Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, June 30, 2023
" Liberal " Democrats are not about to smuggle " socialism " into " OUR democracy "
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am amused how conservative Republicans associate the political agenda of WOKE WARRIOR Democrats with pernicious " socialism ". Does it make sense that corrupt CAPITALIST & FAMILY Joe Biden actually wants to smuggle SOCIALISM into " OUR democracy ". What is really going on here is a bitter conflict WITHIN the American ruling class on the best way to stabilize their capitalist system in crisis. The near STALINIST tactics of illiberal liberal Democrats in recent decades should never be confused with ANY sort of democratic SOCIALIST agenda.
For decades now RAT RACE CAPITALISM has compelled the half-ambitious working class and middle class youth to GET THAT DEGREE or risk sinking into the gutter or even lumpen proletariat criminal status.
A real democratic socialist government would see that a highly trained , highly skilled, highly " educated " WORKING CLASS is worthy of a huge chunk of the nation's collective wealth. Higher education, in general, should not be the exclusive privilege of the capitalist elite class.
A democratic socialist government would organize a more rational DIVISION OF LABOR which the FREE MARKET can never do.
ANY working class student who has the intellect and the talent to be a medical doctor or a scientist or even a gifted engineer or mechanic should be offered a completely FREE education. HIGH SCHOOL can be made both free and more practical for the majority of bright-normal students. WORK ( paid work ! ) should be inseparable from study and often boring, useless " homework ".
A society where everything is a COMMODITY , for sale on the free market, creates enormous stress and frustration. Psychiatrists have always said that mental health often depends on being HAPPY in your job.
But FOR PROFIT enterprise has little to do with the human need for HAPPINESS in life.
Question : why can't our wealthy capitalist society at least save homeless people from destitution and misery in the street ? What gets in the way here is sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Do not expect those dubious " socialists " in the Democratic Party to challenge or question that , to think outside the box of their still bourgeois " politics ".
But no surprise that the Far Right of the Republican Party sees " creeping socialism " in the Far Left of the Democratic Party.
Trump anyway has promised to ban SOCIALISM in every state and city and town in HIS " MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN " country.
Message from brother Steve -the family jewel !
"... inspired by poets and philosophers." Not to mention your influence from those horror writers such as H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King with his "love for the night and the unquiet coffin."
But I'm certain that even considering all the (thousands?) of books you've read, it is your inborn curiosity and instinct for the absurd that drives you AND keeps you SANE!
Keep up the excellent work Ron!"
Talk soon.
– Steve
Do REGULAR RIPTA riders have a right to a seat on the bus ?
Should RIPTA's rightful concern for the disabled HANDICAP regular RIPTA riders ? This unfortunate woman with her carry on baggage commanded 6 bus passenger seats ! What if the bus ( not this time ) was crowded with passengers some needing to be at work on time , some nervous about being on time for a job interview , others anxious about getting to the doctor's office on time ?
Could not RIPTA offer special transport service for the disabled in wheel chairs ? I have seen two obese persons in big wheel chairs board a RIPTA bus at the same time .
Do WOKE Democrats have any concept of MAJORITY RULE nowadays ? At some point this virtue signaling obsession with minority rights works to nullify the rights of the majority .
Do regular bus passengers have a right to a seat on the bus ? A right to be on schedule most of the time ? I have also been on a RIPTA bus packed like sardines with passengers -mostly school kids.
I am sure I am not the only RIPTA rider perturbed by this
Most " liberal " Democrat politicians are college educated LAWYERS steeped in ruling class sophistry
The AFFIRMATIVE ACTION agenda has raised too many INCOMPETENT individuals to positions of the higher irresponsibility . Just consider Biden's clueless transportation secretary ; his charming and affable press secretary ? Consider the DEEP STATE high command, the goofy military brass, and the daffy LBGTQ+ zealots in Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party .
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in action never applies to working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " . And now traditional Catholics are made to feel like second class " deplorables " in the capitalist social pecking order.
How many decent , competent, MORAL professionals were ruined by nasty -always politically correct - DNC based identity politics ?
Will Ivy League Harvard now be stymied in its WOKE WARRIOR goal of mass producing professional enemies of the working class ? How many promising black youths were transformed by Ivy League magic into motor mouth WOKE lawyers steeped in illiberal liberal sophistry ? Is that what you call " pulling up " the lower classes of any race or ethnic group ? Make the " highly educated" the enemies of the common people ?
Most of the " liberal " Democrats are college educated LAWYERS steeped in the SOPHISTRY of ruling class ideas ?
What does THE LAW have in common with TRUTH and JUSTICE ?
Thursday, June 29, 2023
My view of ghastly ( ? ) cremation
I think you should see the quick and inevitable decay of the human body after death not as an unacceptable HORROR SHOW but as Nature's way to return a lifeless body back to the pristine and CLEAN and BEAUTIFUL basic elements of the universe- as old as the BIG BANG divine or not . Cremation merely accelerates a natural PROCESS . Surly, a truly Supreme Being will never forget your DNA code. One elementary atom is exactly like any other atom of that element anywhere in the vast universe. It would be ridiculous to claim our atoms as strictly PRIVATE PROPERTY . The IDEA of you ( in the DNA ) is unique ! SCIENCE and FAITH should take the horror out of both organic decay and cremation. Also our MEMORY of loved ones remains precious.
The circumscribed SELF is the enemy of humanity !
Whatever the immediate cause of some environmental hazard global capitalism will never give us a livable planet . Appealing to the minds and hearts of the leaders of capitalist nation states is like having a friendly debate with T-REX . EGOCENTRIC behavior like damaging precious works of art is also a very foolish tactic. Building INDEPENDENT political parties might help . But don't expect the COSMOS to give a damn about homo sapiens unless we care about ourselves as a SPECIES. That could be God's Plan . The circumscribed SELF is the enemy of humanity !
As a long time independent democratic socialist I think the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION agenda has given us too many downright incompetents in positions of grandiose authority . Consider President Biden's public relations people. Consider his transportation secretary . 50 years ago psychology and biology textbooks would have very politically incorrect - but true enough - terms for such people.
The LBGTQ+ " community is effectively a moral, intellectual , and cultural ghetto . It exists mainly to hustle votes for WOKE WARRIOR Democrats .
Is it politically SMART to outrage the moral sentiments of a still mostly CHRISTIAN nation ?
Fwd: Trump hallucinates in seeing MARXISM and SOCIALISM in the WOKE WARRIOR illiberal liberal Democratic Party
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 10:16
Subject: Trump hallucinates in seeing MARXISM and SOCIALISM in the WOKE WARRIOR illiberal liberal Democratic Party
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 10:16
Subject: Trump hallucinates in seeing MARXISM and SOCIALISM in the WOKE WARRIOR illiberal liberal Democratic Party
To: Letters, NYT <>
Trump is ridiculous in seeing MARXISM and SOCIALISM in the WOKE WARRIOR, illiberal liberal Democratic Party
As a longtime independent democratic socialist - turned off more by anti-Trump legal PERSECUTION and mainstream media SMEARS - I think Trump is just plain silly in not recognizing that HIS political enemies are WOKE WARRIOR illiberal liberal Democrats . MARXIST organizations and " vanguard " socialist political parties have been MORIBUND for more than a century in Europe and in the United States. In brief, they excelled at their own demise. In many ways the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats resemble the old STALINISTS in their contempt for popular democracy and the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. In their open contempt for CHRISTIAN values and ancient moral precepts they do resemble the OFFICIAL ATHEISM of the old Soviet Union. Led by very CAPITALIST minded Joe Biden & Family , the party of FDR and JFK now has nothing in common with old fashioned LIBERALISM . And no real democratic socialist will do more than give critical support to maverick members of the Democratic Party when they talk honestly about hot topics- like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and soft boiled " socialist " Bernie Sanders when he is not absurdly compromised. Packed with ZIONIST Jews the Democratic Party is promoting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And ironically the WOKE Zionists never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. So Trump is just being self-defeating and ridiculous in sniffing out Marxists , communists and socialists in the one time DEMOCRATIC Party. No, it is just the LEFT WING of the American plutocracy in conflict with itself . NOTE that RFK Jr. is pleased that Trump has some kind words for him. The wild cat smiling at the caged canary ? What a crazy election year 2024 promises to be !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Trump is ridiculous in seeing MARXISM and SOCIALISM in the WOKE WARRIOR, illiberal liberal Democratic Party
As a longtime independent democratic socialist - turned off more by anti-Trump legal PERSECUTION and mainstream media SMEARS - I think Trump is just plain silly in not recognizing that HIS political enemies are WOKE WARRIOR illiberal liberal Democrats . MARXIST organizations and " vanguard " socialist political parties have been MORIBUND for more than a century in Europe and in the United States. In brief, they excelled at their own demise.
