Sunday, March 1, 2020

Why " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders terrifies the American plutocracy

In a universe where everything comes into existence and passes out of existence why should CAPITALISM be eternal ?

The human race survived for at least 100,000 years without sacrosanct private property, the capitalist mode of production.

Your comment is sophomoric LIBERTARIAN - possibly Ayn Rand inspired - nonsense. As Marx said the RULING IDEAS ARE THE IDEAS OF THE RULING CLASS. Are intelligent critics of capitalism given equal time in the mainstream news media ?

The intelligent criticism of capitalism is not just sentimental based on sympathy for the millions of exploited and oppressed , the wretched of the earth. More and more global capitalism is becoming incompatible with a livable planet , indeed with CIVILIZATION .

Even global capitalism is tied to the NATION STATE and these nation states are mutually hostile.
For example , post-communist Russia is today a CAPITALIST country . To be sure , " OUR democracy " controlled by plutocrats -like Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg - is in no way on a higher moral plane than Putin's Russian oligarchy .

Yet the " liberal " Democrats - not Trump - have been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism .

How can Bad Vlad Putin undermine " OUR democracy " more than BIG MONEY , than corporate corruption ?

The American plutocracy is terrified that American voters - with a " socialist " Bernie Sanders running for president - might have the political equivalent of a referendum not on the virtue and wisdom of Bernie Sanders -but on the justice and sanity of the American capitalist system.

As a DEMOCRATIC socialist I will accept any verdict from truly FREE, un-brainwashed voters .
As an " old Catholic " type I am well adjusted to being anti-materialism and unworldly anyway. I see too much PRIVATE PROPERTY as a burden from which SOCIALISM can relieve the unhappy rich.

Most decent human beings on this planet -whatever their race or ethnic group - think that GREED IS NOT GOOD .

God bless Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday. Somebody ,on the left I presume, called him the " greatest Jew since Jesus Christ ". But that savors of blasphemy !

Sep 13, 2016 - ... and, across the Atlantic, the Bernie Sanders phenomenon. ... as 'A son of a bitch, but the greatest Jew since Jesus Christ', but it may be more ...]

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