Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, August 31, 2023
How the proxy war will end for Ukraine president Zelensky ?
How many working class CHRISTIANS in the United states do you think admire this puffed up NATO " hero " ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler of our tax payer money ? Go away Volodymyr Zelensky. How will his " Greater Israel " war for " sovereign " Ukraine end ? With V. Zelensky fleeing to APARTHEID Israel with a plane load full of embezzled American currency !
Risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia for this guy ?
Perhaps the radicalized women of Israel can regain the perspective of socialist internationalism
Ironically the only thing that can save Israel as a country -for now - is pure bourgeois democracy . The country must not function on an ethnocentric basis . Golda Meir started out as a socialist. Perhaps the newly radicalized women of Israeli can regain the perspective of socialist internationalism. But no bourgeois democracy on the planet today has an ethnocentric constitution and ruling class.
Democrats or Republicans -they all dream of a happy future for global capitalism, American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism
Everywhere on the planet the homeless crisis is directly connected to legally sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. We democratic socialists have known this for years. The homeless crisis can barely be " managed " within the existing capitalist system . It does not matter who runs the country - " progressive " liberals or Far Right conservatives.
In the USA all the TWO PARTY politicians have this in common : Democrat or Republican , they all dream of a happy future for global capitalism ( in particular American capitalism ) , a happy future for American imperialism and together forever for Israeli Zionism. The misery of the masses is just taken for granted : " The poor will always be with you ".
No surprise that the very IDEA of socialism is anathema in the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ".
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Fwd: " Rich Boy " Aaron Regunberg and aristocrat FDR
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 07:53
Subject: " Rich Boy " Aaron Regunberg and aristocrat FDR
To: Tara Granahan <>, <>, Gregg, Katherine <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 at 07:53
Subject: " Rich Boy " Aaron Regunberg and aristocrat FDR
To: Tara Granahan <>, <>, Gregg, Katherine <>, <>
His family money should not obscure the fact that Aaron Regunberg just has more brains than the other Democratic Party candidates for US Congress. The " Far Left " that has its roots in FDR New Deal liberalism is more " friendly " to working class people than the WOKE WARRIOR Joe Biden fan club. Corrupt president "Joe Biden & Son "also boasted about blue collar roots.
Ron from Cranston
People with something to say on You Tube should always take screenshots of their comments - a check on outrageous censorship which has nothing to do with " community standards " and everything to do with WOKE WARRIOR Democrat contempt for the Free Speech, Free Thought tradition of Western Civilization.
" Far Left " rich boy Aaron Regunberg just has more brains than the other Democratic Party candidates for Congress
His family money should not obscure the fact that Aaron Regunberg just has more brains than the other Democratic Party candidates for US Congress. The " Far Left " that has its roots in FDR New Deal liberalism is more " friendly " to working class people than the WOKE WARRIOR Joe Biden fan club. Corrupt president "Joe Biden & Son "also boasted about blue collar roots.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Gay Democrat Don Carlson a victim of DNC's " sexual McCarthyism "
This guy Don Carlson tried to fit in with the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats. But alas, he himself becomes yet another victim of their hateful " identity politics " . Here a gay man is also a victim of their vicious and brainless " sexual McCarthyism " . Who back in the days of the 60s -70s " Sexual Revolution " would have made a public shaming issue over a misdirected romantic ( gay or straight ) romantic pass ?
When a ruling class is divided against itself ?
[Notice the scratch over : " so biased in favor of WOKE WARRIOR Democrats " !]
Former president Donald Trump's legal PERSECUTION and the dark , possible impeachment cloud over the Joe Biden & Son presidency really confirm the orthodox Marxist view of bourgeois LAW. It simply cannot rise above the collective will of the ruling capitalist class. It does strive to resolve conflicts within this class but often enough our JUST JUDGES wear their political views on their pompous robes. " YOUR HONOR " is invariably " on the Right " , " on the Left" , " in the Middle " but always siding with one faction or another in the ruling class. You can be sure that any inner conflicts with CAPITALISM, American imperialism , or Israeli Zionism will be firmly suppressed.
It does seem that a conflict within the ruling class can border on open civil war. Why does the mainstream news media so biased in favor of WOKE WARRIOR Democrats act as if the 70+ million American citizens who voted for Trump are marginal , hateful " deplorables " ?
Does DEEP STATE -now controlled by " progressive " Democrats - imagine that they can sneak corrupt, senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden & Son back in the White House simply with the " arrogance of power " ? Completely ignore MASS public opinion ? Even get away with nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
What is more probable by Election Day 2024 is a complete meltdown of THEIR Two Party System .
Justified COVID-19 resurgence cynicism
The corrupted voice of SCIENCE -speaking for FOR PROFIT Big Pharma - has no credibility now when warning us about a resurgence of COVID-19 ( in the first place brought to us by DEEP STATE intrigue ) .
Fwd: COVID-19 cynicism justified ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 09:15
Subject: COVID-19 cynicism justified ?