In many ways the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats resemble the old STALINISTS in their contempt for popular democracy and the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. In their open contempt for CHRISTIAN values and ancient moral precepts they do resemble the OFFICIAL ATHEISM of the old Soviet Union.
Led by very CAPITALIST minded Joe Biden & Family , the party of FDR and JFK now has nothing in common with old fashioned LIBERALISM . And no real democratic socialist will do more than give critical support to maverick members of the Democratic Party when they talk honestly about hot topics- like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and soft boiled " socialist " Bernie Sanders when he is not absurdly compromised.
Packed with ZIONIST Jews the Democratic Party is promoting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. And ironically the WOKE Zionists never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel.
So Trump is just being self-defeating ridiculous in sniffing out Marxists , communists and socialists in the one time DEMOCRATIC Party. No, it is just the LEFT WING of the American plutocracy in conflict with itself .
NOTE that RFK Jr. is pleased that Trump has some kind words for him. The wild cat smiling at the caged canary ? What a crazy election year 2024 promises to be !
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Should the secular ZIONIST Jew dominated mainstream news media set the standards for MORAL FEELING and MORAL THINKING in " OUR democracy " ?
Should the secular ZIONIST Jew dominated mainstream news media - forever loyal to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - set the standards for MORAL FEELING and MORAL THINKING in " OUR democracy " ? How many working class Christians think TRANS-GENDER right ( or gay marriage ) is the great moral issue of our time ? How many subscribe to Critical Race Theory ? How many think that ALL white people are natural born racists ? How many see late term abortion as a celebration of personal freedom ? How many would give their blessing to vulgar GAY PRIDE displays and public demonstrations ? How many will tolerate open mocking of the ancient religious beliefs of Christians ? Like IN THE BEGINNING God created MALE and FEMALE ( even in the animal world ).
Has not the always politically correct WOKE " community " afflicted an ideological reign of terror against THE FAITH and the FAITHFUL for decades now ?
Is the " progressive " Democratic Party rising above the idea that " OUR democracy " still has some regard for MAJORITY RULE ?
It does seem that the Democratic Party now harbors more fascist-Stalinist types than the conservative Republican Party. Daily now they show contempt for FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Forget about FREEDOM OF RELIGION !
To what degree is this vociferous LGBTQ+ " community " a moral , sexual , cultural , and political ghetto ? Does it have any serious purpose other than hustling votes for " progressive " WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ? It does fit into the greater " community " called " The Culture of Narcissism ". " Vanity of Vanity , All is Vanity ! " say Ecclesiastes of the Old
Is there indeed some objectively SOCIALIST plan to house the homeless in California ?
The idea that WOKE WARRIOR , illiberal liberal Democrats have a not so secret plan to smuggle SOCIALISM into OUR " WAY OF LIFE " ( called CAPITALISM ) is nonsense. What on earth is SOCIALISTIC about corrupt Joe Biden & Son ? What is so boldly SOCIALISTIC about routinely betraying organized labor ?
The Biden administration and his Democratic Party is also packed with ZIONIST Jews not known for shunning FREE ENTERPRISE wherever they can find it. And there is nothing in miltant ZIONISM compatible with " socialist internationalism ".
Their obsessive identity politics and WOKE ideology has not a spark of SOCIALIST inspiration in it.
If anything " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders and his " far Left " gang in the party are kept on a humiliating short leash with routine ,decidedly PRO-CAPITALIST chants.
What the " far Left " of the Democratic Party can do is bamboozle young voters into thinking that they really can reform the party in a very PROGRESSIVE - if not SOCIALIST- direction .
Is there indeed some objectively SOCIALIST plan to house the homeless in California ? A plan that revokes landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights ?
Not likely that plutocrat Donald Trump would ever betray our ALL AMERICAN plutocracy
The mainstream " illiberal liberal " news media takes on a decidedly RIGHT WING tone in slobbering over unpatriotic carelessness with " TOP SECRET " government documents. It conveniently forgets why persons of CONSCIENCE, like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, are APPROVED by most working class Americans as heroes of whatever is left of " OUR democracy ",
Above all , TOP SECRET means OFF LIMITS for the common people of the United States. That's YOU and I !
The ELECTED president of the United States can't be trusted with TOP SECRET documents but unelected bureaucrats from DEEP STATE , FBI , CIA can be trusted ? J. Edgar Hoover - the closet drag queen - could be trusted ( by the capitalist ruling class ).
The reason these government documents are TOP SECRET is this : they would shame the CHRISTIAN conscience of working class Americans . A plan to assassinate a leader of some foreign " sovereign " ( ? ) government ? WE THE PEOPLE might quickly veto it !
Not likely that plutocrat , former president Donald Trump would ever betray our ALL AMERICAN plutocracy !
There is more to this " KEY MAN " Josh Miller scandal than personal moral decay
There is more to this Josh Miller " delinquency " than personal moral decay. Note that ALL the Democrat candidates for Congress in Rhode Island felt compelled to pay homage to the " Big Guy ", corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe" Biden . Nope , no problem here! Still there must be near panic in the Democratic Party establishment over Uncle's Joe's prospects for a second term in 2024. If accurate , his 4% lead in polls is really a statistical dead heat.
NOTE that the mainstream news media is sickeningly soft on Biden on all issues in contrast to Donald Trump.
NOTE that the Biden administration is packed with nervous ( if not paranoid ) ZIONIST Jews who- ironically - are also pillars of this infuriating WOKE ideology.
They are very nervous and touchy about public ridicule of their still useful idiot. Now Josh Miller can speak for himself !
Soon to implode : American imperialism , Israeli Zionism, Russian Neo-Czarism [ ADD to the list of MORIBUND the Roman Catholic Church ]
" Holy war " in the sense that American imperialism in the Ukraine conflict resorts to sanctimonious Wilsonian blather that was stale and false a century ago : " Make the world safe for democracy " . Once again ? Israeli Zionism seeing " Greater Israel " prospects in Ukraine with NATO " hero ," war monger Zelensky leading the country. Putin shapes his image as a neo-Czarist autocrat of " Mother Russia " again with the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church.
An honest democratic socialist would say : " A pox on all your houses ( and palaces ).
Only very stupid( indeed, born cannon fodder ) young American males ( or females ) will be recruited for the sanctimonious ( Holy War ? ) cause of a " sovereign " Ukraine. American history is not all about saving " sovereign " countries from foreign tyranny. On the contrary !
The tense DIVISION in American society is good news for all would be pacifists : A country so divided ( Trump followers vs. Biden followers ) can never again start a major war like World War II. And who can WIN nuclear World War III with Russia ( or China, or Iran , or North Korea ? ) ?
