Friday, December 1, 2023

INCOMPETENCE & NEGLIGENCE is the NEW NORMAL on all fronts in this era of decaying capitalism and fading imperialism

INCOMPETENCE & NEGLIGENCE is the NEW NORMAL on all fronts in this era of decaying capitalism and fading imperialism. I hear people complain " nothing goes right " nowadays. One wonders if nobody steadily employed actually knows what he or she is doing. Even the CITIZENS BANK ATM machine failed to work several times last week in different locations. If your home alarm system breaks down , nobody in the company is around to fix it or even knows how to fix it. Not infrequently my RIPTA bus is not just late -it is a no show ! The laundry room in the apartment complex has three washing machines that don't work. When they do work , you cannot get quarters at the bank. Eating in restaurants is too often an expensive hazard to your health. If your toilet does not flush or the sink is clogged, try calling MAINTENANCE . All the advertising on radio and TV is either false or insane. We live in the Golden Age of the Swindle. A friend went to a dentist who said he had ten cavities. Another dentist said he had none. The morning news reports that kids are learning nothing in the Providence Public Schools. You cannot rely on the major newspaper here to tell you that an old friend has died. A Christmas card sent to a neighbor in Cranston first goes somewhere out of state. One swindler after another calls you on your cell phone . The UBER driver does not speak English and cannot follow simple directions FROM THE PASSENGER ! Waiting for a bus in Kennedy Plaza Providence , you are surrounded by people who would have been housed in mental institutions in the 1950s Golden Age . Vote for corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden in 2024 ? Vote for megalomaniac Donald Trump ? VOTE APPROVE ( if you could ) on billions of tax payer dollars for the thug Netanyahu in Israel or the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? Well at least you can trust Lester Holt ( ? ) ? Go now to the window and shout : " I am mad as hell and can't take it anymore ! " Show less

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