Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
What ideas and opinions are BANNED on local talk radio and beneath contempt in the Providence Journal ?
None of the Democratic Party bureaucrats assigned to the housing crisis or the homeless crisis or the migrant crisis ever connect these problems with THE SYSTEM., with decaying capitalism and moribund American imperialism.
For democratic socialists it is obvious that many social diseases are incurable as long as landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights are legally sacrosanct .
This opinion is, of course, BANNED on local talk radio . And beneath contempt in the Providence Journal. So much for " FREE SPEECH " in " OUR democracy ".
Why Macron is alone for not ruling out Western troops going to Ukraine ..
All the bourgeois governments of Europe - still dripping with the blood of past colonialism- pretend to be saving " OUR democracy " from wicked Vladimir Putin and his " EVIL EMPIRE ", his POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
That stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago- will not " sell " to the working class people of the world. Neither the warmonger ZIONIST Jew embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine nor the war criminal ZIONIST Jew leader of APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu, endears himself to the masses.
Who can corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden count on to vote for him in 2024 ?
All the bourgeois governments of Europe to the rescue of " democracy " !
All the bourgeois governments of Europe - still dripping with the blood of past colonialism- pretend to be saving " OUR democracy " from wicked Vladimir Putin and his " EVIL EMPIRE ", his POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
That stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago- will not " sell " to the working class people of the world. Neither the warmonger ZIONIST Jew embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine nor the war criminal ZIONIST Jew leader of APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu, endears himself to the masses.
Who can corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden count on to vote for him in 2024 ?
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Golden Age of False Advertising?
Local radio talk show celebs undermine their credibility by daily slobbering over station sponsors.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Spitting, Hitting Attacks on Christians are Surging in Israel: 'Extreme ...
The WOKE WARRIOR attacks on the CHRISTIAN TRADITION in " OUR democracy " have their power base in an unholy alliance of arrogant " New Atheists " and secular ZIONIST Jews entrenched in Ivy League academia. They have an almost visceral hatred for traditional Catholicism . How did they succeed in making the Gospel of Love , the profound thinking of the doctors of the Church , Saint Augustine , Saint Thomas Aquinas into " deplorable " hate speech ?
Will The Immigration Crisis Bankrupt U.S. Cities?
The homeless people crisis in " OUR democracy " is clearly on collision course with landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. The homeless migrant crisis probably can only be solved by a CONTINENTAL government of North , Central , and South America. Is the revered NATION STATE everywhere turning into a prison/concentration camp ?
2 charged with killing woman found in Providence river
Democratic socialists have a rational explanation for the " Black Crime Wave " in " OUR democracy ". History teaches that when OPPRESSION gets ugly so do many of the OPPRESSED . From Southern plantation slavery to capitalist wage slavery and chronic poverty - not a joy ride ! The same for White working class Americans in " OUR democracy ". Of course, senile , corrupt , creepy Joe Biden at least offers HOPE . That big REPARATIONS check is in the mail !
See what Zelensky had to say about Sen. J.D. Vance
Working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are not adoring fans of the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler , V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Nor are working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " adoring fans - on fire with toxic war fever - of the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu , leader of APARTHEID Israel.
Corrupt , senile , creepy " Sleepy Joe " Biden and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party , and his administration packed with zealous ZIONIST Jews , are completely out of touch with ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States. Try starting nuclear World War III with American public opinion in fierce OPPOSITION !
Sunday, February 25, 2024
With brother Steve at Uxbridge memorial.
No " reparations " for black slavery ! What Martin Luther King wanted
All serious talk of " reparations " for black slavery is illiberal liberal drivel. Should money be extracted from the descendants of UNION families whose sons fought -many killed- in the Civil War ? There are two " ENGLEY " names inscribed on front of the Uxbridge , Mass. City Hall , veterans of the American Revolution and the Civil War to save the Union and end slavery . My grandfather, William Engley , as a retired Providence, R.I. police officer ( 1930 ), showed us old newspaper clippings about these family members.
WE owe the black race now living in the United States NOTHING but what Martin Luther King asked for them : to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin.
Imagine some affluent black individual - like Oprah - being presented with a big happy face check because some distant relative of her family was a slave in the Old South !
Grandfather Engley is buried in that town of Uxbridge not far from that City Hall war memorial plaque .
Israel's military is targeting Palestinian police delivering aid | Insid...
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on earth . A fine way to assure " Never AGAIN! "
Breaking down the new U.S. sanctions on Russia
Senile Joe Biden has full control of the PUNISH POST-COMMUNIST Russia dial which must have infinite many points , much more than horrifying circles of Dante's " Inferno " ? Corrupt , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden ?
But Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism for years now.
Is this new Great Crusade working ? With all the social misery ( like crime and MEGA-INFLATION ) in " OUR democracy " ordinary Americans are all burning with war fever for nuclear World War III over " sovereign " Ukraine ? Inspired by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ?
Come to the defense of warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel ' Ukraine and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel ? Join forces with them in the genocide slaughter in Gaza , Palestiine ? Encourage all Europe to fight World War III ?
" OUR democracy " in action ! And COLONIAL " Old Europe " is back ! And dear ally Old England : the British Empire always had exquisite respect for SOVEREIGN people on all continents . Ask the people of India ! Ask the ghosts of our Founding Fathers !
Our bomber pilots and the Israeli bomber pilots have the RIGHT STUFF ?
The " RIGHT STUFF " jet bomber pilots of American imperialism and together forever Israeli Zionism have this much in common : they never fly a mission where they are in serious danger of being shot down , killed in action , or taken prisoner. Does Gaza , Palestine have an air defense system ? Do the dispossessed ,oppressed Palestinians have a work-in-progress nuclear weapons arsenal ? Ordinary working class people in ALL countries have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . Which do corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden and dear ally , war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu represent ? WHICH should " OUR democracy " represent ? Are WE THE PEOPLE pro-genocide in Gaza, Palestine ?
US strikes Yemen Houthi rebels in Red Sea amid Middle East unrest | Live...
The " RIGHT STUFF " jet bomber pilots of American imperialism and together forever Israeli Zionism have this much in common : they never fly a mission where they are in serious danger of being shot down , killed in action , or taken prisoner. Does Gaza , Palestine have an air defense system ? Do the dispossessed ,oppressed Palestinians have a work-in-progress nuclear weapons arsenal ?