Coming attraction : the IMPLOSION of American imperialism, of Israeli Zionism, of Russian neo-Czarism .[ Add the Catholic Church to the list of the MORIBUND ] .
If all goes horribly wrong , the New World Order will fall to the cockroaches .
Monday, June 26, 2023
What Malcolm X thought about the strained relationships between Blacks and Jews in " OUR democracy "
Apart from Black people who identify as lost Hebrews it is more relevant to read what Black Muslim Malcolm X thought about the strained relationship between Blacks and Jews in " OUR democracy " :
To be sure , Black Muslim Malcolm X spoke harshly about Black-Jewish relations in the United States . Read " Malcolm's ambivalence toward, 196-197 , " Malcolm The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America " by Bruce Perry, 1991 : " He [ Malcolm ] suggested that Jews were the chief exploiters of America's blacks.... " He was unimpressed with the fact that many Jews were members of the NAACP ; he said it was comparable to Jesse James joining the trustees of a bank he intended to rob. The main reason Jews were in the forefront of the civil rights movement , he said, was that the more attention they focused upon ' the Negro question " the more hostility they could deflect from themselves .... On the other hand , there was justification for his criticism of Jews who fled to suburbia solely because blacks moved into their neighborhoods . "
' When there's something worth owning, the Jew's got it ', he asserted. At times he was defensive about accusations that he was anti-Jewish. ' I know I'll hear ANTI-SEMITIC from every direction, he lamented after one Jewish diatribe. ' Oh, yes. But truth is truth " .
" The rich Jew symbolized the avarice that the youthful criminal Malcolm had forsworn when he had become a Muslim ascetic " .[ AUTHOR Bruce Perry ... Publishers Weekly ... " Exhaustively researched, this compelling biography is the most intimate portrait of Malcolm X to date . "]
A longtime independent democratic socialist I am very much inclined to vote for this PROFILE IN COURAGE , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a coming Rhode Island presidential primary.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am very much inclined to vote for this PROFILE IN COURAGE , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , in a coming Rhode Island presidential primary. In 2016 I was a critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders. Bernie actually WON - shocking the effete Rhode Island political establishment . Bernie let us down when he abjectly endorsed Hillary Clinton. I would be SHOCKED if RFK Jr. ended up endorsing corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden in the fall of 2024. But a lot can happen in one year and five months.
A possible REVOLUTION in Russia ? Against CZAR Putin ? Sounds like HISTORY reverberating here !
A possible REVOLUTION in Russia , you think . Against CZAR Putin ? Sounds like HISTORY reverberating here. What could an end to Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia mean ? A return to pristine Bolshevism of 1917 - " Ten Days That Shook [ and inspired ] the world ?
And after a whole generation of smug , optimistic global capitalism COMMUNISM in Russia is back -and with a vengeance.
Isn't that what the bourgeois governments of NATO wanted : an end to OLIGARCHY in Russia ?
But how rotten is " OUR democracy " led by corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party dominated by rather belligerent , secular ZIONIST Jews . THEY promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism . Our American plutocracy, our TWO PARTY SYSTEM , offers us a CHOICE : Biden or Trump .
How enthusiastic are working class CHRISTIAN Americans for nuclear World War III with Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
How stable is American imperialism and its capitalist Way of Life ? What , you mean HISTORY has not ended ?
Saturday, June 24, 2023
What we need is another " Kinsey Report " to study human sexual behavior in 21st century
What we need is another SCIENTIFIC investigation into male and female sexuality similar to the famous " Kinsey Report " of the 1950s. Even sexual predators , child molesters, violent rapists can be studied with whatever COMPASSION science permits. Otherwise society will respond and punish here with Dark Age wrath.
As a democratic socialist I think that these sordid news reports reflect capitalist society in an advanced stage of decay. As for rampant CRIME in general , I think a society that mass produces so many sick souls is itself a SICK society. Way back in 1955 a book was published titled " The Sane Society " by socialist-humanist psychiatrist Erich Fromm. I guess nobody with AUTHORITY gave the book any attention.
YOU TUBE Video : " Are Jews White ? " My view
In a way it is a form of neo-Nazism to focus on the importance of RACE . Ironically, Zionist APARTHEID Israel was judged RACIST by the United Nations some years ago. The UN said that ZIONISM was a form of racism. And even more ironic, the pillars of WOKE in the United State are invariably secular , often openly anti-CHRISTIAN , Zionist Jews. Teacher union leaders endorse Critical Race Theory but have no problem with APARTHEID Israel!
Democratic socialists have always viewed NATION STATE worship( which is NOT simply love of country ) as an obstacle to world peace and to the progress of humanity. And ironically, most educated Jews today are ideologically closer to atheist Ayn Rand than to the Moses of the Old Testament. So where does that leave the " Chosen People " and the " Promised Land " of Biblical mythology ?
NOTE : Ayn Rand thought that the Jewish settlers had a natural right to take back Israel because they were morally and intellectually superior to the Palestinians living there for centuries. Will Ayn Rand's view prevail in modern Zionist Israel ?
The conflict in Ukraine is an atavistic return to the world of 1914
[Prigozhin began making veiled threats to Russia's military command as his men ran out of munitions needed to maintain their campaign, telling the governor of Russian city Svedlovsk, "During the 1941-45 war … Stalin simply shot people like you" and "I’m sure that the time is not far off when people will reach boiling point and raise you and people like you up on pitchforks." ]
The irony of history : A good percentage of older Russians still have warm memories of that " Man of Steel " " communist " leader Joseph Stalin who did lead " Mother Russia " to victory over invading Nazis in World War II. What if the fall of Putin will ironically -bring back the Russia familiar to the West for 70 years - the Soviet Union established by the ORIGINALS in 1917 the Old Bolsheviks, then led by two true revolutionary shakers of the world, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky ? Recall that THIS revolution did indeed inspire the workers of the world . All this was recorded in radical American journalist John Reed 's famous book " Ten Days That Shook The World ".
Despite the chaos and confusion I don't see any " New American Century " ( for American imperialism ) coming out of another historic catastrophe for Russia. Even for democratic , anti-Stalinist socialists the collapse of the old " communist " Soviet Union circa 1991 was a tragedy of history. A POLITICAL revolution was still possible that kept in order SOCIALIZED industry and state property . POST-COMMUNIST Russia became very much CAPITALIST - betraying the principles of the 1917 October Revolution. Leon Trotsky did not rule this development out in his classic " The Revolution Betrayed ". Trotsky was assassinated by Stalinist agents in Mexico in 1940.
The conflict between Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia and the United States and all the bourgeois governments of Europe has nothing to do with the exalted principles of " OUR democracy " vs. evil totalitarianism . And it is not over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine led by the puffed up NATO " hero ", war monger Zelensky. The conflict is , in fact , an atavistic return to the world of 1914 when the " Great War " slaughtered millions over clashing nation-state interests. And the WILSONIAN blather which justified President Woodrow Wilson entering that conflict - " to make the world safe for democracy " -was just as stale and fatuous back then. Wilsonian blather !
Friday, June 23, 2023
How Orwellian can the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party get ?
How Orwellian can the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party get ? Their sick obsession with identity politics has taken them down the dark road to collective madness. Is there any Ivy League Harvard biology professor unfamiliar with Charles Darwin's chapter on " Sexual Selection " in the " Origin of the Species " ?
Are WOKE secular ZIONIST Jew academics inventing their own " science " here ? Are THEY not the pillars of WOKE WARRIOR ideology in the nation's public schools , in the powerful teacher unions ? Does the mainstream news media ever check their descent into intellectual madness ? And what bold contempt for the vast majority of decent minded CHRISTIAN Americans .