To: Tara Granahan <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 09:15
Subject: COVID-19 cynicism justified ?
To: Tara Granahan <>
Tara, the corrupted voice of SCIENCE -speaking for FOR PROFIT Big Pharma - has no credibility now when warning us about a resurgence of COVID-19 ( in the first place brought to us by DEEP STATE intrigue ) .
Ron from Cranston
Monday, August 28, 2023
So-called cancel culture might end on a happy note if finally all talk radio hosts are banished from the ether waves.At 630WPRO not one " star" applies critical intelligence to prevailing views on capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism. And if they did ,they would be shown the door by the station. management
A special birthday present for brother Steve on his 69th birthday - Grandma Ruggieri's 100 year old ornate Catholic holy candle
At my brother John's place- a quaint cottage village with the Ocean State view of the bay- the family celebrated my brother Steve and sister Rita's 69th birthday. My sister Adrienne presented Steve with a truly precious family memory- an ornate candle holder that we recall as always lit in a darkened room on the second floor of 62 Gesler St in Federal Hill section of Providence, Rhode Island. Sleeping in Grandma Ruggieri's bedroom on a summer night circa 1957 I recall the candle flame light and the smell of fresh baked bread coming in through the screen from DeSantis Bakery. Early in the morning Grandma would take my older brother Ricky and I to 7:00 AM mass at nearby Holy Ghost Church. After mass we three would stop to buy some ripe peaches at one of Federal Hill's open air stands .
One Christmas season I bought Grandma a cheap amethyst necklace at a Washington Park Five & Dime store. She always wore it with the good natured simplicity of the Italian peasant.
Presently I think " progressive " Democrat Aaron Regunberg deserves " critical support "
For many more voters in Rhode Island than the mainstream news media cares to recognize Aaron Regunberg being endorsed by " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders and legendary anti-Vietnam War activist Jane Fonda is a refreshing plus.
There are ideological similarities between Sanders and Regunberg. Most " progressive " Democrats might flirt with the " socialist label " but will confine their fight to the moribund Democratic Party whose inner core operate with uncritical devotion to capitalism, American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist myself I would not be surprised if these " Far Left " members of the Democratic Party end up endorsing corrupt, senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden in 2024 presidential campaign.
Nevertheless, I give critical support to " Far Left " voices in the Democratic Party while they still talk sense to working class and middle class Americans.
Presently, I think " progressive " Democrat Aaron Regunberg deserves " critical support " . Back in 2015 I said this about the Bernie Sanders campaign in a May 2 letter published in the Providence Journal :
[ " As another independent socialist, I commend the independent senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, for entering the Democratic presidential race. I would prefer that he remain a pristine independent but I myself am a registered Democrat here in Rhode Island.
Come to think of it, the American plutocracy thought Franklin D. Roosevelt was a pretty good socialist." ]
NOTE : What passed for the organized MARXIST Left self-destructed some decades ago, even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. One big factor was their implacable hostility to Christianity , to religion in general. But the IDEA of socialism has never been discredited. We hear again and again that " socialism can't work ". But for the mass millions of working class people in the world capitalism does not work !
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Bernie Sanders campaigns for Aaron Regunberg in Rhode Island
Recall that " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders won the presidential primary here in Rhode Island here in 2016. I attended a rally for him in April at the Temple to Music in Roger Williams Park . The crowd was estimated at 7000.
As an independent democratic socialist I do give " critical support " to so called " Far Left " Democrats who just talk sense from the point of view of ordinary working class and middle class American voters.
Young and idealistic and bright Aaron Regunberg looks like a winner here. Like Bernie Sanders ?
" FAR LEFT ( ? ) Aaron Regunberg a refreshing PLUS as squalid Rhode Island politics goes
For many would be voters in Rhode Island young , idealistic , very bright Aaron Regunberg being endorsed by " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders is a refresing PLUS. Recall who who won the Rhode Island presidential primary in 2016 ? In spite of his " socialism " ( ? ) or because of it ?
A family " jewel presented by sister Adrienne to brother Steve on his 69th birthday
At my brother John's place- a quaint cottage village with the Ocean State view of the bay- the family celebrated my brother Steve and sister Rita's birthday. My sister Adrienne presented Steve with truly precious family memory- a ornate candle holder that we recall always lit in a darkened room on the second floor of 62 Gesler St in Federal Hill section of Providence, Rhode Island. Sleeping in Grandma Ruggieri's bedroom on a summer night circa 1957 I recall the candle flame light and the smell of fresh baked bread coming in through the screen from DeSantis Bakery. Early in morning Grandma would take my older brother Ricky and I to 7:00 AM mass at nearby Holy Ghost Church. After mass we three would stop to buy some ripe peaches at an open air stand.
One Christmas season I bought Grandma a cheap amethyst neckless at a Washington Park Five & Dime store. She always wore it with the good natured simplicity of the Italian peasant.