Ordinary working class people in ALL countries have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . Which do corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden and dear ally , war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu represent ?
WHICH should " OUR democracy " represent ? Are WE THE PEOPLE pro-genocide in Gaza, Palestine ?
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Judge applied a 'near death penalty' to Trump: Byron York
In the near future a democratic socialist Supreme Court will order ALL the wealth of the American plutocracy to be collectivized. And above the SOCIALIST Supreme Court a Higher Power will have a divine claim on all the resources of the Good Earth. You learned this when you were just a kid but soon forgot : " God owns the world ! " WE THE PEOPLE can only share it !
What Lies Beneath The City Of New York?
Reminds me of the H.P. Lovecraft COSMIC HORROR stories ( " The Rats in the Walls " ? )
VIDEO NOW: Protesters and RI State Police pray together at State House
Ironically, the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party for years now has shown its disdain for generic Christianity , Catholicism in particular, and everything GOOD associated with faith in a good God.
If you take your FAITH seriously , the Attorney General of the United States is watching you !
The MONEY GOD of American capitalism will not tolerate any strange gods before it !
I am sure that many decent cops have a keen sense of EVIL . In the era of the Great Depression my mother's father ( William Engley ) had the South Providence beat. On one Sunday dinner he expressed a political opinion : " You will never get a dry bone from those Republicans ". But " Red Engley " ( named for his red hair not his politics ) had in mind the Democratic Party of FDR and JFK - not the present disgrace in " OUR democracy " . That party is GONE WITH THE WIND !
Israel-Hamas war: Netanyahu reveals post-war Gaza plan, Palestinians rej...
Among working class CHRISTIAN Americans there is mostly contempt and loathing for Benjamin Netanyahu , Zionist Jew war criminal leader of APARTHEID Israel, and for the cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in Israel , Ukraine , and in the United States actively supporting him.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Newsmakers 2/23/2024: US Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
WOKE WARRIOR " progressive " Democrats like United States Senator Sheldon Whitehouse have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism for years now. Like the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " they all see serious criticism of Zionist APARTHEID Israel as taboo.
Sad , because Whitehouse thinks and acts much more reasonably on serious earth ecological issues.
BREAKING: US issues 500+ sanctions on Russia, following Navalny death | ...
There is a simple explanation for this : Corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden - his own administration and his own WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party PACKED WITH ZIONIST JEWS - would not consider sanctions on war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu's Zionist APARTHEID Israel for the genocidal war in Gaza , Palestine. But doddering old Joe imagines that he personally can keep turning up the misery control dial on Vladimir Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Note that American imperialism has not won a significant war since 1945 ( and that after a horrendous crime against humanity : the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities , Hiroshima and Nagasaki ) .
Has the American Democratic Party ever been more out of touch with working class and middle class USA ?
Republic Services drivers say new system is improving garbage pick-up af...
This garbage pick up day negligence at Randall Manor, Cranston Housing Authority has been going on for years. Why does the Rhode Island Public Health Dept. think a bi-weekly sloppy garbage pick up - which invites RATS to feast on the left over garbage bag putrescence- is no threat to public health ?
Common sense would tell the office or the trash pick up company ( REPUBLIC Services ) to order a larger bin or a second one. Or have the garbage service scheduled for a third day of the week.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Estonian Intel Chief: Russian military is bigger than before Ukraine war...
Will the mainstream news media in the United States -absolutely biased against POST-COMMUNIST Russia and eternally pro-Zionist Apartheid Israel - ever explain how " OUR democracy " selects " OUR enemies " ? Do the leaders of all designated " antagonist " nation states of the world fail to rise to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, of Donald Trump & Son , of the CIA, Deep State USA, Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?
Where on earth do ordinary working class people plan or start wars ? But HISTORY teaches that they do end them !
How many working class CHRISTIANS are giddy with toxic war fever for nuclear World War III with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea ? Of course , these nation states lack the WOKE moral perfection of " OUR democracy " . Of presidential candidates corrupt , senile , creepy Democrat Joe Biden and right wing populist blowhard Republican Donald Trump .
Israel-Hamas war: Israelis ambushed at Jerusalem checkpoint, Israeli gov...
Face this FACT : Zionist APARTHEID Israel under war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is making itself the most hated country on the planet. Nevertheless , American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. Is this the will and voice of " OUR democracy " ?
RIDOT to add lanes on Washington Bridge in hopes of cutting travel times
A updated RIPTA bus service will be found more attractive to many Rhode Island drivers now affected by the Washington Bridge traffic jam chaos and fury.
Waiting for RIPTA bus 30 after 9:AM this morning on Cranston Street across from popular " Umberto's " I spotted my old friend in Cranston Public Housing limping along to the stop. Mario may soon be in need of knee surgery. While waiting for the bus to arrive , Mario told me of a possible RIPTA bus 30 cancellation on weekends . This would create much hardship for worried Mario. On hot summer days he has no other way to get to the Warwick Mall. By taking walking distance ( for me ) RIPTA 17 I have a round about way to get downtown Kennedy Plaza and then board RIPTA 21 to the Warwick Mall or the Cranston Public Library.
On the RIPTA 30 bus Mario was scolded briefly by the bus driver for " waving " . The bus stop is hidden by a tree and bus drivers have missed it on occasion. This same driver seemed oblivious to me at MY bus stop near the Pontiac Ave. intersection . I wondered if RIPTA bus drivers are just angry on the job ( job related ? ) or RIPTA demands that they take a course in " Advanced Rudeness " before getting a permit to drive the bus. [ Do they ever, for example, wait for an elderly person to be seated before accelerating the bus ? ]
I might ask Peter Alviti this question the next time he is on Gene Valicenti's 630 WPRO morning talk radio show. I prefer to text the show.
Nightly News Full Broadcast - Feb. 16
A democratic socialist government of the United States would quickly see to it that anyone still identifying as a persecuted " plutocrat " will not have MILLIONS or even BILLIONS of dollars to lose in any civil fraud trial ". And , of , course, no neurotic citizen will be awarded in our DEMOCRATIC
SOCIALIST courts MILLIONS of dollars in any " defamation " lawsuit. " FREE SPEECH " will be even more respected.
The WEALTH of the country will be democratically ruled to be COLLECTIVE WEALTH . No more greedy landlords or industrialists. GOD ALMIGHTY will be restored as the official owner of THE LAND and all its resources. HIS Good earth will not be violated with toxic wastes and air pollution ( NOTE : GOD HIMSELF will rule on HIS gender identity .)
