Saturday, February 25, 2017

" The tyranny of the majority " : the fundamental axiom of " identity politics "

[“I believe the legal challenges in the courts are really important,” Ngai said. “The court is supposed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.”]

This seems to be the fundamental axiom of effete and increasingly vicious " identity politics " : the " tyranny of the majority ".

 Democratic socialists believe - and have a century of political history to support them- that the capitalist state is designed to protect the wealthy minority from the always threatening " tyranny " of a SOCIALIST majority.

    This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Think about it: just who is OPPRESSED today in capitalist America : The wealthy or the working class majority ?

        So Democracy in America has nothing in common with MAJORITY RULE ?

           It does seem to us democratic socialists that " identity politics " is designed to stifle CLASS consciousness.

       All these neo-con, pro war Democrats - such sensitive souls !

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