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party can only be described in the language of George Orwell
It does seem that the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats now have complete contempt for a fundamental principle even of bourgeois democracy : MAJORITY RULE. SHAME !
Of course , as a longtime independent democratic socialist I think the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM is completely rotten. But the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party today can only be described in the language of George Orwell . Beginning with THOUGHT CRIME and the appreciation of objective reality like 2+2= 5 .
WAR IS PEACE ( brainless support for war monger Zelensky in his " sovereign " Ukraine )
FREEDOM IS SLAVERY ( like capitalist wage slavery )
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH ( " biological males " or" biological females" ? Do not even talk about it ! )
What a mess -Politics USA 2023 !
Anybody in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party that imagines himself or herself flirting with SOCIALIST ideas might understand that THE LAW in capitalist society is never above the will and the interests of the ruling class.
They might also understand that even bourgeois democracy has respect for the concept of MAJORITY RULE. This is not the case for the fanatics of " identity politics " and transgender nonsense in the Democratic Party.
Does any of this palpable drivel about nobody being above THE LAW in " OUR democracy " apply to Joe Biden and son , Hunter ?
Is the WOKE WARRIOR - ORWELLIAN - Democratic Party determined that every black voter in the USA simply must vote for WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ( or they are not really BLACK Americans ) ?
What a mess -politics USA 2023 !
Dying MOLOCH CAPITALISM is eating its own ! The Trump legal drama
Seeing all this Donald Trump legal drama from the perspective of democratic socialism , I can only conclude that a conflict within the American plutocracy is finding expression in however opposing sides interpret THE LAW . Well Karl Marx got this right : THE LAW is never above the collective will and interests of society's ruling class. But there is now serious DIVISION within this capitalist ruling class.
Does any reader here imagine that Donald Trump was out to subvert the PLUTOCRACY that is the real government of the United States. Any reader think that Joe Biden and his WOKE WARRIOR Democrats own " OUR Democracy " ?
The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats for decades now have shown complete contempt for whatever is left of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. They have also revised a fundamental principle of " OUR democracy " : now it has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE. That is the vile nature of their obsessive " identity politics " .
The party of Trump vs. the party of Biden ? The TWO PARTY SYSTEM is fundamentally rotten . But for now Corporate America ( owned by the plutocracy " ) has nowhere else to go.
CLEARLY we witness the PERSECUTION not the PROSECUTION of former president Donald Trump . No American socialists need to be convinced of the corruption of the Department of Justice , the FBI , the bourgeois judges and courts .
Dying MOLOCH CAPITALISM is eating its own. And moribund American imperialism is languishing with a longing for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Only the American working class can stop this madness !
What social force props up the presidency of Joe Biden ?
This long time independent socialist is amazed to see both Church & State in Germany ( soon in the United States and Great Britain ? ) form a reactionary united front for global capitalism and mostly American imperialism.
Among the CHRISTIAN working class in the USA there is little support for the puffed up NATO " hero " ZIONIST Jew war monger V. Zelensky with his " Greater Israel " agenda . No fatuous cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
The mainstream news media in the United States thinks that we are all suckers for stale Wilsonian blather that was FALSE more than a century ago : once again " make the world safe for democracy " ?
What social force props up the presidency of corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden ? Note that the Biden administration is packed with secular ZIONIST Jews . And so is the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. They see Biden as the proverbial useful idiot. Also,they have revised a fundamental principle of " OUR democracy " : now it has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE .
Thursday, June 22, 2023
CHRISTIAN families in " OUR democracy " are really boiling mad over this DNC based WOKE nonsense
The pillars of WOKE nonsense are secular ZIONIST Jews connected to Ivy League academia elite and the obnoxious New Atheists. Completey anti-Christian,all of them! This rejection of SCIENCE is a symptom of the mental decay of the American ruling class. Marx said in a pithy remark : the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. Also, this relevant quote " " Whom the gods intend to destroy they first make mad ! " .
The Democratic Party is dominated by WOKE Zionist Jews . To make themselves even more popular : for years now they have promoted the HATE Russia , New McCarthyism . And their mainstream news media daily slobbers over the puffed up war monger , president of Ukraine V. Zelensky. How POPULAR among the American CHRISTIAN working class is nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. How effective is stale Wilsonian blather FALSE more than a hundred years ago in stirring up war fever among the masses of ordinary people in " OUR democracy " ?
Where this democratic socialist comes from CHRISTIAN families are more and more furious with DNC based WOKE nonsense. They are really boiling mad over it .
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
The only way for the Christian working class in the United States to counter the evil of WOKE ideology is to recognize its central headquarters: the Ivy League educated secular ZIONIST Jew political class. Everywhere they are assisted in this tyranny by the obnoxious NEW ATHEISM. These people have nothing in common with the traditional socialist movement or orthodox Marxist ideology. It is really much closer to Stalinism and fascism.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Fwd: What " Old Joe " 's ghost might be whispering to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 12:24
Subject: What " Old Joe " 's ghost might be whispering to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 12:24
Subject: What " Old Joe " 's ghost might be whispering to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ?
To: <>
Why does the mainstream news media go soft on corrupt Joe Biden and this " family " corruption ? Why so unfair in every news story to Donald Trump when president and now as former president and again the LEADING Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ?
Any student of American society - if not a professional sociologist- will note that the Biden administration is packed with secular ( non-religious ) ZIONIST Jews, who are very much a UNITED FRONT . No surprise that the mainstream news media has also been promoting the HATE Russia, New McCarthyism. It slobbers over the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky. Zelensky seems to have a " Greater Israel " agenda for " sovereign " Ukraine. He can also be counted on for support in any bold military action against APARTHEID Israel 's eternal enemy Iran. He did appeal to " David " Israel to take on " Goliath " Russia. Zelensky IS a dangerous war monger. CHRISTIAN America is finally beginning to see through him who has been given the keys to the US Treasury . And in HARD TIMES for most working class Americans.
DEEP STATE USA -for some reason - just does not trust maverick populist Republican Donald Trump . Are they planning nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? DEEP STATE clearly sees corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot.
Presently even Trump's polar opposite, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is being blackballed by the mainstream news media . DEEP STATE did not trust his father or his uncle ! His grandfather, Old Joseph P. Kennedy , was smeared as anti-Semite . But is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? Are FACTS anti-Semitic ? "Old Joe " thought that the Democratic Party was " Jewish controlled ". Is that still a THOUGHT CRIME in " OUR democracy " ?
It is always wiser to think outside any box that would confine our very souls. How pathetic are the identity-politics obsessed , WOKE WARRIOR Democrats.
I am not a Trump follower . On the contrary, I am a longtime independent Democratic Socialist . Presently I give critical support to RFK Jr. . Not all " conspiracy theories " are nonsense !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
To put it simply :there has been for many years now a bitter conflict within the American ruling class on how best to govern a CLASS divided society.And how best to rescue moribund American imperialism. So also there is a crisis in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM.WE THE PEOPLE need a third party that really represents US.
A case of morbid ( ? ) obesity on a RIPTA bus ? Is there a cure ?
On the RIPTA 30 bus this morning this person - strikingly obese - entered and sat down just in front me. The topic of OBESITY is much in the news these days. I took a discreet ( I hope ) photo of him on my cell phone. I wonder if he be willing to discuss his " case " . After all obesity is more humanely described as a " disease ".
And yet is the cruel sarcasm lacking in rationality ? Nobody gets to be 300 pounds OVERWEIGHT in a year. Could this person with both WILL and HOPE have saved his health before the catastrophe ? I agree that early obesity can become a disease .