[ Also, ALL lottery winnings will be cancelled ] [ And a final END to the Golden Age of False Advertising. Hence an end to current " Talk Radio " shows where the" celebs" slobber over program sponsors like " NAVAGE " and " PREVAGIN " ]
" Looking Backward " the scholars of the future will see all this as the beginning of " The Sane Society ".
Donald Trump's magnificent PRIVATE PROPERTY will be converted into NYC museums . He will be allowed to retire in reasonable comfort- still honored by a small contingent of white working class " deplorables " .
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Re: " Why don't you just block Ron Ruggieri ? "
That's funny Ron! Quite an endorsement!!! You must be doing something right when you're "making it hard for them to look away"
I think it's the un- programmed part of their brains or a 'still functioning' conscience that recognizes the truths you speak.
Keep fighting that good fight!
— Steve
On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 10:48 AM Ron Ruggieri <> wrote:
downtown21 • 3 days agoWhy don't you just block Ron Ruggieri of 75 Mathewson St B216 Cranston, Ri 02920 and be done with it? He's clearly a wacka-doodle.downtown21 NX-74205 • 3 days agoYou're absolutely right! I know I should. I've blocked people saner than him. But something about him makes it hard to look away, no matter how awful and bigoted his comments become. Sheesh he could run for President and win, it would seem.
" Why don't you just block Ron Ruggieri ? "
downtown21 • 3 days ago
Why don't you just block Ron Ruggieri of 75 Mathewson St B216 Cranston, Ri 02920 and be done with it? He's clearly a wacka-doodle.
downtown21 NX-74205 • 3 days ago
You're absolutely right! I know I should. I've blocked people saner than him. But something about him makes it hard to look away, no matter how awful and bigoted his comments become. Sheesh he could run for President and win, it would seem.
Live Israel-Hamas War updates: Ceasefire efforts stall after veto at UN ...
American imperialism & Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity !
Neturei Karta: Ultra-Orthodox Jews Against Zionism | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid...
Consider what non-religious popular science writer Isaac Asimov had to say about modern Israel :
[“I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. "]
ABANDONED THEME PARK - Rocky Point in Warwick , Rhode Island
5 years ago
[ I'm 70 years old and I remember as a kid taking the bus from downtown Providence to go to the pool at Rocky Point. I remember the fireworks on the 4th of July, going to my prom which was held at the Paladium with my first boyfriend. It all seems like such a long time ago, which it was. Thank God they didn't let people build condos and kept it as a place for people to walk or jog. Memories!!!]
Video shows Ukraine's last moments of defense in Avdiivka
Warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky is losing support in " OUR democracy " for his " Greater Israel " agenda in Ukraine. Likewise the war criminal ZIONIST Jew leader of APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu, is making his Israel the most hated country on the planet. Not too many working class CHRISTIAN youth will show up at Army Recruiting USA to make the world safe for Israel and Ukraine. But our mainstream news media still has faith in the BIG LIE , in stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago.
VOTE YES for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Classical music for the heart, music for the lonely - Beethoven, Chopin,...
It might even lower your blood pressure !
Brockton school committee members request National Guard Troops to help ...
If the public school system of the United States ( now decaying in all major cities ) has or ever had any specific purpose , it was to prepare a new generation for the hellish job market of capitalism. Only by way of accident do the better more curious ( and often from the more affluent families in the neighborhood ) acquire what has been called " Cultural Literacy " or just " higher culture " .
Popular science writer Carl Sagan observed that all normal kids are naturally curious but the SYSTEM too often succeeds in killing " holy curiosity " by the 6th grade. BOREDOM is a soul destroyer .
The situation in today's decaying public schools is probably hopeless as long as their general purpose is to fit kids into the capitalist system of exploitation , police brutality , and alienation from the STATE . The capitalist state is always mystified by bourgeois ideologists as a near object of worship complete with sacred documents like the " Constitution of the United States " , the hypocritically saluted " Declaration of Independence " ( the last thing THE SYSTEM wants is independent thinkers with critical thinking skills ) .
Oddly enough , the WOKE WARRIOR educators in the public schools in " OUR democracy " are nearly obsessive in their desire to destroy the CHRISTIAN faith, to destroy faith in any God but the god of the Marketplace, the commercial gods of radio and TV. Ultimately they destroy even faith in REASON !
Lacking any moral compass, young neglected souls gravitate toward nihilism and hedonism with no respect even for RATIONAL, BENEVOLENT AUTHORITY . The circumscribed " I " replaces any sense of belonging to a community with shared values. The SOCIOPATH becomes the average type .
If the SYSTEM cannot correct itself, the younger generation will be the stuff of a new high tech Dark Age. CIVILIZATION itself will not long survive.
'Serious' national security threat linked to Russia, space, source tells...
The common working class people of " OUR democracy " -who sacrifice the most in any war - never get any lucid , credible explanation why POST-COMMUNIST Russia seems to be designated as a permanent enemy of the United States . Until the regime resembles " OUR democracy " , our effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM ? Working class people have no inclination to plan or start wars. They have no invested interests in the resources of other countries. THEIR oil is not perceived as " OUR oil ". Differences in culture must be settled within these countries. Their world is not WOKE enough for our " progressive " Democrats ?
Recklessly bombing countries to get at the loathed terrorists does not win hearts and minds to American imperialism or to the Zionist APARTHEID Israel agenda.
Also , the condition of the working class in the United States and the condition of once stable middle class ruined by MEGA-INFLATION is such that they are highly unlikely to be moved to war fever - not by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago.
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ,which pretends to fawn on organized labor and on historically oppressed minorities, has for years now promoted the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Can the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " ever convince us that Vladimir Putin, and all the anti-NATO world leaders associated with the " Evil Empire ",just do not live up to the high more standards of corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden & Son or to the outstanding civic virtues of right wing blowhard populist Donald Trump & Son ?
In the next war of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism young Americans will be asked to sacrifice every which way to make the world safe for THEIR " democracy " , that of the ruling classes of the United States, Old Europe, various bourgeois governments of the NATO alliance , and , of course, belligerent Zionists in Israel ( presently devoted to genocide in Gaza, Palestine with the blessing of American imperialism .
