Monday, March 2, 2020

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges talking CLASS STRUGGLE in the plutocrat USA

I commend this dark view of the Democratic Party recently voiced by Pulitzer Prize winning - now blackballed - American journalist Christopher Hedges . Writing on " Truthdig " :
[ " If all this plays out as I expect and if those on the left continue to put their faith and energy into the Democratic Party, they are not simply willfully naive but complicit in their own enslavement. No successful political movement will be built within the embrace of the Democratic Party, nor will such a movement be built in one election cycle. The struggle to end oligarchic rule will be hard and bitter. It will take time. It will require self-sacrifice, including sustained protest and going to jail. It will be rooted in class warfare. The oligarchs will stop at nothing to crush it. Open, nonviolent revolt against the oligarchic state is our only hope. Oligarchic rule must be destroyed. If we fail, our democracy, and finally our species, will become extinct. "]
Presently " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders is being red-baited and smeared : imagine that both Bernie and Trump are " Mission to Moscow " traitors !
So I am a critical " critical supporter " of Bernie Sanders until the moment he kisses Michael Bloomberg's ring.
A once again betrayed and defeated Bernie Sanders should advocate for an American Labor Party - which would be very similar to the British Labor Party in its solid CLASS base.
Good luck to " socialist " Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday !
The very idea of SOCIALISM is NOT anathema in working class America , in still organized labor America. In CHRISTIAN working class America. Catholic social philosophy is very close to traditional socialist views.

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