Does the hospital medical examiner have the last morbid chuckle ? " I told you so ! "
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 09:37
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 09:37
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Secular Zionist Jews dominate the mainstream news media in the United States. Oddly enough ,they are pillars of Critical Race Theory but have no problem with apartheid Israel. And they arrogantly set themselves up as judges of hate speech in social media. And they daily censor ideas and opinions that rub them the wrong way.
The Secret of Gene Valicenti's popularity.Not EGO self appreciation. That is just the stock in trade of the business he has chosen. He is definitely not the intellectual type. He watches too much TV for that. Gene is popular because he is quite bright and rather fair-minded. In Rhode Island the Italo American background is an asset. Often he can be quite funny. So I do listen to him.
The topic of DIVERSITY is nearly exhausted in the famous biologist Charles Darwin's book titled " Origin of the Species". Whole chapter is devoted to Sexual Selection. Indeed nature recognizes biological males and biological females. Hopefully without reducing any poor soul to a suicidal State of Mind.
Who is in charge of screening ideas and opinions at 6:30 In order to uphold "community standards"?
Secular Zionist Jews dominate the mainstream news media in the United States. Oddly enough ,they are pillars of Critical Race Theory but have no problem with apartheid Israel. And they arrogantly set themselves up as judges of hate speech in social media. A they daily censor ideas and opinions that rub them the wrong way.
Monday, June 19, 2023
Saturday, June 17, 2023
In a SANE democratic socialist society talented writers and creative artists would not be OWNED by Corporate America
In a SANE democratic socialist society talented writers and creative artists would not be OWNED by Corporate America. A pithy remark of Karl Marx back in 1848 still explains a lot about capitalist USA today : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". No doubt ANY writer -no matter how talented - if he or she is out of sync with RULING CLASS THINKING, will find it hard to survive as a professional writer. Recall the Hollywood " blacklist " of the McCarthy era.
RFK Jr. is indeed AT RISK as a presidential candidate in the United States
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is himself a " Profile in Courage ". As a longtime INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I intend to vote for him in the Rhode Island presidential primary in 2024 . In 2016 I voted for the maverick " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders. Big surprise here - Bernie won ! But unlike Bernie I doubt if RFK Jr. will end up endorsing corrupt, senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden now the most likely nominee of the Democratic Party . He is indeed AT RISK here !
The Sleeping Giant CHRISTIAN conscience of the nation is beginning to wake up !
Why is the corrupt , senile , creepy man allowed to be president of the United States until when ? The Blue Whale in the Room is this : The Biden administration is packed with secular but WOKE " liberal " ZIONIST Jews. They, and the mainstream news media in the United States, see " Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot .
And since Donald Trump's surprising -indeed shocking - presidential victory in 2016 - the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats have promoted the HATE Russia, New McCarthyism . And oddly enough they talk as if they owned " OUR democracy ". But " democracy " for them no longer has any use for its fundamental principle " MAJORITY RULE .
The Sleeping Giant CHRISTIAN conscience of the nation is beginning to wake up .
To what degree has the LGBTQ " community " become a cultural ghetto ?
Some American scholars in the very near future will ask : to what degree has PRIDE MONTH become a WOKE DNC based political circus ? To what degree has the LGBTQ " community " backed itself into a cultural , intellectual , moral, and sexual ghetto ?
Does it dignify Western Civilization's concept of the dignity of the INDIVIDUAL to herd people - by the magic of GROUP THINK -into one political party ? For years now " progressive " Democrats have imagined that THEY own " OUR democracy ".
The narrowness of vision of the RAINBOW " community " makes it quite alien to the SOCIALIST tradition of more than a century. Which always focused on the CLASS oppression of the working class whatever the race, ethnic background , religion or sexual orientation.
The LEADERS of the LGBTQ " community " -invariably selected out by the mainstream news media - fit perfectly into our now much studied " Culture of Narcissism ". They are overwhelmingly social climbing , petty bourgeois , self-centered and VAIN individuals.
No democratic socialist would approve of a PR agenda that endlessly mocks the Roman Catholic Church and traditional Christianity in general.
The so called FAR LEFT of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party actually resembles Cold War Stalinism -but without any benign " socialism ". Shame on these people for betraying the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
And do people wrapped up themselves in a different form of hatefulness have any right to censor social media ? To set themselves up as guardians of " community standards " ? WHOSE standards ?
Friday, June 16, 2023
The new WOKE Sexual Politics embraces capitalism and imperialism
What any half competent American psychiatrist or sociologist would observe about this LGBTQ " community " is that they fit in perfectly with our much studied " Culture of Narcissism ". They have backed themselves into a moral , political , sexual , cultural ghetto . BEING gay, or whatever rainbow capital letter you assign yourself, is not an accomplishment in life , in the real world of OBJECTIVE REALITY which the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats deny along with muddle headed " liberal " Ivy League scholars .
LGBTQs find their moral support in the mainstream news media which abandoned the ideal of " professional journalism " decades ago. The pillars of WOKE ideology are invariably secular, often openly anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jews . In their hatred for traditional Catholicism they show themselves to be pretty exuberant haters themselves.
Also this so called " Far-Left " of the Democratic Party is completely clueless about the old Marxist-Socialist point of view which analyzed ALL forms of oppression in the context of the general exploitation and oppression of the working class.
The leaders of the this LGBTQ " community " -blessed by the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats - are invariably petty-bourgeois , self -absorbed , shameless social climbers -if not insufferable SNOBS themselves.
I also note that none of the FAR-LEFT of the Democratic Party - so obsessed with daffy identity politics - have any zeal for an ANTI-WAR movement . They hope any future American imperialist war will be all about liberating the LGBTQ " community " in some backward foreign country. Like nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
The new WOKE Sexual Politics embraces capitalism and imperialism. A long, long way from the radicalism of the late Sixties.
Are there voters here in Rhode Island who actually get excited over soporific Senator Reed ?
Does Senator Reed impress any independent thinking Rhode Island voter as anything but a dull Democratic Party hack - a party which here in Rhode Island resembles defunct Soviet Union STALINISM without a hint of benign " socialism ".
The other Democratic Party hacks slobber over Reed for being very good at " bringing home the money " . But for whom ?
None of the candidates for Congress in Rhode Island can think outside their suffocating partisan box . They have not a spark of really " progressive " social imagination. There is not a dime's worth of difference between any two of them .
Are there voters here who actually get excited over soporific Senator Reed ? The better Democrats at least must be thinking : " We need new blood " .
Confused and depressed young American males and females - the military recruiting offices beckon you ?
The mainstream news media in the United States will never rally the Christian working class and most of the middle class - into fatuous support for the less than glorious cause of a " sovereign " Ukraine. For some time now it has slobbered over the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger Zelensky . And the WOKE WARRIOR Biden administration has given Zelensky the keys to the US Treasury.
All this stale Wilsonian blather was FALSE more than a century ago. American history is just not all about defending FREEDOM and " sovereign " countries on all continents.
With poor accounting , the United States gives Zelensky billions while Mega-Inflation is killing what was once the GOOD LIFE for middle class Americans and making working class Americans almost impoverished.
But stir up WAR FEVER over " sovereign " Ukraine ? And have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ? Confused and depressed young American males and females - the military recruiting offices beckon you ? Talk it over with maimed Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic of " Born on the Fourth of July " fame.
The "UTOPIAN " idea of SOCIALISM has been around for a long time
Why was the name of H.G. Wells scratched over in my post below ? Was SOCIALIST Wells in the same league as Hitler ?
