Saturday, December 2, 2023

Expelled from the US Congress , psychopath George Santos was clever enough to endear himself to influential ZIONIST Jews

The completely corrupt , bought and sold , US Congress will not tolerate such shamelessly VISIBLE corruption in one of its elected members. Psychopath George Santos was clever enough to endear himself to influential ZIONIST Jews. " OUR democracy " will continue to be represented by the more cunning enemies of " OUR democracy ". The Joe Biden administration and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews. And these people get to decide what constitutes hate speech as expressed in American public opinion. And they are very diligent at muzzling ANTI-WAR , ANTI -ZIONISM opinion among some 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIAN Americans. For a cynical chuckle check over their numerous scratch overs .

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