Tuesday, February 9, 2021

" Cranston bank robbed by well-dressed suspect "

The well-dressed suspect is also described as a black male. On my shopping days I frequently use the ATM machine in this store-often between 9 and 10 a.m. As a Democratic Socialist I have always thought that racism in the United States is, in the final analysis,a matter of economic CLASS. Having more black people doing the news and doing TV and radio commercials only hides this reality of economic Injustice. Working people -of all races and ethnic groups -are exploited and oppressed by the capitalist system. Said black leader Malcolm X : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a bloodsucker. " Malcolm X was also " processed" by our criminal Justice system, but he came out of it with different ideas, REVOLUTIONARY ideas . In his Harlem speeches Malcolm X made a connection between capitalism and racism , between imperialism and racism. Malcolm X would have laughed at those black people doing capitalist commercials on TV and voting for corrupt Democrats.
A fundamental flaw in " OUR democracy " is this TWO PARTY SYSTEM. The American plutocracy STEALS every election. And they make it all but impossible for SOCIALIST third parties to compete on Election Day.

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