Where funds ( from tax collection ) are just not there the most compassionate government officials are impotent to solve social justice problems like homelessness , care for the indigent , disabled and the mentally ill. The democratic socialist vision is for pooling all the surplus wealth of present day CAPITALIST America for the GENERAL WELFARE of WE THE PEOPLE. For decades now incredibly sophisticated computer technology[ really for the first time since socialist author H.G. Well envisioned a WORLD BRAIN] makes possible a more rational and just organization of the economy and of the vast resources of the country that is the United States. This seemingly UTOPIAN idea has been around for a long time Read " Looking Backward " by Edward Bellamy . He sees SOCIALISM coming without any bloody , brutalizing CLASS WAR . It can happen here .
Are we naive in trusting brainless COMPLEX machines like modern jet planes "
Can there be a more harrowing experience ( apart from a condemned prisoner waiting for a pardon on death row on day of his scheduled execution ) than being a passenger in a high in the sky jet plane suddenly in TWILIGHT ZONE " frozen " doom time ? Are we naive about trusting BRAINLESS , very complex , machines ? Or even BRAINY AI machines ? Perhaps in the far distant
future we will have " Guardian Angel " robots ? We still have an unconscious wish that our innocent children have divine " guardian angel " protection.
But on a passenger jet five miles up in the atmosphere don't count on the indifferent LAW OF GRAVITY being suspended !
And yet " indifferent " gravity holds our oxygen supply to the Good Earth . Try breathing without a spacesuit on the Moon !
The so called LGBTQ " community " fits in perfectly with the petty-bourgeois ALL AMERICAN " Culture of Narcissism "
The so called LGBTQ " community " fits in perfectly with petty-bourgeois ALL-AMERICAN " Culture of Narcissism ". Quite apart from the less than damning Christian Right moral criticism , the PRIDE " community " is an intellectual , political , and cultural ghetto . Their " community " is an artificial creation of the WOKE DNC , designed to herd - like mindless sheep - LGBTQ " lost soul " individuals into voting for " progressive " Democrats .
And the pillars of WOKE are invariably secular , openly anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jews in league with the obnoxious New Atheists. They have even smuggled THEIR " science " of transgender wonders ( like pregnant MEN ! ) into the Ivy League universities and with the help of corrupt , unrepresentative of the rank and file, teacher union LEADERS , import it into the public schools - where everything WOKE seems to infuriate traditional Christian parents and families. But don't dare bring this " attitude " into a tame PTA meeting . The FBI will investigate you for HATE SPEECH proclivities.
How can such a tiny minority afflict an ideological Reign of Terror( now lasting for several decades ) on the majority or ordinary middle class and working class Americans ? To be sure, the PUSH BACK is happening now ,
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Contempt for LIFE leads to contempt for the mourned DEAD
No surprise that elite Harvard University that produced this moral monster with his grisly, illegal " business " - FOR PROFIT sale of human body party parts - also CELEBRATES ( in the manner of the college football team rally ) heinous, late term abortion " right " while smearing the ancient Catholic Church position as hate speech. Contempt for LIFE leads to contempt for the mourned , beloved DEAD . The wages of WOKE sin !
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Remembering the Bernie Sanders rally in Roger Williams Park April 2016 - a beautiful Spring day
I was there with Brother Steve . A Bernie Sanders campaign button I bought for my beloved ( now deceased ) woman friend Dorene Rousseau. I knew " socialist " DEMOCRAT Sanders would not fail to disappoint me when he cravenly endorsed " Harpy Hillary " Clinton. But that is what my socialist oriented " CRITICAL SUPPORT " is all about. Like the abhorred ( for saving capitalism ! ) " THAT MAN " FDR in 1936 I am functionally pragmatic : " SEE WHAT WORKS ! ".Actually, in 1936 I would have voiced support for the American socialist author Upton Sinclair running for governor of California as a Democrat ( " The Jungle " is still with us ! ).
In 1976 and in 1980 I was a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers Party here in Rhode Island .[ NOTE : in 1980 one Bernie Sanders as a presidential elector for the SWP in his home state of Vermont ] .
Many years later I think the SOCIALIST " dream " is preferable to the CAPITALIST nightmare.
This independent democratic socialist says : " FAIR PLAY ( not only for Cuba ) for Donald Trump ! "
So morally and intellectually and culturally bankrupt are the WOKE WARRIOR " Democrats " that they have no IDEA to run on for 2024 elections other than former president Donald Trump being the root of all evil in " OUR democracy ". The phony , bought and sold Democratic Party politicians ( with the sole exception of Robert F. Kennedy Jr whom this independent democratic socialist will vote for in the 2024 Rhode Island presidential primary ) .
I voted for old Bernie Sanders here in 2016 . Speaking at Roger William Park on a fine April Spring day , Bernie at least had a solid " progressive " message .
And the Rhode Island political establishment ( now quasi STALINIST ) was shocked : Bernie won the 2016 presidential primary here.
I heard " liberal " Democrat Alan Deshowitz , the famous trial lawyer , interviewed here on 630 WPRO talk radio ( Gene Valicenti's morning radio program ) . Dershowitz naturally plugged his recently published book aptly titled " Get Trump ". He sees the specter of a new McCarthyism taking root in this WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
So this independent democratic socialist says : " FAIR PLAY ( not only for Cuba ) for Donald Trump ! "
The US infrastructure crisis - picture this country looking like those vast melancholy ancient Roman ruins even before the end of the 21st century ?
So much money MUST be invested in the US infrastructure just to preserve CIVILIZATION in this country . Picture this country looking like those melancholy vast Ancient Roman ruins even before the end of the 21st century. Like the Roman Empire - which had its good points - we can no longer afford ( in any HUMANE way ) to police the world. The money for saving the infrastructure can come from dramatically DEFUNDING THE MILITARY . And no more American Caesar military adventures in the " barbaric " places of our times.
As for the border crisis we can, within reason, welcome the modern equivalent of the pathetic " Helvetians " , the proverbial " barbarians " at the gates ". . A WORLD GOVERNMENT can establish EQUILIBRIUM of people movement across national borders.
Finally, the human race can live up to its scientific name : " HOMO SAPIENS " .
Monday, June 12, 2023
Stale Wilsonian blather - FALSE more than a century ago- will not " sell " in the second decade of the 21st century
The bourgeois governments of Europe , with a long history of bloody colonialism , today in league with moribund American imperialism , are deluded in thinking that there can ever be another war like THE GOOD WAR , World War II. With the " special " countries triumphing in a few glorious years.
Within a very short time the working class of the whole world will rise up against the insanity of a very possible nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
In particular , American history was never about defending the FREEDOM of SOVEREIGN nations on all continents. What is left of the ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT in the United States does not suffer from historic amnesia. The stale Wilsonian blather- FALSE more than a century ago- just will not " sell " in the second decade of the 21st century. The American people are just too cynical about defending " OUR democracy ".
Great Russia might re-discover the spirit of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution which told TRUTH to the masses about the GREAT WAR in Europe. And even capitalist-imperialist America might have its own " Ten Days That Shook The World . Which even " socialist " Bernie Sanders might live to see.
The endless prosecution ( persecution ? ) of former president Donald Trump -what it really means in capitalist USA
The endless prosecution ( persecution ? ) of former president Donald Trump only confirms for me the Marxist view of THE LAW as mostly reflecting the will and interests of the capitalist ruling class. Here there is a dispute WITHIN the American plutocracy on how best to govern the country and remain in virtual control of the world ( does the Constitution authorize American imperialism ? ) .
I listened this morning to Law Professor Alan Dershowitz on the Gene Valicenti ( 630 WPRO , Rhode Island )) radio news-talk program . I note that he used the word " McCarthyism " to describe the prevailing state of mind in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ( to which he remains loyal being a more old fashioned liberal Democrat ) . He aroused my interest in his recently published book aptly titled : " Get Trump " . How can the arch-plutocrat Donald Trump betray HIS country ? In fact, the self-serving Joe Biden & Family hardly betray the capitalist system with their corrupt intrigue in " sovereign " Ukraine. To be sure there is nothing self-sacrificing in deliriously money mad American ruling class.
