Thursday, August 10, 2023

There is no " moral monster " to blame for the homeless people crisis in Rhode Island . The real villain here is THE SYSTEM - irrational capitalism

I followed this story on Gene Valicenti's talk-news morning radio show today. There is no " moral monster " to blame for the homeless people crisis in Rhode Island or anywhere else in the " OUR democracy " USA. For years democratic socialists have offered a RATIONAL explanation for poverty and the homeless crisis in the United States : it is the nature of the capitalist SYSTEM to create all this evil , this seemingly incurable social justice problem. Corporate America is not lacking in vacant real estate and assorted PRIVATE PROPERTY buildings which could quickly accommodate hundreds of homeless people right here in Rhode Island . The military and the federal government have much unused or abandoned property that can easily deal with this now national humanitarian crisis. The chief obstacle to helping the homeless population is very obviously legally sacrosanct capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. We democratic socialists have never considered anybody's PRIVATE PROPERTY sacrosanct - unlike 100 percent of our bourgeois judges. Their revered LAW has nothing to do with the GENERAL WELFARE and everything to do with the needs of the OWNING class, particularly of the Social Register plutocracy. No surprise that Supreme Court judges wine and dine with these billionaires in their palatial homes every day of the week. The beauty of " OUR democracy " !

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