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Martin Luther King's dream was not about the blessings of capitalism and imperialism
I just heard a prominent Black leader prate about " making HATE illegal ? Gee , why did not the Founding Fathers think about that ? Why did not Jesus Christ 2000 years ago ? How can you " outlaw HATE " in a CLASS divided, highly competitive , rat race CAPITALIST society ? Are the oppressed of all races and ethnic groups going to be ordered by the STATE of the oppressors to love their oppressors ? Or will this " progress " against pernicious HATE be High Court ordered by WOKE judges who are above all HATE in their public and private lives ?
Of course what WOKE ideology -DNC based - is all about is instituting THOUGHT CRIME in " OUR democracy ".
Don't expect the mainstream news media in the United States to inform the public that Martin Luther was leaning toward some form of Christian socialism.And he expressed this view in a letter to his wife circa 1953.Black Muslim leader Malcolm X way back in 1965 in his Harlem speeches made a connection racism and capitalism , between racism and American imperialism. Do you wonderthat DEEP STATE of " OUR democracy " is still implicated in the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 and Martin Luther King in 1968. They must have been seen by the shadow government of the United States as " flirting with odious communism " ! " I have a dream " . But King's dream was not about the blessings of capitalism and imperialism.
Friday, August 25, 2023
Thursday, August 24, 2023
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party would rather slobber over the neurotic LGBTQ+ " community " than help the homeless
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can sees that the homeless crisis in capitalist America has reached a critical point where it is on collision course with landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Google " homelessness and capitalism " and you will be quickly enlightened on this enduring social justice problem.
All the TWO PARTY SYSTEM Democrats and Republicans sound like two bit charlatans whenever they talk about " THE PROBLEM" . Their crocodile tears might help !
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party now has nothing to do with mostly CLASS issues once championed by FDR and JFK even LBJ for a while. Instead they obsess on vacuous and vicious identity politics and on neurotic concerns of the LGBTQ+ " community " -a " community " that fits in perfectly with our " Culture of Narcissism ".
When they are not slobbering over the LGBTQ+ " community " the " progressive " Democrats -led by secular ZIONIST Jews - promote the HATE Russia , New McCarthyism . And salute NATO " hero " warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky , president for life of the " sovereign " Ukraine . The new and revised Democratic Party is no threat to nation's shadowy military caste and to the ubiquitous military industrial complex. But in contrast to those nasty MAGA Republicans they pass themselves off as pillars of " OUR democracy ".
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
WOKE is hardly a political buzz word .It signifies a prolonged ideological Reign Of Terror against working class CHRISTIAN America in " OUR democracy "
" WOKE " is hardly a political buzz word. It signifies a prolonged ideological Reign Of Terror again working class CHRISTIAN Americans in " OUR democracy " . It seems that the " progressive " Democratic Party obsessed with daffy and vicious " identity politics " has also declared war on religious tradition in the United States. And you would have to be rather obtuse not to notice that pillars of WOKE ideology in the mainstream news media , in our public schools, and in teacher unions are invariably secular, openly anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews. Indeed the Joe Biden administration is also packed with them. Their leader Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, self-proclaimed " guardian angel " of APARTHEID Israel. And ,of course, with the Sunday morning " Meet the Press " blessing of Chuck Todd.
Quite apart from WOKE , just who is promoting the HATE Russia New McCarthyism ? Who imagines that the CHRISTIAN working class is eager to fix the problems of moribund American imperialism and Israeli ZIONISM with the blood of their children ? And who is slobbering over the puffed up , NATO " hero " warmonger, embezzler , Ukraine president V. Zelensky ?
Three cheers for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia !
The LEFT in general is not wise to scorn any number of " bourgeois " democratic values
A very INDEPENDENT democratic socialist myself I do recall voting for Socialist Equality presidential candidate, Jerry White, back then. I can only wonder how many unrepentant Marxist political parties remain, proud and not beaten down, in the world today . More than a century after the brilliant promise of the Russian Revolution of 1917 they still preach the CLASS STRUGGLE.
I do note that the LEFT in general is not wise to scorn any number of " bourgeois " democratic values -like the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Nor does routinely bashing religion - with much verbal vitriol directed at Catholicism - help build a movement of the working class MASSES.
Also ,Jews who are fanatical about APARTHEID Israel, very pro-Zionist Jews , Jews fanatical about the blessings of CAPITALISM in general , and also flag waving supporters of American imperialism, even under the banner of " PROGRESSIVE Democrats " , are ,despite the reality of malignant anti-Semitism , anti-socialist enemies of the working class of the whole world.
Let " socialist " Bernie Sanders speak for himself. Up to a point he might be worthy of " critical support ". But since 2016 he is little more than a shell of a broken promise. I like what James P. Cannon wrote way back in 1948 ( ? ) in an long editorial titled " The Treason of the Intellectuals ". Not a few of them came from a Jewish background. One going from Trotskyism to the staff of conservative William H. Buckley. Irving Howe told the truth about many radical Jews in his book " World of Our Fathers ". I did read read socialist Irving Howe's political autobiography " A Margin of Hope ". Quite an honest writer , I thought , and an excellent literary critic.
