Thursday, September 8, 2022

Remember the case of Edward Snowden ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I suspect that TOP SECRET , CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS of the United States government are so labeled because ,above all , they are an affront to the common decency , common humanity , and common sense of the ordinary Americans not devoted to the interests of the American plutocracy and our notorious military industrial complex ( President Eisenhower warned us years ago about IT ) . " OUR democracy " is not protected by sinister nuclear weapons secrets . Just WHO in " OUR democracy " is entitled to possess them or access them ? UNELECTED arrogant - morally obtuse - FBI-CIA-DEEP STATE bureaucrats ? Is it not best to at least PREFER elected officials to a shadow government more at home in an Orwellian police state ? American capitalism and American imperialism is becoming increasingly incompatible with LIFE ON EARTH !

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