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024, 7:12 AM
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024, 7:12 AM
To: <>
Now and then 630 WPRO TALK RADIO celeb Gene Valicenti has a luminous idea - like super big public high schools are obsolete.No places for NATIONAL GUARD instructors.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Donald Trump: From fraud judgment to hawking sneakers
There is a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy ". In what way are WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Joe Biden and right wing populist Republican Donald Trump on a higher moral level than the leaders of this " Evil Empire " alliance ? Is our PRO-CAPITALIST , PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST, PRO-APARTHEID ISRAEL political establishment on a higher moral level than all regimes in the " UNFREE " world ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am embarrassed for our flag waving, very ESTABLISHMENT oriented politicians whose every fatuous refrain contains the vacuous phrase " OUR democracy ".
So fired up by the glorious ideals of " OUR democracy " American youth of military age are rushing to military recruiting stations all over the country to defend the WAY OF LIFE of Joe Biden & Son , of Donald Trump & Son and all our other illustrious plutocrats .
For years now working class America has had a pungent whiff of " OUR democracy " ! We are not turned on by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. Once again make the world safe for WHOSE " democracy " ?
Over the top " NAVAGE " nose cleaner commercials : " Every time I see this commercial I'm nauseated and have to turn away "
[ " Navage nasal cleaner! Every time I see this commercial I’m nauseated and have to turn away. I can’t imagine myself or anyone wanting to do this gross maneuver. " ]
[ "Kleenex only for me. This product seems like it could cause more harm than good. "]
Catholic Diocese of Portland under new leadership first time in a decade
[ "In interviews with The Providence Journal last year, longtime parishioners said that they left St. Michael's after Ruggieri was installed, citing what they saw as his rigid, authoritarian leadership style, and a diminished focus on social justice.
Previously, St. Michael's was known as a progressive, inclusive parish on the South Side of Providence that offered a spiritual home to people who were alienated by the conservatism of the Catholic Church. " ]
I went to Saint Michael's Catholic School in South Providence in the early 60s. And I remember our 7th grade class at the ceremony consecrating that still standing statue to Saint Michael.
Father Ruggieri ( no relation ) now Bishop Ruggieri was not WOKE enough for many members of the " progressive " community .
As I myself favor traditional pre-Vatican II Catholicism ,, I do think that a WOKE Catholic Church is a JOKE Catholic Church.
Ukraine withdraws forces from eastern city of Avdiivka
Despair not , warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky for your " Greater Israel " Ukraine . American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever ! More lethal weapons are on the way. You will be able to fight the " EVIL EMPIRE " until the last working class ( Orthodox Christian ? ) Ukrainian . But no war fever here among the American working class for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And no regard for corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden as our next " Great War Time Leader " and no regard for the right wing populist blowhard Donald Trump.
What will the coming meltdown of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM do for Zelensky's agenda in the Ukraine and for Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu's genocide agenda for Gaza, Palestine ?
And with Zionist APARTHEID Israel making itself the most hated country on the planet ?
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Joel Osteen church shooting: 5 year old in critical condition, shooter d...
The Rev. Joel Osteen -no lack of religious screwballs in America with a mass following of brainless , mostly petty-bourgeois hypocrites. They think that charismatic ( and super plastic ! ) Joel will intercede with Jesus Christ to make them rich !
" Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within ! "
No I am not an obnoxious New Atheist - just a pre-Vatican II Old Catholic AND a democratic socialist .
Ukraine begins withdrawing from Avdiivka as Russians raise flag over key...
The American working class will never support that ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky and his " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda . Nor will they support the ZIONIST Jew war criminal leader of Zionist APARTHEID Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu , in his war of genocide in Gaza, Ukraine .
[ " Ukraine makes major troop withdrawal in key win for Putin and Russia "]
Former US AG predicts a mass exodus of NYC businesses after Trump ruling
A democratic socialist government of the United States would not tremble before seizing the collective wealth ( in all forms ) from the American plutocracy. What you have here is a rather daffy bourgeois judge ( motivated by DNC politics ! ) transferring a big chunk of a billion dollars ) from plutocrat, right-wing populist candidate for US president ( and polls predict him a winner in 2024 ) Donald Trump to a neurotic petty-bourgeois woman author claiming " defamation " against presidential candidate Trump. Could this possibly happen to any WORKING CLASS American woman ?
Of course the ruling will make other billionaire-millionaire capitalists nervous.
In no way is the Joe Biden administration a friend of ordinary working class people in the United States. Today it pretends to be the very bulwark of " OUR democracy ". That refrain ," OUR democracy ," coming from the mouth of ANY Democrat or Republican politician , will sicken any politically literate citizen .
There is a profound crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States. On the brink of meltdown before the Fall of 2024.
World faces "dangerous decade" as military actions rise, report finds
[Yes , scratch over my words " with the permission of the " Declaration of Independence " ! But without the permission of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in the United States, in Israel , in Ukraine hell bent on plunging the world into nuclear World War III !]
The ABCs of this situation : " World faces dangerous decade " was explained by radical socialists ( in " OUR democracy " by Eugene V. Debs ) more than a hundred years ago. Today stale fatuous Wilsonian blather falls flat on the ears of 90 percent of working class youth of military age. In vain the recruiting offices beckon them !
In no country on earth do ordinary working class people plan or start wars . But HISTORY teaches that they do end them.
Take a poll ! Are desperate working class and ruined by Mega-inflation middle class people in the United States catching war fever for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? You could expect that with the permission of " Declaration of Independence " they would first bring down their own lunatic government ! Call it " OUR democracy " !
Judge issues verdict in Donald Trump's New York civil fraud case
A democratic socialist government in the United States would never allow THE LAW to make a near billionaire out of any neurotic citizen with a claim of defamation against another citizen. In fact, no other law abiding citizen would have even a million dollars to lose in a lawsuit. For the same reason, the democratic socialist government in power would immediately cancel ALL lottery winnings . As " Yuri " said in the movie " Doctor Zhivago ", seeing Russian aristocrats evicted from their mansion ( now turned into a hospital ) : " Well , it really is more just !
Friday, February 16, 2024
BREAKING: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dies in prison
In perspective how far do anti-corruption candidates get in " OUR democracy " ? Did Russian lawyer Alexei Navalny want to reform Putin's CAPITALISM in Russia ? Make it easier for the " New Rich " in Russia to consolidate their collective power after the collapse of " communism " in the old Soviet Union ? For all its flaws did not Russian communist " propaganda " for seven long decades honestly describe the social evils of capitalism , the misery of the Western working class during the Great Depression ?