Fwd: YouTube video of " Free Love " Williams' damaged gravesite in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery , Cranston , Rhode Island. She was the great granddaughter of Roger Williams icon of religious freedom "
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 at 09:38
Subject: YouTube video of " Free Love " Williams' damaged gravesite in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery , Cranston , Rhode Island. She was the great granddaughter of Roger Williams icon of religious freedom "
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 at 09:38
Subject: YouTube video of " Free Love " Williams' damaged gravesite in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery , Cranston , Rhode Island. She was the great granddaughter of Roger Williams icon of religious freedom "
To: <>
You would think the great granddaughter of Roger Williams would get more respect .
On my Sunday walk through lovely St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery in Cranston , Rhode Island I was sad to see this neglected and damaged gravesite of Rhode Island " Freedom of Religion " hero Roger Williams' great granddaughter .You must get a " progressive " chuckle when you read her name : " FREE LOVE " . Did " Free Love " have expanded views of old " crank " Roger Williams ? According to history notes the whole state of Rhode Island was a gift of love " from the Narragansett Indians. " Did " Free Love " have a special gift for her beloved Narragansett Indian tribe ? A very prolific family of Roger Williams !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Fwd: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 8:38:26 PM)
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 8:40 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 8:38:26 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 8:40 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 8:38:26 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
You would think the great granddaughter of Roger Williams would get more respect at St.Ann's Cemetery in Cranston, Rhode Island!
Fwd: No more " professional journalism " at NBC, CBS, ABC ? ALWAYS a hostile tone toward Donald Trump ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 11:30
Subject: No more " professional journalism " at NBC, CBS, ABC ? ALWAYS a hostile tone toward Donald Trump ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 11:30
Subject: No more " professional journalism " at NBC, CBS, ABC ? ALWAYS a hostile tone toward Donald Trump ?
To: <>
Perhaps only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can save the soul of the WOKE Warrior Democratic Party
The mainstream news media in the United States - with strong ties to the " Friends of Israel " mob at home in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - reports any " news " of Donald Trump in a clearly hostile tone - the opposite of what was once called " professional journalism ". Nearly all the NBC, CBS , ABC reporters wear their support for creepy , corrupt Joe Biden on their sleeves. As if the 70,000, 000 + Americans who voted for him in 2016 are marginalized " deplorables ". I do not speak as a MAGA Trump supporter but as an independent democratic socialist. Could the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats be more out of touch with working class America and with a more and more ruined middle class America ? Growing up in the 1960s I never expected to hear a president of the United States routinely be called a " LIAR " by mainstream news media, and with such self-assured arrogant impudence. Is it not a form of collective insanity to be completely out of touch with OBJECTIVE reality ? An old saying : " Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad ". Ironically, these most hateful , contemptuous of ordinary citizens , " liberal " Democrats set themselves up as hanging judges of whomever for them sound like " HATE speech " purveyors But most of the time they are the nasty censors of IDEAS & OPINIONS that THEY find offensive. So who really represents whatever is left of " OUR democracy " in the third decade of the 21st century ? The Bidens , the Obamas , the Clintons, Chuck Todd and Senator ( " guardian angel " of Israel ) Chuck Schumer ) ? Nancy Pelosi and husband ? Numerous eccentrics in the Biden administration ? Vice President Kamala Harris ? Perhaps only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can save the soul of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Perhaps only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can save the soul of the WOKE Warrior Democratic Party
The mainstream news media in the United States - with strong ties to the " Friends of Israel " mob at home in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - reports any " news " of Donald Trump in a clearly hostile tone - the opposite of what was once called " professional journalism ". Nearly all the NBC, CBS , ABC reporters ware their support for creepy , corrupt Joe Biden on their sleeves. As if the 70,000, 000 + Americans who voted for him in 2016 are marginalized " deplorables ". I do not speak as a MAGA Trump supporter but as a independent democratic socialist. Could the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats be more out of touch with working class America and with a more and more ruined middle class America ?
Growing up in the 1960s I never expected to hear a president of the United States routinely be called a " LIAR " by mainstream news media, and with such self-assured arrogant impudence.
Is it not a form of collective insanity to be completely out of touch with OBJECTIVE reality ? An old saying : " Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad ".
Ironically, these most hateful , contemptuous of ordinary citizens , " liberal " Democrats set themselves up as hanging judges of whomever for them sound like " HATE speech " purveyors But most of the time they are the nasty censors of IDEAS & OPINIONS that THEY find offensive.
So who really represents whatever is left of " OUR democracy " in the third decade of the 21st century ? The Bidens , the Obamas , the Clintons, Chuck Todd and Senator ( " guardian angel " of Israel ) Chuck Schumer ) ? Nancy Pelosi and husband ? Numerous eccentrics in the Biden administration ? Vice President Kamala Harris ?
