Friday, June 16, 2023

The so called LGBTQ " community " fits in perfectly with the petty-bourgeois ALL AMERICAN " Culture of Narcissism "

The so called LGBTQ " community " fits in perfectly with petty-bourgeois ALL-AMERICAN " Culture of Narcissism ". Quite apart from the less than damning Christian Right moral criticism , the PRIDE " community " is an intellectual , political , and cultural ghetto . Their " community " is an artificial creation of the WOKE DNC , designed to herd - like mindless sheep - LGBTQ " lost soul " individuals into voting for " progressive " Democrats . And the pillars of WOKE are invariably secular , openly anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jews in league with the obnoxious New Atheists. They have even smuggled THEIR " science " of transgender wonders ( like pregnant MEN ! ) into the Ivy League universities and with the help of corrupt , unrepresentative of the rank and file, teacher union LEADERS , import it into the public schools - where everything WOKE seems to infuriate traditional Christian parents and families. But don't dare bring this " attitude " into a tame PTA meeting . The FBI will investigate you for HATE SPEECH proclivities. How can such a tiny minority afflict an ideological Reign of Terror( now lasting for several decades ) on the majority or ordinary middle class and working class Americans ? To be sure, the PUSH BACK is happening now ,

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