If PRIVATE PROPERTY was forbidden under the Soviet Union how did the New Rich in Russia emerge so quickly ? No collusion with American imperialism, with global capitalism " think tanks " , with the CIA ?
Way back in 1927 Leon Trotsky was explaining how the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was betrayed by a " New Aristocracy " who got wealthy by controlling the STATE . He was assassinated by tyrant Stalin in 1940 while in exile in Mexico.
Did Alexei Navalny have a fatuous vision of HIS post-communist Russian government as being more like our messed up TWO PARTY SYSTEM both controlled by the AMERICAN plutocracy ? How much nicer for Russia to be led by the likes of our Joe Biden and Donald Trump , by the like of Bill and Hillary Clinton ? By guys like OUR millionaires and billionaires ?
The sad truth is that the young generation in Russia that came to prominence AFTER the collapse of the old Soviet Union is politically ignorant. Today they probably get more inspiration from the right wing crank Ayn Rand than from Adam Smith or the New York Times editorial board.[ NOTE Ayn Rand was both a militant atheist and a ferocious ZIONIST ) .
In what way was still young Alexei Navalny a real hero ? I need to know more about him.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Amanda Drinks FOUR Bottles of Wine a Day & Shoots Heroin | Intervention ...
5 months ago
So both her parents clearly suffer from mental health issues and she was betrayed by the people she loved. It was hard to listen to her dad say she was "moping", her mothers letter, and her sister basically downplaying what she did. They all owed her a big apology for their treatment of her.
6 replies
5 months ago (edited)
Ick. Her sister, Crystal, is an absolutely disgusting human being for doing that to her own blood. There are men EVERYWHERE & she chooses her sisters fiancé… ?? Just disgusting. I’m so glad I know my sisters would never do something like that to me.
18 replies
5 months ago
I think her family need to take some responsibility tbh. That sister deffo more than kissed him can see it in her.
23 replies
1 month ago
Who needs enemies when you have a sister like Crystal
5 months ago
I’m actually really close friends with this family and I can say this, she has came such a long way and has an amazing support system, we all go through things it how we turn it around !!!! ❤
Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man - BBC Proms 2012
A while back ago I thought this music should replace the traditional " National Anthem " of the United States.
[ I recommend that the effete National Anthem of the United States be replaced with Aaron Copland's " Fanfare for the Common Man "]
Eve of Destruction Barry McGuire
1 year ago
[ "This song is so true and reminds me of when my brother was sent to Vietnam to fight in the jungles and swamps. He enlisted in the Army at 16 years old and looked like a little kid in the photo holding his rifle. He was a sharpshooter and managed to survive physically for 3 years in Nam. He said that the officers in charge did not really know where the enemy was or where other American soldiers were. Sometimes the big guns blew up their own men who were out in the jungle. Little kids would run out to the GI’s in the streets with grenades strapped on them by the enemy and blow up the American soldiers.
My brother died young from infectious hepatitis he obtained from the swamps after pulling off leaches from his skin. He left behind his son and three step children that adored him as their father. I miss him very much. RIP✝️ " ]
A lesson in philosophy : just missing the bus.
For some reason my short YouTube video got 1.5 thousand views . Did it appeal to our philosophers ?
“In a universe suddenly divested of illusion and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land.”
— Albert Camus
A common frustration - just missing the bus - should convince the young philosopher that the universe is cruelly INDIFFERENT to his plans and goals. Of course , ASTROLOGY dimwits will continue to believe that the COSMOS has a daily plan for their lives.
Why The U.S. Can’t End Poverty
Democratic socialists have , for more than a century, rationally connected poverty in the United States with the greedy , irrational capitalist system. The TWO PARTY system not, just MAGA Republicans, supports Corporate America in all its mischief. It supports all goals of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism - together-forever.
On the SCIENTIFIC principle of conservation of energy - or YOU CAN'T GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING - how do you justify the appalling distribution of wealth in the United States ? The ruling class just works harder and is also smarter than all the working class and middle class collectively ?
Way back in 1848 Karl Marx correctly analyzed the nature of capitalist exploitation and oppression. And his historical materialism sees the CLASS STRUGGLE as the driving force of history- a view which all bourgeois philistine sophists in Academia will unctuously deny.
All these horrendous mass shootings inspire the usual GUN CONTROL drivel from the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats who have no aversion to the nuclear arsenal of the United States nor to the nuclear arsenal of its partner in crimes against humanity , Zionist APARTHEID Israel . As a long time independent democratic socialist ( presently favoring with " critical support " INDEPENDENT MAN , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ) I think that real GUN CONTROL necessitates social control over the very factories that mass produce, for the " free market " and FOR PROFIT, billions of dollars worth of lethal weapons and ammunition yearly . In fact , SOCIAL CONTROL of ALL means of production will be the basis of a truly SANE SOCIETY .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Chiefs parade shooting witness describes tackling possible suspect
0 seconds ago
I think my post was just REMOVED by your official " guardians against hate speech " , belligerent ZIONIST Jew censors .
1 hour ago
Paul you and your daughter saved many lives. Thank you. People like you give us hope.
Fwd: Real GUN CONTROL necessitates social control over the gun factories, over the MAKERS of guns !
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 at 10:49
Subject: Real GUN CONTROL necessitates social control over the gun factories, over the MAKERS of guns !
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 at 10:49
Subject: Real GUN CONTROL necessitates social control over the gun factories, over the MAKERS of guns !
To: <>
All these horrendous mass shootings inspire the usual GUN CONTROL drivel from the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats who have no aversion to the nuclear arsenal of the United States nor to the nuclear arsenal of its partner in crimes against humanity , Zionist APARTHEID Israel . As a long time independent democratic socialist ( presently favoring with " critical support " INDEPENDENT MAN , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ) I think that real GUN CONTROL necessitates social control over the very factories that mass produce, for the " free market " and FOR PROFIT, billions of dollars worth of lethal weapons and ammunition yearly . In fact , SOCIAL CONTROL of ALL means of production will be the basis of a truly SANE SOCIETY .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
'Serious' national security threat linked to Russia, space, source tells...
End the "threat" by abolishing nuclear weapons.
1 reply
[ a red heart ! ]
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Hundreds of cars towed during Providence parking ban
Providence Mayor Smiley seems to have an elitist contempt for the problems of ordinary working class people in Rhode Island . But when news media here slobber over you daily , this can dull any ambitious politician's innate empathy.