Perhaps only Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can save the soul of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
When being endorsed by " socialist " Bernie Sanders "and iconic anti-Vietnam War beauty Jane Fonda is a refreshing plus ( if ultimately meaningless )
For more than a few Rhode Island voters bright ,YOUNG Aaron Regunberg being endorsed by both " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders and iconic anti- Vietnam War beauty Jane Fonda is a refreshing PLUS.
Perhaps Regunberg could get some inspiration from JFK in 1960 . " Get Rhode Island Moving Again ". Hopefully NOT in a stale WOKE WARRIOR direction. With a little common political sense this guy is THE WINNER.
And it is very good to stick up for helpless , hopeless state and federal prisoners. And MEDICARE FOR ALL is a winning idea here in mostly working class Rhode Island.
Remember Bernie Sanders WON the Rhode Island presidential primary in 2016. He had this independent democratic socialist's " critical support " at least for a while.
Perhaps THE JOB has gone sour on Gene Valicenti ?
Perhaps THE JOB has gone sour on Gene Valicenti. Recently he cut " Ron " off from his squawking crowd and said on air that " Ron" must be " off his meds " this morning, without mentioning what topic I wanted to " squawk " about. That was very unprofessional. And RUDE ! Behind the scenes I suspect THE STATION 630WPRO thinks it exceptionally impudent for any democratic socialist to be boldly " prolific " with anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist , and especially anti-ZIONIST cracks. All these talk -radio hosts simply must slobber over Zionist Apartheid Israel and try to quarantine or censor real or imagined anti-Semitism ( mostly anti-Zionism ). Let the ZIONIST Jew owners of media be the experts on anti-Semitism. And APARTHEID Israel can do no wrong .
Innuendos about some dissenter's mental health is an old tactic in totalitarian countries . So is shameless CENSORSHIP .
Gene Valicenti WPRO Radio & Sports Blooper NBC 10
Gene Valicenti WPRO Radio & Sports Blooper NBC 10
Camera doesn't catch up in time when Gene Valicenti is finished with his WPRO R...
My earlier praise for genial Gene Valicenti
[ "Gene Valicenti is one of the few radio and TV news-talk show local celebrities whose balanced mind survives popularity. For all his visible SUCCESS he does seem to be a sane, thoughtful , compassionate human being. To be sure , he could end up hating his job should it become incompatible with his Italo-American , Catholic , MIDDLE OF THE ROAD , fundamental decency. In TV and radio land REALITY is always a lot more weird than what you see ." ]
Fwd: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 4:54:41 AM)
I think his job and "celebrity" has finally soured him.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 4:55 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 4:54:41 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 4:55 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Aug 22, 2023 4:54:41 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Monday, August 21, 2023
Problem navigating to a particular gravesite at St. Ann's Cemetery in Cranston, Rhode Island
I visited St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery this Sunday morning to locate the gravesite of a young man who died in a car accident in 1980 leaving his infant daughter and the mother behind. Although I have the lot number 1459 Section 35 I just could not find site. The problem is that St. Ann's management neglects to ADD the lot number to most gravesites. Making it cruelly impossible for investigators or non-relatives to find a burial site.V died on March 1, 1980.
When I spotted gravesite 1398 I thought I must be somewhere near V's grave site. But no luck just more walking by the two or three Section 35 rows.
Fwd: Commandeers -in-chief Joe Biden & Son - a real recruiting problem for the US military
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 at 10:26
Subject: Commandeers -in-chief Joe Biden & Son - a real recruiting problem for the US military
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 at 10:26
Subject: Commandeers -in-chief Joe Biden & Son - a real recruiting problem for the US military
To: <>
A real recruiting problem for the US military : Young working class Americans [ the usual cannon fodder for our stupid wars in defense of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism] these kids think : "The leaders of OUR democracy are not on a higher moral level than leaders of the so called UNFREE world. Our American plutocracy not more ethical than Putin's Russian oligarchy . Our DEEP STATE and CIA not more international law abiding than the North Korean communists." And Christian working class parents are not inclined to help fix the problems of capitalist USA and APARTHEID Israel with the blood of their children. What more do we want than corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden & Son as Commandeers -in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States ? Hail Joe the " Conqueror of Afghanistan " ! Thundering applause from " The Other America " for the puffed up. NATO " hero " warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky ? " Sleepy Joe " has given him the keys to the US Treasury. Perhaps a very low voter turnout on Election Day 2024 can save the creepy Joe Biden presidency ? But not " OUR democracy " !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Perhaps a very low voter turnout on Election Day 2024 can save the creepy Joe Biden presidency? But not " OUR democracy " !
A real recruiting problem for the US military : Young working class Americans [ the usual cannon fodder for our stupid wars in defense of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism] these kids think : "The leaders of OUR democracy are not on a higher moral level than leaders of the so called UNFREE world. Our American plutocracy not more ethical than Putin's Russian oligarchy . Our DEEP STATE and CIA not more international law abiding than the North Korean communists."
And Christian working class parents are not inclined to help fix the problems of capitalist USA and APARTHEID Israel with the blood of their children.