Remember : " What's good for General Motors is good for the country ". When privileged people see themselves as THE COUNTRY they simply cannot betray that country. In wars-past , present , and future - all the sacrifice is on the working class .
The TWO PARTY SYSTEM uses both parties to bamboozle the American people into acceptance for austerity at home and
war ( always for " OUR democracy ") abroad.
The mainstream news media in the United States never fails to go along with a finally decided ruling class agenda. Soon the squabbling will be over and they will get on with the inspired program : nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ( and China and North Korea and Iran ).
The nation's public schools and schools of higher education will also cravenly fall in line. Study the propaganda war at home in 1917 at the beginning of our entrance into the " Great War " to make the world safe for democracy , the war to end all wars !
American socialist Eugene V. Debs got it right more than a hundred years ago in his famous " Canton Speech " ( which landed this presidential candidate in jail . And never to be forgiven by righteous patriot Woodrow Wilson. )
Saturday, June 10, 2023
A rational explanation for modern forms of anti-Semitism
TV commercials against " hate " lack any psychological depth. The science of human psychology must understand " hate " just as its opposite " love ". If individuals who are NOT crazy hate this or that group it might just be the INDUCTION process at work. If an individual has real or imagined negative interactions with this or that race or this or that ethnic group, he or she will acquire prejudice . If I learned that a number of people actually hated me , I would ask a very reasonable question : " WHY ? "
I would not tell people or myself that it is all because of my extraordinary talents and virtues.
Could not MODERN anti-Semitism have more to do with nation -state politics -with Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and with the belligerence associated with its " right to exist ", that explains much of anti-Semitism in the 21st century ?
Also, it does seem that the pillars of odious ( to most CHRISTIANS ) WOKE ideology are secular , often openly anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews colluding with the quite unpleasant group of New Atheists . With the blessing of ELITE Ivy League colleges and universities.
When THESE Jews appear to control main stream news media there is an inevitable buildup of resentment that in some individual cases degenerates into sociopathic hate. As it did with one Adolph Hitler as a young adult in the post-war German Weimar Republic. In " Mein Kampf " Hitler speaks for himself about HIS anti-Semitism . His book should not be banned anywhere.
" HATE " really is not all that simple. And anti-Semitism today has different roots than in the late Dark Ages in Europe. In no way today are Catholics encouraged to think hateful thoughts about Judaism as a religion . While Marxist socialists declare all capitalist exploiters and greedy landlords ENEMIES OF THE WORKING CLASS. As would old Karl Marx.
Just a suspicion : are DNC based secular ZIONIST Jews trying to get us into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
What a world class phony this Democrat Adam Schiff. He was in the vanguard of the DNC based HATE Russia New McCarthyism for all four years of the first LEGITIMATE Trump presidency. How much respect for the Constitution was shown during those notorious Trump-Russia Collusion hearings ?
And THE NAMES singing in harmony with Adam Schiff sounded like a cast from an old YIDDISH THEATER play.
Note : I am a longtime independent democratic socialist presently inclined to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. here in any Rhode Island presidential primary. I voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016. And shocking the petrified ( indeed STALINIZED ) Rhode Island political establishment , Bernie won !
Just a suspicion : Are DNC based secular ZIONIST Jews trying to get us into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? How much CHRISTIAN working class support can they drum up ?
A nuclear war holocaust has a lot more horrors to offer us than out of control forest fires in Canada
Above all, TOP SECRET government documents are OFF LIMITS to ordinary working class and middle class Americans - who would be shamed by their content. That is why Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are the real heroes of " OUR democracy ".
Guided by crackpot military " realism ", the Pentagon brass advise successive American presidents that nuclear war is winnable . That toxic smoke cloud over New York City this week should make people recall " The Day After " nightmare. A nuclear holocaust has a lot more horrors to offer us than these out of control forest fires in Canada .
You have to be a blind jackass to think everybody is EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW in capitalist USA !
Karl Marx figured out long ago ( way back in 1848 in fact ) that bourgeois LAW was not above the CLASS STRUGGLE . You have to be a blind jackass to think everybody is EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW in capitalist USA. Even the great Southern trial lawyer Atticus Finch ( of " To Kill a Mockingbird " ) got that wrong . He lost !
There is a serious crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. There is bitter conflict WITHIN the American plutocracy . So we see the Department of Justice and the mainstream news media ganging up on the still relatively very popular Republican candidate for president Donald Trump .
President Joe Biden & Family are paragons of respect for THE LAW ?
The TWO PARTY SYSTEM shows daily contempt for the vast majority of WORKING CLASS people in " OUR democracy ".
I do have a little " problem " with the PRIDE " community "
Yes ,a longtime independent democratic socialist I do have a little " problem " with the not so very diverse PRIDE " community ". To what degree are all these so WOKE communities intellectual, moral , and cultural ghettos ? Sociologically they do seem to fit into the more general " Culture of Narcissism ". The PRIDE parades I viewed in Providence , Rhode Island did seem, to this product of the 60s-70s " Sexual Revolution", to border on the obscene ( NOT FOR CHILDREN ! ).
As a RATIONAL non-violent socialist I also resent the war on common sense and objective reality . Not even polite to talk about BIOLOGICAL MALES and FEMALES vs. TRANSGENDERED MALES and FEMALES ? Who would want to be responsible for any sensitive soul's suicide ?
Also Democratic Party based identity politics is as hateful as anything the Christian Right can come up with .
The blatant hatred for traditional Catholicism and for the very symbols of Christianity is indeed DEPLORABLE.
And GROUP THINK lines up 99 % of the LGBTQ " community " with the corrupt WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party .
Joe Biden is more moral , less corrupt , more lovable than Donald Trump ? Give me a break !
Signs of aging well ?
Profile photo for Janet McKenzie
Janet McKenzie
BSN, MBA, ND, Canadian (1961–present)3y
What common factors are usually present when a person has notably aged well?
What common factors are usually present when a person has notably aged well?
[ " Physically, the process of aging seems to be mostly about drying out.
You lose muscle volume. The discs in your spine dry out and become thinner, causing you to lose height. Your skin becomes drier and less elastic. Your interests in life might shrivel too.
When I think about people I know who are over 90 years of age, who seem to me to have aged well, what they have in common is juiciness.
They move every day so their joints stay limber. They exercise their minds too, so they are still sharp. Their humour gets worked out so they are always ready to laugh and smile. They don’t seem dry and shriveled. They seem full and ripe.
It looks like the secret of aging well is to stay juicy." ]
View 1,878 upvotes
View 23 sharesAnswer requested by
Judy Hulen
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I say : " FAIR PLAY [ not for Cuba this time ] but for former president Donald Trump. The bias of the Department of Justice and the mainstream news media is shockingly evident. Could the sacrosanct LAW be inherently bigoted ? WOKE WARRIOR Democrats own the US Constitution ? And they conduct US foreign policy inspired by stale Wilsonian blather that was ( " make the world safe for democracy " ? ) FALSE more than a century ago .
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I say : " FAIR PLAY [ not for Cuba this time ] but for former president Donald Trump. The bias of the Department of Justice and the mainstream news media is shockingly evident. Could the sacrosanct LAW be inherently bigoted ? WOKE WARRIOR Democrats own the US Constitution ? And they conduct US foreign policy inspired by stale Wilsonian blather that was ( " make the world safe for democracy " ? ) FALSE more than a century ago .
Why is American society mass producing so many morally insane individuals ? A long time ago ,in another era, I read a book by socialist humanist author Erich Fromm titled " The Sane Society ". So I got the idea right away : cannot a society itself be SICK ?