We do need a better funded and more efficient RIPTA . It would be much saner to take a bus to work. For working class people SNOBBERY has no payoff!
The AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE love for MOLOCH AUTOMOBILE is fatuous. An interesting book on the shelves of the Cranston Public Library has this provocative title : " Divorce Your Car ".
Democrats seize George Santos' former seat in pivotal house flip
Apart from GOOF 1 ( Biden ) and GOOF II ( Trump ) there is a profound crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy "which the mainstream news media hopes that you do not think about in Election Year 2024 . As a longtime independent democratic socialist I would give at least critical support to INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. now black- listed by all pro-ESTABLISHMENT media.
Whenever I hear some Democrat or Republican refrain " OUR democracy " I smell a political charlatan .
630 WPRO's Gene Valicenti read this text on his morning news-talk show
[When it comes to any ideas and opinions, Gene Valicenti invariably favors the existing power structure. He better hope that SOCIALISM is forever banned from ' OUR democracy."]
630 WPRO Gene Valicenti read this text on the air this morning ( Feb. 14 ) and admitted that he was very pro-capitalist and anti-socialist. He had learned in public school all about these terrible " isms " ( except CAPITALISM ! ).
To which I added this text : " Gene , do you really believe that SLOBBERING over sponsors helps your credibility ? If you do , I will buy you a gift certificate to Uncle Tony's Pizza." NO RESPONSE !
A Valentine Day reflection
Ash Wednesday is the most meaningful ritual of the Catholic Church. Who can ever forget: " Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust"? More enduring than a fatuous Valentine Day vow of eternal love ❤️.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Egypt Warns Against Israeli Ground Offensive in Rafah
The dispossessed ,oppressed Palestinians should have had much more moral and economic support from Egypt - and surrounding Arab countries - long ago. Today North Korea finds itself in a position to " warn " American imperialism and Israeli Zionism on genocide in Gaza , Palestine. What do North Korea and Israel have in common that the Palestinians don't have ?
Among working class Americans there is virtually no support for Zionist APARTHEID Israel . Which class supplies the cannon fodder for stupid and endless wars of the American plutocracy ? Picture corrupt , senile ,creepy , Conqueror of Afghanistan, Joe Biden as our next GREAT WAR TIME LEADER ? What a joke !
I wrote this published letter to the editor way back in 2014
February Reader's Digest article : INSANITY of closing mental hospitals
Just weeks after the Providence Journal published my letter observing the neglected mentally ill in Providence's Kennedy Plaza ( " Misery of the mentally ill all around us ", Dec.!5 ) I was pleased to read this article, " Schizophrenic Killer- My Cousin " by Mac McClelland in February's Reader's Digest. The article makes the same points on the moral catastrophe of deinstitutionalization with a personal story of a horrific murder that could have been prevented: " It's insanity to kill your father with a kitchen knife. It's also insanity to close hospitals, fire therapists, and leave families to face mental illness on their own ". The writer goes on to detail the " vanishing mental health safety net " in this wealthy country. " Today there is one public psychiatric-care bed per 7,100 Americans- the same ratio as in 1850 ".
My own beloved but severely mentall ill brother was also a victim of this not so benign neglect . I found his bloated, blackened, unrecognizable corpse in his Warwick apartment one very hot day last June. My sister and I were bringing him his lithium refill. His medical doctor had delayed it because Ray had failed to keep an appointment ( not cooperating ? ) . Ray was a radio technician for the Warwick Police Department for some 20 years. A funeral contingent showed up at the Pawtucket Cemetery to fire off shots in his honor. " Finally, a little dignity for Ray ", I thought. At the wake his two daughters and old friends agreed sadly that our mental health system stinks. Not for nothing Ray talked to God at night in the tone of old Job of the Old Testament. He was a devout Catholic to the end.
We hope change is in the air.
Drunks board a RIPTA bus and make a scene
A bunch of old drunks boarded RIPTA BUS 21 circa 4:40 PM Sunday, Jan. 11. I guessed that they would all be dropped off at the notorious Cranston homeless shelter Harrington Hall .I was right.I got off the bus at the Warwick Mall.
Where these guy were dropped off at the sprawling Pastore Center there used to be adequate MENTAL INSTITUTIONS for hopelessly lost souls. Today our mental health system has nothing but " cracks ".
The de-institutionalization of the mentally ill in the United States many decades go was nothing less than a crime against humanity.
NOTE : Alcoholism is a mental illness .
RIPTA will drastically cut service
Getting off RIPTA bus 21 this afternoon I was handed this leaflet put out by citizens of Rhode Island concerned that " Gov. McKee and state leaders are ATTACKING RIPTA ".
" Mc Kee's proposed budget gives RIPTA devastatingly low funding, which would force RIPTA to cut service on 29 of its 68 bus routes ,with 11 bus routes set be completely cancelled. SAY no at the service cuts hearings ".
As a longtime RIPTA rider myself I think that there is no excuse for this smallest of states not to have a very efficient public transportation system. Such a system -which would include trains and boats - would have eased the infuriating traffic jams caused by the Washington Bridge shut down. We are told that this horror show could last two years !
The idea that most Rhode Islanders are hopelessly attached to THE CAR is ridiculous. There is on local TALK RADIO ( 630WPRO) a pronounced petty-bourgeois CLASS contempt for RIPTA bus riders. It would make sense to take the bus at least to work , for example, if the present RIPTA transportation system allowed it. You should be able to get anywhere in Rhode Island within an hour-by bus.
I chuckle whenever I glimpse a book at the Cranston Public Library titled : " Divorce Your Car ". I gave up THE CAR more than 25 years ago .
Trump's NATO comments unlikely to impact Republican voters
Working class Americans are not emotionally attached to the effete , bourgeois ( post-colonial ) governments of Old Europe. More than a century after the Great War ( to make the world safe for democracy ) stale Wilsonian rhetoric cannot arouse jackass war fever in " OUR democracy ". The " enemy " nation-states of the world , their leaders , do not rise up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, of Donald Trump, of the Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, of the warmonger , embezzler, V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
Wisdom from the " Tumultuous Sixties " : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
NATO launches biggest excercises since Cold War amid Russian threat | DW...