What more do we want than corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden & Son as Commandeers -in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States ? Hail Joe the " Conqueror of Afghanistan " !
Thundering applause from " The Other America " for the puffed up. NATO " hero " warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky ? " Sleepy Joe " has given him the keys to the US Treasury.
Perhaps a very low voter turnout on Election Day 2024 can save the creepy Joe Biden presidency ? But not " OUR democracy " !
A new low in talk radio
Gene made an ass of himself last week by saying this "Ron" FORGOT TO TAKE HIS MEDS without ever mentioning what the texter wanted to talk about. A new low for 630 wpro talk radio!
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Charlatan capitalist politicians !
These debates among Republicans , among Democrats , between Democrats and Republicans , are all constrained by what Karl Marx called " the ideas of the ruling class ". The hidden assumption in all debates within the TWO PARTY SYSTEM is that " socialist " ideas are quarantined and anathema. Yet, just what social justice problems can begin to be solved with no reference to the flaws of the capitalist system ? The capitalist politicians are like 19th century biologists who want to talk profoundly about LIFE with no reference to Darwin , like 19th century medical doctors who would lecture on keeping people healthy with no reference to Pasteur.
They naively believe that the American Constitution is a sort of holy text which has all the answers even while science and technology and social revolution profoundly change human life.
How can the scientific method apply only to the world up to the existence of CIVILIZED human beings ? A simple 19th century science discovery forever repudiates the silly notion that there is only freedom in the capitalist economic and no necessary " exploitation " . That principle is the famous one called CONSERVATION OF ENERGY . In other words, you can't get something for nothing . This horrific INEQUALITY OF WEALTH Is rationally explained by Karl Marx's labor theory of value.
As a long time independent democratic socialist I cannot see how any American politician who operates within the Two Party System can be anything other than an unctuous charlatan whose law school education was little more than training in sophistry and philistine debating skills.
How it will end in Ukraine
Working class Americans confronted with the horrors of decaying American capitalism at home are not losing sleep over the plight of NATO " hero " war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky's frustrated efforts to create " Greater Israel " in Europe. We can only pity the bludgeoned with lies Ukrainian working class. Moribund American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism cannot rally the masses -with Wilsonian blather - to fight nuclear World War III for arrogant , corrupt rich people like Joe Biden & Son , Donald Trump, and the Jewish bully Benjamin Netanyahu.
Meanwhile V. Zekensky has the keys to the US Treasury and will one day arrive in Israel with a planeload of embezzled US currency.
THE END for " sovereign " Ukraine ?a A lot like abandoned Afghanistan. As for the wounded and dead soldiers on all sides : " THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! "
Some sympathy for Sabina Matos
It is hardly irrational to suspect that the Sabina Matos campaign for US Congress was indeed sabotaged by some shadowy opponent in her own WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. I think that young Aaron Regunberg is all round the most attractive candidate as " progressive " Democrats in Rhode Island go ( that is hardly flattering ! ) . But I did feel sympathy for Sabina. I can easily understand why this woman from the Dominican Republic who identifies herself as a " person of color " can just SENSE prejudice with a sort of sixth sense.
By the way, it is also easy to understand why HER people might be less than zealous about flying the American flag . The history of American imperialism in the Dominican Republic does falls short of that " Good Neighbor Policy ".
Apart from Sabina Matos and Aaron Regunberg the other candidates have made themselves " colorless " in a different sense.
A Gina Raimondo " nothing burger " here or a prime time scandal ?
I made a screen shot of a wacky exchange here : one woman declared " I'm Gina's very close and best friend. You don't want to mess with me or her best friend " . To which the other replied : " You know you just threatened a citizen with your " power ". Perhaps these two -if they are for real - should be heard on local talk radio. A Gina Raimondo " nothing berger " here or a prime time scandal.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Fwd: Crazy?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 8:58 AM
Subject: Crazy?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 8:58 AM
Subject: Crazy?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
All my texts this morning will be forwarded to my blog and my Facebook page. Along with genial Gene's comment that Ron is off his rocker. He forgot to take his meds this morning?
Like Senator Bernie Sanders who endorsed him Aaron Regunberg falls into the old Jewish LEFT tradition: It is well documented in Irving Howe's book titled : "WORLD OF OUR FATHERS". For many voters in Rhode Island being endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Jane Fonda is a refreshing PLUS. Just remember who won the presidential primary here in Rhode Island in 2016.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
On the Sabina Matos mystery : watching " TRUE CRIME " ( on channel 12-3 ) makes you smarter !
Why dismiss the assumption that the Sabina Matos campaign for US Congress was sabotaged by some confederate on her staff operating for a shadowy political opponent ?
I suspect RACISM and SEXISM- or her personal incompetence- have nothing do do with this voter signature scandal now getting national attention. But sick AMBITION might. Those individuals who actually gathered signatures ( or FALSIFIED them ) should be questioned NOW !
Watching TRUE CRIME ( channel 12-3 ) makes you smarter !
