becomes the average type . If the SYSTEM cannot correct itself, the younger generation will be the stuff of a new high tech Dark Age. CIVILIZATION itself will not long survive.

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