" OUR democracy " and NATO representing all the effete bourgeois ( post-colonial ) governments of " Old Europe " getting prepared - and inspired by stale Wilsonian blather - to fight nuclear World War III with POST-COMUNIST Russia over not so sovereign " Greater Israel " Ukraine " Young men of military age in " OUR democracy " : JOIN THE GREAT CRUSADE ? Can the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " stir up war fever in an angry American working class ( mostly CHRISTIAN ) and a ruined and angry , once stable , American middle class ?
Re-elect corrupt , senile ,Joe Biden as our next Great War TIME LEADER ?
Shooting at Joel Osteen church: Female shooter killed
Joel Osteen sums up everything that went wrong with Christianity in the USA . Author Sinclair Lewis got in right in his novel " Elmer Gantry ".
As a democratic socialist and an old fashioned pre-Vatican II Catholic I loathe any perceived connection between Christianity in general and American capitalism and imperialism and a truly unholy alliance with Zionist APARTHEID Israel .
Listening to these " Jesus wants you to be rich " TV evangelists is real downer for anybody with a spark of FAITH left.
Trump's NATO comments getting fierce backlash
[" Those who ignore history... "]
As Karl Marx said a long time ago: " HISTORY is a history of CLASS WAR " . It inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917 . It will inspire the coming American SOCIALIST REVOLUTION !
Working class people nowhere plan or start wars . But HISTORY teaches that they can end
Censoring FACTS?
The Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent Zionist Jews. Why do you want to censor FACTS?
Incredibly talented Biden team?
The " incredibly talented team " that senile , corrupt Joe Biden has put together, sycophant Senator Reed, is packed with warmonger ZIONIST Jews.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Displaced Palestinians fear Israeli assault on Rafah
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet. Genocide in Gaza , Palestine is a dumb way to assure " Never Again " . There will be no support for Israel among the American working class. Senile, corrupt Biden might still start a war . But a wise thought from the " Tumultuous Sixties " : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
City of the Future: Singapore – Full Episode | National Geographic
Well listen to this tourist there :
Last PostThis thread is marked as being about Singapore
1. Posted by hannah1987 (Budding Member 15 posts) 17y
[Just arrived back from a week long trip to Singapore and what can i say from the moment i got there i wanted to leave.
The first thing, when we arrived at the airport we were accosted by an all-together un-friendly taxi driver who ripped us off with the price by about $20, he didnt smile, and the only conversation he made was to interrogate me about my finances. We were tired and so didnt argue, got to our hotel ok.
We'd heard one of the best things about singapore was the food, however, we were so sick of the food by the second day that we had to resort to starbucks and subway for the bulk of our diet. We found the city heavily polluted, way to crowded, un-charistmatic, bland, and basically a complete waste of time. We concluded that in Singapore there is nothing worth seeing, the temples were un-memorable and crammed inbetween the busy streets, not worth a visit!
We can usually amuse ourselves in a place when theres nothing to do, but after a day we were ready to leave and i believe this is mainly due to the people in Singapore! Everywhere we went in this country we were stared at, made to feel hugely unwelcome and felt like we were a hinderance in the smooth running of their country. On the trains we were stared at and pushed around, when we had huge suitcases the people wouldnt move their legs to let us past or let us in the lift. Whilst taking a trip to the cinema to try and escape Singapore the security guard allowed others to move infront of us in a queue to buy the last tickets for James Bond!! Also when i was in Singapore i lost/had stolen my purse, on trying to find it people were less than helpful, even the policeman at the station didnt believe it had been stolen and just told me to be more careful! We found the people in Singapore to be miserable, smelly, un-helpful, and rude. The only people we felt cracked a smile whilst we were there were the people who were trying to make money off us and trying to rip us off.
The only place worth visiting in Singapore is the zoo!!! its Great!!
After our traumatic experience of Singapore we felt it necessary to leave this comment and warn others that Singapore is not a nice place to spend a holiday, if your stopping over go to Thailand, Hong kong, LA, not singapore, or if you have to, make the stay as short as possible!! We seriously feel they should relax the drug laws then the people might lighten up a bit. We're currently in Thailand, and loving it, the people are SO SO SO friendly, we felt a relief as soon as we got to Bangkok airport where even the cleaners were helping us with our bags. I hope this helps someone, and deters people from going here because it seems that Singapore doesnt welcome tourists.]
Has Singapore improved since 1987 ?
Israel Daily News – War Day 128 February 11, 2024
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself - together forever with American imperialism - the most hated country in the world . The American working class will never support a war to defend it . Presently the ethnic based , ethnocentric nation state is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy.
Watch: Defendant lunges at judge during sentencing | USA TODAY
This was morally outrageous. But apart from the deranged individual, a Black male , was there a CLASS/RACE factor here? We hear and witness that our whole country is smoldering with RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE . Here the legal machine of American capitalism provokes fury.
Sorry , but lawyer Atticus Finch of " To Kill the Mockingbird" fame got it all wrong with noble intentions :
[“Our courts have our faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.” This line comes from Atticus's closing argument to the jury at Tom Robinson's trial. " ] And remember Atticus LOST the case !
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Counter-Terrorism Expert: US Retaliatory Strikes in the Middle East Fail...
Zionist APARTHEID Israel would delight in any United States WAR with Iran . Here in the United States the Biden administration is packed with zealous ZIONIST Jews. And they have no little support in the mainstream media ( which daily, zealously CENSORS anti-war American public opinion. In the streets there is passionate protest against Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine. In the media there is mostly groundless hysteria over perceived growth of anti-Semitism . Like at Harvard University ! To be sure , genocide in Gaza is no way to assure " Never Again ! "
Corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden is their proverbial useful idiot . So he must remain in office ! " OUR democracy " speaks !
1930s USA - Real Street Scenes of Vintage America - Colorized
DEPRESSION ERA USA was not without it charms even for the " proles " .
Iran Blast: President Ebrahim Raisi Vows Those Behind Deadly Explosions ...
Who decided for ordinary working class (and mostly CHRISTIAN) people in the United States that Islamic Iran is our enemy but not Zionist APARTHEID Israel ? Long ago the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism. Today Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet. Is Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine any rational way to assure " Never Again " ?
Ordinary working class people do not plan wars or start wars. But HISTORY teaches that they do end them. And they have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
Whatever the perceived flaws of Iranian society , of Russia , China, North Korea, the sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism.
Ironically, corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden is the perfect symbol of the state of " OUR democracy " in the so-called " Free World ". Join his Great Crusade ?
Biden's Brain Becomes Big Topic After Special Counsel Zings His Mental D...