Secular ZIONIST Jew scholars as heroes of FREE SPEECH in our public libraries ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am amused when some secular ZIONIST Jew scholar, invariably attached to the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, passes himself off as a hero of " FREE SPEECH " for our public libraries.
For decades now the " progressive " Left of the Democratic Party has betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. How many WOKE WARRIOR Democrats apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
The CHRISTIAN parents of America are not hateful book burners. Their moral common sense tells them that very young CHILDREN should not be exposed in public libraries to LGBTQ+ " community " propaganda . Indeed public school teachers who would instruct school kids on ADULT sexual activity are suspect.
Above all, WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are over-solicitous for the imagined rights ( apart from well established Constitutional rights ) of the vociferous LGBTQ+ " community " - a " community " that fits in all too well with our decadent " Culture of Narcissism ".
Clearly the Democratic Party no longer depends on ordinary WORKING CLASS Americans to stay in power, certainly not on traditional Christians. Indeed they no longer respect the principle of MAJORITY RULE as the foundation of what still passes for " OUR democracy ".
A Little League Baseball hero's reverie at melancholy age 30 ?
I noticed that one of the boy heroes on TV of our Smithfield , Rhode Island team, a good looking kid on the brink of adolescence with some incipient acne, must also be on the brink of turbulent adolescent emotions. Some talented young novelist might see a theme here: Looking back at a Little League World Series game from some distance in time , a 30 year old man is not too happy with his adult life. A recurring thought : did MY LIFE peak on the day I helped win THE GAME ? Here in Rhode Island we naturally ROOT, ROOT,ROOT FOR THE HOME TEAM as a sort of primal patriotism. Will the star KID ever feel bonded again to a TEAM as old veterans in combat emotionally recall their " buddies " ? Was baseball glory ,even in the Little League World Series ,as ultimately meaningless as a day of combat glory in some absurd war ? " Thank you for your service ! " The life cycle EXPERIENCED is always quite poignant.
" Take Me Out to The Ball Game "
[Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks, I don't care if I ever get back 'Cause it's root, root, root for the home team, If they don't win, it's a shame 'Cause it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game"]
" Take Me Out to The Ball Game "
[Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks,
I don't care if I ever get back
'Cause it's root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame
'Cause it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game"]
Fwd: A future Smithfield Little League player's reverie ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 05:05
Subject: A future Smithfield Little League players reverie ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 05:05
Subject: A future Smithfield Little League players reverie ?
To: <>
I noticed that one of the boy heroes on TV of our Smithfield , Rhode Island team, a good looking kid on the brink of adolescence with some incipient acne, must also be on the brink of turbulent adolescent emotions. Some talented young novelist might see a theme here: Looking back at a Little League World Series game from some distance in time , a 30 year old man is not too happy with his adult life. A recurring thought : did MY LIFE peak on the day I helped win THE GAME ? Here in Rhode Island I naturally ROOT, ROOT,ROOT FOR THE HOME TEAM as a sort of primal patriotism. Will the star KID ever feel bonded again to a TEAM as old veterans in combat emotionally recall their " buddies " ? Was baseball glory ,even in the Little League World Series ,as ultimately meaningless as a day of combat glory in some absurd war ? " Thank you for your service ! " The life cycle EXPERIENCED is alway quite poignant.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Gene, way back in 1976 I was involved in collecting signatures to get the Socialist Workers Party on the ballot in Rhode Island. We were strongly advised to get twice as many signatures as legally necessary. And we did. The Sabina Matos campaign could very well be a victim of sabotage by shadowy opponents in her own Democratic Party.
Gene, way back in 1976 I was involved in collecting signatures to get the Socialist Workers Party on the ballot in Rhode Island. We were strongly advised to get twice as many signatures as legally necessary. And we did. The Sabina Matos campaign could very well be a victim of sabotage by shadowy opponents in her own Democratic Party.
Fwd: North Korea says Black soldier who crossed over was " disillusioned "
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 03:45
Subject: North Korea says Black soldier who crossed over was " disillusioned "
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 03:45
Subject: North Korea says Black soldier who crossed over was " disillusioned "
To: <>
This only makes sense. This shows how DNC based " identity politics " only revives racism. And many WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are actually obsessed with " identity politics ". And the pillars of WOKE ideology in American society are invariably secular, openly anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews.Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X in his Harlem speeches was making a connection between capitalism and racism, between American imperialism and racism. And Malcolm X was very cynical about affluent "liberal "Jews passing themselves off as just the most wonderful friends of Black people. How many ZIONIST Jews apply their Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Note that many Marine Corps recruiting ads seem aimed at American Black youths. Yes, you'll be right at home in today's totally reformed WOKE armed forces of American imperialism.