Why is American society mass producing so many morally insane individuals ? A long time ago ,in another era, I read a book by socialist humanist author Erich Fromm titled " The Sane Society ". So I got the idea right away : cannot a society itself be SICK ?
To what degree are politically organized ZIONIST Jews out to get Trump ?
[ " Twitter owner and billionaire Elon Musk argued that former President Donald Trump’s indictment by the Department of Justice risks losing the trust of the American public.
Trump is the current front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. "]
But to what degree is a ZIONIST Jew controlled Democratic Party and mainstream news media simply out to get Trump ? They are very soft on corrupt , senile , often downright creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden and, in general, voice WOKE ideology nonsense ( more hateful than anything the Christian Right can stir up ) .
I speak as a longtime independent democratic socialist ( leaning toward critical support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the 2024 presidential election ) .
Friday, June 9, 2023
TOP SECRET government documents are above all off limits to ordinary working class and middle class Americans
Any sober Marxist knows that THE LAW is not above " politics ", not above the CLASS STRUGGLE. Former president Trump is a victim of some bitter ideological struggle WITHIN the ruling class. The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism since 2015 . And this once " liberal " party is now contemptuous of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. THEY are far more FASCIST than conservative Republicans. And I am a longtime independent democratic socialist.
TOP SECRET government documents are above all off limits to ordinary working class and middle class Americans. Their content would shame our sense of RIGHT and WRONG. So Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are heroes of popular democracy . Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are not cheer leaders for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Check out the secular ZIONIST Jew agenda in the Democratic Party . A " Greater Israel " plan for Ukraine ?
Well " controversial " John DePetro still TALKS on radio
Well " controversial " John DePetro still TALKS on radio !
I hope the mainstream news media stops blackballing Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. .
I hope the mainstream news media will stop blackballing Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He himself is a true " Profile in Courage ". I will certainly vote for him in the next Rhode Island presidential primary . I vote for Bernie Sanders here back in April 2016 . A shock to the RI political establishment : Bernie won !
Karl Marx had great insight into THE LAW way back in 1848
Karl Marx had great insight into THE LAW way back in 1848 . THE LAW is not above the CLASS STRUGGLE . On the whole it reflects the collective will of the capitalist ruling class( THEIR " democracy " ) and their capitalist and world imperialist interests.
Former president Donald Trump is a victim of a bitter ideological struggle WITHIN the American ruling class. Trump gets this right : The Department of Justice is corrupt ( even by bourgeois standards ) . And the mainstream news media is extremely hostile to Trump and his bid for a second chance at the presidency .
Connect the dots : The Joe Biden administration is packed with secular ZIONIST Jews with a " Greater Israel " agenda in Ukraine and WOKE ideology agenda for the nation's public schools. They see corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot.
Of course , NBC's Chuck Todd will not approve this democratic socialist's point of view. You can count on the mainstream news media to censor or smother ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States , and any bold defense of traditional Christian values in " OUR democracy ". It sets the criteria for " hate " speech .
The early NATIVE AMERICANS got it right : Only the GREAT SPIRIT " owns " the Good Earth
A democratic socialist government in the United States would immediately seize the PRIVATE PROPERTY of ALL slumlords . And will immediately wage war on ALL landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. The Native Americans got it right at the start of New World culture oppression : Only the GREAT SPIRIT rules the Good Earth, "OWNS " the good Earth .
WHO sees " Uncle Joe " Biden as the proverbial useful idiot ?
So we have a corrupt Department of Justice and a corrupt mainstream news media. Trump gets that right . And the WOKE anti-CHRISTIAN tyranny in the Democratic Party, Connect the dots. The Joe Biden administration is packed with secular Zionist Jews with a " Greater Israel " agenda. They see " Uncle Joe " as the proverbial useful idiot But what a good Catholic! Just ask New World Order Pope Francis.
I speak as a long time independent democratic socialist -not a MAGA Republican.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
The Ukraine counter-offensive and prospects for nuclear World War III
The mainstream news media in the United States slobbers over the puffed up NATO hero ZIONIST Jew war monger V. Zelensky with his unspoken " Greater APARTHEID Israel " agenda. American imperialism and Israeli Zionism - together forever- are not all about protecting anybody's FREEDOM and saving " sovereign " countries.
Will ordinary Christian working class Americans get all toxic patriotism excited over the prospect of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Presently " OUR democracy " cannot evil cope with that toxic smoke cloud from Canada over New York City and much of New England. That is not a WARNING ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I , of course , think PRIVATE OWNERSHIP of an inherently COMMUNITY resource - like Johnson's Pond in Coventry - is completely ridiculous.
Real liberals will point out the source of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy "
It would help the FREE SPEECH cause if more readers pointed out the sources of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy ". The pillars of WOKE are invariably secular , openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheists. And with the blasphemous blessing of WOKE Ivy League schools - like Harvard, Brown , Yale , Princeton .
Think of that toxic smoke over New York City as radioactive fallout from nuclear war
Think of that toxic smoke over New York City as radioactive fallout from nuclear war. Think about the damn breaking environmental catastrophe in the Ukraine. Now consider that our Pentagon military crackpots ( call it " crackpot realism " ) advise presidents of the United States that nuclear war is winnable.
Long before the human species appeared on the GOOD EARTH there were whole eras of drastic climate change. Once there was a " Snowball Earth " ! Whatever the truth about global warming today , I doubt if GLOBAL CAPITALISM can effectively deal with this climate change crisis.
OLD POST on " A call to support Question 5 "
Rae, I am registered voter in Cranston. I will most certainly vote YES on QUESTION FIVE . My brother is also a graphic designer and has done wonderful work on my social activist blog ( What is $35 million compared to all the money people foolishly gamble away? I refuse to vote for any casino gambling here in Rhode Island. I am convinced that gambling and our state lottery- which radio and TV news celebrities are always pimping- are really just a tax on the vast class of desperate and uneducated poor people.
What is $35 million compared to the super-costly -and foolish- WAR ON DRUGS ? What is $35 million compared to the cost of ALL our foolish military adventures ? I would gladly vote you many millions more ! Ron Ruggieri, Cranston
From: A call to support Question 5
OLD POST : The Rhode Island Department of Health never responded to my e-mail alert
An often homeless 67 year old friend of mine ( described as a " Ragged Dave " in a a letter published in the Providence Journal ) " living " in his junky Lincoln Town Car, last year thought he might find temporary relief at Harrington Hall in Cranston to which he was directed by some senior citizen social worker in Warwick. He spent at least one night there . His nightmare description of the place- AS A HAZARD TO PUBLIC HEALTH-prompted me to send an e-mail to the Rhode Island Department of Health. I am sure I have a copy of that communication in my blog []
A few weeks ago in the Warwick Public Library " Ragged Dave " pointed to a frequent resident of Harrington Hall, a regular public computer user at the library. The poor middle aged man was a non-stop -sick and sickening- COUGHER. As the homeless Harrington Hall man was right across from me- with his tubercular sounding chronic cough- I wondered if it would be " politically incorrect " to suggest that he wear a hospital mask while visiting a very public library.
" Ragged Dave " told me that Harrington Hall was filthy, poorly ventilated at night- a dark,decayed " old fashioned insane asylum " ....... " sounded like a tuberculosis ward ".
During the day these homeless -evicted from Harrington Hall- are everywhere PUBLIC-using the rest rooms of fast food places, on RIPTA buses.
The one PUBLIC PLACE they are not in is PUBLIC HOUSING.
The Rhode Island Department of Health never responded to my e-mail alert. Their web site says they respond to all complaints..There should be a public health nurse assigned to Harrington Hall in Cranston.
From: Sex offender living restriction puts added demand on homeless shelter
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