Saturday, December 2, 2023

CAPITALISM is the mother of ALL addictions !

Very interesting and helpful documentary on the destructive evil of gambling addiction. . As a longtime independent democratic socialist ( addicted to the IDEA ? ) I never had a problem wasting social surplus value at gambling casinos. All these various addictions are connected it seems : gambling and alcoholism; alcoholism and smoking, gambling and alcoholism and smoking;; gambling and alcoholism, smoking , and sex addiction; stock market gambling is in essence an addiction to Moloch God of Money who rules over the CAPITALIST SYSTEM. Only a SICK SOCIETY will turn a one dollar lottery ticket holder into an instant multi-millionaire-billionaire. By PURE CHANCE concentrate money on individuals that is more sanely used for some collective COMMUNITY purpose -like bigger , kinder, and better mental institutions. Quite apart from deranged gambling the god of CHANCE will also ruin millions of individuals every day of the week. Perhaps still affluent " recovered " gambling addicts can erect a WARNING monument to H.P. Lovecraft's " blind idiot god Azathoth ? Gambling addiction is the subject of great literature and even pop culture. I recall being influenced against gambling in my early teens when I watched a Rod Serling ( he was addicted to smoking ) Twilight Zone episode titled " The Fever " Having a sane MEANING in life , I think , is the best anti-dote to catching gambling fever. I never in my life spent a buck on POWER BALL . Or a minute gambling in a casino . NOTE : Since when were gambling and alcoholism a part of Native American culture ? For decades now their leaders are greedy for grandiose Las Vegas style gambling casinos , for a slice of the American Way of Life - over which our VIOLENCE addicted Pentagon warriors are itching to start nuclear World War III. Show less

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