Tuesday, September 6, 2022

I would recommend Tim Lebbon's horror story novella " WHITE " as a COVID-19 must read . But some negatives as moral fiction

I would recommend Tim Lebbon's horror story novella " WHITE " as " COVID -19 " MUST READ fiction. I read the gruesome story last night during a once in a century rain storm. Imagine GLOBAL WARMING culminating in a frightful NUCLEAR WINTER combined with a truly darker SECOND COMING than good Christians ever imagined As the marketable genre of popular horror fiction goes " WHITE " is a " good read ". But even here I find not a trace of Leo Tolstoy's necessary FORCE FOR GOOD moral message. Tolstoy thought fiction should serve some higher moral purpose - or it could degenerate into nihilistic ( often atheistic ) sensationalist, disgustingly pornographic escapism . A horror story might succeed in holding my attention without ever getting me to like any of the characters. To be sure , NO winning personalities in " WHITE ". The plot of " WHITE " raises the question WHY the world was suddenly into Apocalypse Now ? It is shallow to think that THEY ( the authorities, DEEP STATE , the government of " OUR democracy " ) did not listen carefully enough to young geek environmentalists . Perhaps Christian Socialism ( with a healthy dose of orthodox Marxism ) might have helped clarify Tim Lebbon's dark plot in " WHITE ". And also the much studied " Book of Revelation "-which has scared the world for centuries beyond " The Dark Age ". With CIVILIZATION collapsing right now- in REAL LIFE- we could ask : " Why have we failed as a species ? "

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