Friday, June 2, 2023

A democratic socialist's view of the PRIDE " community "

To what degree is being devoted to any PRIDE " Community " in our " Culture of Narcissism " consigning yourself to a moral , intellectual , and cultural ghetto ? Leave SIN out of it - just think about a more precious concept of human dignity : INDIVIDUALITY . Is it too cynical to believe that the unspoken purpose of any PRIDE " community " is to create political conformity , to channel all social bitterness ( for real or imagined reasons ) into the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I do respect the views of traditional Catholics on various issues of " identity politics ". There is marked contempt for everything CHRISTIAN in these PRIDE events . The pillars of WOKE do seem to be secular , openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews ( closer to reactionary right wing philosopher Ayn Rand than to the Moses of the Old Testament ) . They are joined by a motley crowd of rather obnoxious New Atheists inspired by the late ,often drunken, ex-Trotskyist Christopher Hitchens , author of " God is Not Great - how religion poisons everything ". No surprise that Hitchens went over to American imperialism and Israeli Zionism during the Iraq War. More than 100 years ago democratic socialists had a humane and enlightened attitude toward the gay " community ". All OPPRESSED groups were viewed in the larger context of THE SYSTEM of capitalism which exploits and oppresses people of all races and ethnic groups , in general ALL working class people. Not for nothing the political organization of various PRIDE groups is controlled by petty-bourgeois , social climbing activists for many decades now entrenched in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. Which brainlessly makes Donald Trump and conservative Republican voters ( Hillary Clinton's " deplorables " ) the root of all hateful EVIL in " OUR democracy ". TIME to re-learn critical thinking skills !

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