Friday, May 7, 2021

Dumb American kids go to jail in Italy


Not exactly Mark Twain ' s INNOCENTS ABROAD.How quickly FOOLISH -not evil- young males can ruin their whole lives. Here all for a cocaine high in a foreign country where American guests are not WELL LIKED. Will they be favored in the Italian prison system? What can be more horrible than for a young man to wake up in the morning and find himself behind iron bars? Leaving behind a broken hearted family . No romance for decades . Or for the rest of your life. No more home cooked meals. Cancelled marriage and family daydreams. The vibrant good health of youth broken in a few months. Your daily misery and despair the implacable will of cold hearted vindictive SYSTEM. And soon forgotten by friends and family.Imagine a LIFE In God forsaken prison hell.The Damned offer no solace to one another.OUTSIDE you might glimpse normal happy people celebrating LIFE not serving it. A little respect for the rules of civilization and perhaps in mostly Catholic Italy for the old Baltimore Catechism could have changed their fate.
Marin classmates found guilty in murder of Italian police officer

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