Saturday, June 3, 2023

Why the increase in the rabbit population in my Knightsville , Cranston neighborhood ?

2 views Jun 2, 2023 Returning from my late afternoon walk , I was surprised by the number of RABBITS that suddenly crossed my path on Mass. Ave. There were at least 5 of them hurrying to the front lawn of the house in the video. It does seem that rabbits now rival squirrels in the neighborhood. In an earlier You Tube video I told about " Rufus " the maimed and dying squirrel on my Mathewson St. " Poor thing ". Earlier I had spotted a dead rabbit at my Cranston St. bus stop across from Sollitro's Bakery and Umberto's Italian delicatessen . At least 5 rabbits should be seen on my video . Why the increase in the rabbit population ? Why the increase in RAT sightings ?

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