How can any honest " democrat " raise any objection to a recount in ANY state where neither presidential candidate -Trump or Clinton - was beloved by the American voters ?

 I seriously doubt if Russia's Vladimir Putin did more to undermine " democracy in America " than the two party system itself. To be sure, it is clear that Trump lost the popular vote . He now has no mandate to " make America great again " for the Far Right.

But remember that Hillary Clinton , " Corrupt Hillary ", Hawk Hillary, was the pre-selected choice of Establishment USA. What does that say about our capitalist ruling class ?

Were the rich supporters of Hillary Clinton on a higher moral plane than Trump's working class " deplorables " - mostly just working class Americans desperate for change ?

So the right wing nationalist Donald Trump was right from the beginning in saying that elections were rigged in America.But rigged for the plutocracy.

Image result for Jill Stein wants a recount