Do competent unbiased medical doctors and psychiatrists think that the president of the United States has entered a state of senile dementia ? It is stupid to be angry at a terminal illness . Human beings in this condition - whatever their faults in their prime - can be used , abused , and easily deceived .
I was no fan of President Ronald Reagan . But the story of his late senility is pitiful. Imagine not even knowing that you were president of the United States. But he still knows Nancy ! Reagan, the actor , in a famous movie scene : " Where is the rest of me ? "
Friday, February 9, 2024
Biden reacts to the Special Counsel's Report that questioned his memory,...
It would make sense after this for President Biden to just resign with dignity . [ Ron Ruggieri]
["Perhaps you should recommend that Trump end his dumpster fire of a campaign for the same reason? 🤔🤔🤔🫡🫡🫡" ]
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I give critical support to INDEPENDENT candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He himself is a true " Profile in Courage ". But I can understand why working class CHRISTIANS favor " The Donald " presently. He is more persecuted than prosecuted by the THE LAW in " OUR democracy " . @patrickcummins976
Newsmakers 2/9/2024: Congressman Auchincloss
This guy always speaks for the " Deep State " wing of the Democratic Party . He will sniff out any trend toward pacifism, isolationism , and God forbid ! SOCIALISM on the Left ! Naturally he will have nothing but supporting words for belligerent Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
But in general " Deep State " operates above the TWO PARTY SYSTEM , in direct touch with American plutocracy.
In recent years " Deep State " has planted many of its own in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Biden reacts to the Special Counsel's Report that questioned his memory,...
It would make sense after this for President Biden to just resign with dignity .
Special counsel says Biden shows a poor memory, Biden angrily responds i...
Apart from the question of who is senile ( Biden ? ) or who is vicious ( Trump ? ) the whole issue of " CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS " is being discussed in the mainstream news media with no critical thinking on underlying premises : Why are these TOP SECRET documents just that ? We democratic socialists will suggest that they are above all TOP SECRET from the American people. Edward Snowden would understand this point of view. TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS reveal the work of the shadow government of the United States . And this will only embarrass individuals with faith in the essential goodness of " OUR democracy ".
With the Internet revolution just how possible is it to keep any TOP SECRET documents " secret " for long ?
President Biden reacts to special counsel report
Corrupt , senile, creepy , cranky President of the United States Joe Biden is now the perfect symbol for the so called FREE WORLD of " OUR democracy ". What is really going on here is a profound crisis of the American TWO PARTY SYSTEM. Working class Americans need an independent Labor Party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less " Mickey Mouse ". INDEPENDENT candidate for US president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can pick up the pieces and make a new beginning here.
Or else Election Day in USA 2024 is going to be the biggest joke in the history of " OUR democracy ".
Decoding Putin's Interview with Tucker Carlson: Expert Analysis
Compared to the present day leaders of American capitalism and Israeli Zionism Russia's POST-COMMUNIST leader Vladimir Putin is a bastion of political sanity. I speak as an independent democratic socialist pleased to see an Orthodox Church revival in Russia. The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not the IDEA of socialism / communism . It was making their state " Officially Atheist ".
The sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism.
Drugs, guns, $1.2 million in cash taken off streets by Providence police
Looking at the faces of the drug dealing " high level traffickers " I suspect the lights went out in their brains very early in life. There needs to be more social supervision of children WHEN the nuclear family breaks down. " A mind is a terrible thing to waste ! "
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Secy. Blinken says toll of Israel's military action is 'too high' in Gaza
From the World Socialist Web Site this morning :
[ "The Israeli military continued its bombardment Wednesday of Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza where 1 million displaced people are sheltering, as US and Israeli leaders publicly rejected any cessation of hostilities.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a visit to Israel, said a proposal by Hamas to release all Israeli hostages in exchange for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza was “full of non-starters,” once again giving Israel a green light for its ongoing genocide." ]
American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a proud ZIONIST Jew , is following in the footsteps of his mentor, ZIONIST Jew war criminal, American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The ordinary working class people of the world have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
Ari Melber: It is unlikely SCOTUS will make new precedent in ballot elig...
What passes for " OUR democracy " ? ALL government , educational, and cultural institutions are permeated with the interests of our ruling capitalist class. Karl Marx was quite right in thinking that THE LAW is never above POLITICS and the CLASS STRUGGLE. What is going on now in " OUR democracy " is an ideological BRAWL within the plutocracy - which sometimes gets physical as on January 6 , 2021. You can be sure that the American plutocracy has no intention of overthrowing itself.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. The greater threat of FASCISM is not right wing populist Donald Trump and 75 million plus or minus working class " deplorables " . It is the Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party dominated by secular ZIONIST Jews. The Biden administration is packed with militant ZIONIST Jews with a very belligerent pro-APARTHEID Israel foreign policy. Also in the so called " culture wars " they are the very pillars of WOKE ideology in the mainstream news media and in the nation's public schools. The tyranny of WOKE " science " prevails in Ivy League schools. They can count on Hollywood to promote WOKE WARRIOR propaganda.
The reason the mainstream news media is so obviously " protective " rather than excoriating of corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden is that THEY see him as their proverbial useful idiot .
But can working class CHRISTIANS in the USA approve billions of tax payer dollars for the thug war criminal Netanyahu in Israel and for the war monger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? Can they let their children die in more stupid and endless wars in the Middle East ? Together forever, American imperialism and Israeli Zionism.
Is all this worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Despite real American public opinion the mainstream news media continues to think that stale Wilsonian blather false more than a century ago will suffice to stir up the necessary toxic war fever in " OUR democracy ". It daily censors ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States . And while most of the world is focused on Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine , the mainstream news media promotes hysteria on some imagined increase in anti-Semitism in the United States. At Harvard University , for example !
Never will they admit that anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Monday, February 5, 2024
US announces new wave of strikes against Houthi targets
Just as in the darkest days of Vietnam War the American ruling class decides for " OUR democracy " just who " OUR enemy " is together forever with Zionist APARTHEID Israel. But the ordinary working class people of the world have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . They do not plan or start wars. But HISTORY teaches that they can and do end them. Today the decadent and belligerent American plutocracy is comparable to the French aristocracy just before the Great French Revolution of 1789 .
They will never again be able to instill war fever in the American people with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. Neither corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden nor the right wing " populist " blowhard Donald Trump can save moribund American capitalism while the sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism. We have not entered another " American Century " .
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