Operating in the proxy war with Russia you can help make Ukraine more " sovereign " as part of " Greater Israel ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432)
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Also worthy of note : the army of shyster lawyers out to " Get Trump "
As an independent democratic socialist I see this relentless PERSECUTION of former president Donald Trump as a sign of the death agony of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States. The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats pretend that " The Donald " is the root of all evil in " OUR democracy ". Trump has some real credibility in talking about his free speech rights being violated. The " progressive " Democrats , for decades now, have shown complete contempt for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And they are all quite the war mongers promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism since Trump was legitimately elected US president in 2016. But the pillars of " OUR Democracy " , the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats, persisted in smearing his victory as a gift of Vladimir Putin . How will " OUR democracy " be improved by nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
Locally here in Rhode Island we have one hack Democrat candidate for Congress ,Sabina Matos , who associates PRO-LIFE Catholics with dangerous political extremists.
All the hack -as alike as peas in a pod - Democrat candidate for US Congress in Rhode Island promise to protect us from wicked " fascist " Donald Trump and his mob of MAGA Republicans . And who will protect us against them ?
Also worthy of note : the army of shyster lawyers mobilized to " Get Trump " .
QUORA article on " narcissist get karma " ( A good and funny read )
Answered by
Jean Maloney
Aug 3
Is there anyone who has seen a narcissist get their karma?
My husband of 23 years cheated on me in 2012 with a coworker. I left him and filed for divorce. A family crisis brought us back together (I did not know about narcissist then). He is an Aquarius and I attributed alot of his behaviors to his astrological sign. In September 2022, he cheated on me again with a married coworker (he is employed by the city we live in) and I caught him. When I caught him, he coldly told me these things: she is my soulmate, we have so much in common, she is beautiful, she is smart, we really “get” each other, she is so different than you Jean, she is just the most amazing person ever and he planned to move into her family home (well, tell her husband that, right?). I looked straight into his dead cold eyes and told him to get the F*&$ out and call a lawyer. Well, he went thru all sorts of crazy shit after I threw him out of our home and I went 100% no contact (including no contact with all of his family). My kids tell me he had an emotional breakdown and they thought he was suicidal. Things got worse…. The woman decided to work on her marriage with her husband and broke it off with my ex. My daughter tells me he talks about me nonstop and never mentions the other womans’ name and that he would come back in a second if I would let him. Not happening. I got the family home, half his retirement, a new truck, my sanity, a new lover that cares deeply for me and most importantly my childrens’ respect. What does he have? A two bedroom apartment and some hunting property in Wisconsin. Yea, Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve. Cheers. ]
In daily bombarding your listeners with the charlatan Martin Hoek's NAVAGE nose cleaner advertising the management of 630 WPRO is colluding in FALSE ADVERTISING. His ad encourages people with HEALTHY nasal membranes to use NAVAGE regularly as they use toothbrush and toothpaste.In this sense marketing NAVAGE is a public health hazard.
Monday, August 14, 2023
PRIVATE PROPERTY - the enemy of homeless people
I followed this story on Gene Valicenti's talk-news morning radio show today. There is no " moral monster " to blame for the homeless people crisis in Rhode Island or anywhere else in the " OUR democracy " USA. For years democratic socialists have offered a RATIONAL explanation for poverty and the homeless crisis in the United States : it is the nature of the capitalist SYSTEM to create all this evil , this seemingly incurable social justice problem.
Corporate America is not lacking in vacant real estate and assorted PRIVATE PROPERTY buildings which could quickly accommodate hundreds of homeless people right here in Rhode Island . The military and the federal government have much unused or abandoned property that can easily deal with this now national humanitarian crisis.
The chief obstacle to helping the homeless population is very obviously legally sacrosanct capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. We democratic socialists have never considered anybody's PRIVATE PROPERTY sacrosanct - unlike 100 percent of our bourgeois judges. Their revered LAW has nothing to do with the GENERAL WELFARE and everything to do with the needs of the OWNING class, particularly of the Social Register plutocracy. No surprise that Supreme Court judges wine and dine with these billionaires in their palatial homes every day of the week. The beauty of " OUR democracy " !
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As governor of Rhode Island Gina Raymond- a darling of the New York economic elite- was no friend of the poor, the homeless, the working class, or the elderly. Amazing how all these WOKE WARRIOR Democrats move in high society circles but pass themselves off as " enemies " of the plutocracy. In recent decades the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism and have slobbered over the puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger Zelensky. And yet the daffy Republicans on the Far Right imagine that the Democratic Party is infested with dangerous socialists ( like Bernie Sanders ). In truth, the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States has served the rich and betrayed ordinary Americans for more than a century. Why , for example, are " progressive " Democrats so inept at just getting homeless people off the streets ? And how can they tolerate corrupt, senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden for another term in the White House ? Biden is so much ethically superior to former president Donald Trump ? At least Trump tells fewer lies. And Trump and his MAGA Republicans are not the root of all evil in " OUR Democracy ". Organized labor is persistently stupid in its subservience to " liberal " Democrats. [ I have nothing personal against Gina Raymond except when she canceled the FREE RIPTA BUS PASS for many senior citizens in Rhode Island. Did that mark HER as being supremely qualified to be our next Secretary of the Treasury ?