Loved reading " The 10 ' most beautiful experiments of all time "
in the Providence Sunday Journal, Sept.29, page A-17. But a weighty
error that cannot be dismissed as a typo is right here : the eccentric
Henry Cavendish had ingeniously weighed the earth. But the figure given
in your article fails to indicate EXPONENTIAL value. The approximate
mass of the earth is 6.0 x 10 ( multiplied by itself 24 times ).
NOT 6.0 x 1024 kilograms. A good banker knows what compound
interest does to a sum of money. Tell him he is worth that in gold and
he will smile. Give it as EXPONENTIAL and he will faint: He now owns
the universe !
Was a New York Times editor asleep on the job ? A while
back this humble letter writer discovered them to be obtuse on
the famous Periodic Table.
But THANKS for a very interesting story !
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, September 30, 2002
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Sainthood for Evita Peron too ?
Being a Catholic by fate if not by piety, I keep up with
Church affairs by reading " The Providence Visitor ". I do recommend
reading this weekly for a balanced view on the sex scandals.
Yesterday I was amused to read that the famous Catholic
TV personality and Church scholar-or propagandist- Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen is being considered for sainthood. Catholic baby boomers-
who experienced the golden age of The Church in America - will never
forget that guy with his piercing, pious look - and that blackboard
with short notes on it suggesting that for this mighty intellect
Hell fire was as real as global warming is for the Greens today.
I don't know what my opinion might be worth in the higher
circles of the Church. But I think that Argentina's legendary " Evita "
- Eva Peron - who did more for her poor people than Mother Teresa -
is a more credible candidate for sainthood than Fulton J. Sheen -
whose fierce anti-communism at times made him seem more loyal to
capitalism than Catholicism.
" Evita " had the heart of the saint -even if certain
cynics would brand her as the patron saint of prostitutes.
Next time I visit LaSallette, I will light a candle for
my kind and lovely " Evita ". Saint or no saint, the death of a
beautiful woman is always the stuff of great poetry.
"... Santa, Santa Evita ! "
Church affairs by reading " The Providence Visitor ". I do recommend
reading this weekly for a balanced view on the sex scandals.
Yesterday I was amused to read that the famous Catholic
TV personality and Church scholar-or propagandist- Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen is being considered for sainthood. Catholic baby boomers-
who experienced the golden age of The Church in America - will never
forget that guy with his piercing, pious look - and that blackboard
with short notes on it suggesting that for this mighty intellect
Hell fire was as real as global warming is for the Greens today.
I don't know what my opinion might be worth in the higher
circles of the Church. But I think that Argentina's legendary " Evita "
- Eva Peron - who did more for her poor people than Mother Teresa -
is a more credible candidate for sainthood than Fulton J. Sheen -
whose fierce anti-communism at times made him seem more loyal to
capitalism than Catholicism.
" Evita " had the heart of the saint -even if certain
cynics would brand her as the patron saint of prostitutes.
Next time I visit LaSallette, I will light a candle for
my kind and lovely " Evita ". Saint or no saint, the death of a
beautiful woman is always the stuff of great poetry.
"... Santa, Santa Evita ! "
Monday, September 23, 2002
" Buddy " again and my PROJO Horoscope
With reference to the " criminal " Mayor Cianci a letter to
the editor today ( Sept.13 ) is fatuously titled : " Rhode Islanders
like criminals ". I think we like justice a little more. The prosecution
against our " Buddy " was so goofy that their case against him -known
as Plunderdome - came one count away from being sarcastically renamed
Why could not the prosecution present a single witness of
integrity to point a finger at the prince of Providence: " You
stole MY money.... YOU ruined my life " ? The testimony of assorted
bums should not have sufficed to convict Cianci of anything.
If he stole money from his beloved city, HOW MUCH did he
steal, WHAT did he spend this money on, WHERE is the rest of it ?
The Cianci trial was a distraction from the far greater
scandal of corporate corruption. Has George W. Bush disowned his
Enron buddies ? In general American capitalism has become a CRIMINAL
If guilty, our " Buddy " is just a crooked shoe-shine boy !
By the way my PROJO horoscope this morning reads : " Be careful
- your words will be quoted far and wide ".
the editor today ( Sept.13 ) is fatuously titled : " Rhode Islanders
like criminals ". I think we like justice a little more. The prosecution
against our " Buddy " was so goofy that their case against him -known
as Plunderdome - came one count away from being sarcastically renamed
Why could not the prosecution present a single witness of
integrity to point a finger at the prince of Providence: " You
stole MY money.... YOU ruined my life " ? The testimony of assorted
bums should not have sufficed to convict Cianci of anything.
If he stole money from his beloved city, HOW MUCH did he
steal, WHAT did he spend this money on, WHERE is the rest of it ?
The Cianci trial was a distraction from the far greater
scandal of corporate corruption. Has George W. Bush disowned his
Enron buddies ? In general American capitalism has become a CRIMINAL
If guilty, our " Buddy " is just a crooked shoe-shine boy !
By the way my PROJO horoscope this morning reads : " Be careful
- your words will be quoted far and wide ".
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Big Brother was watching Miss TOO-GOOD !
It seems that a lot of wicked people nowadays - like Miss
Too-Good whacking her kid in the back of a car - are being caught
on camera. And if you say " bring it down " a little too loudly
in a public place - and have that sinister Middle-Eastern look-
almost certainly a virtuous busy body will drop a dime on you.
It good to know that the nice people of the world
are ever ready to stop the nasty people -even at the moment of
conception , when the nasty deed is just a nasty thought.
How many of us ordinary Americans - not overcome
by the flatulent war rhetoric of George W. Bush - can identify
with Winston Smith in George Orwell's " 1984 " ? Not until Winston
was re-educated in the Ministry of Truth could he - finally - love
Big Brother - who was always WATCHING YOU !
And Miss Too-good - perhaps - was trying too hard to
be the perfect good mother. Observed Winston in " 1984 " : " Almost
all kids were brats nowadays ". Often they reported their rotten
parents to the Ministry of Love -where they could expect a punishment
more severe than an old fashioned spanking. For Winston there was
Room 101.
The NICE PEOPLE want the rest of us to know this : " BIG
Learn the art of brainless conformity now. Or you will
learn it in Room 101.
Too-Good whacking her kid in the back of a car - are being caught
on camera. And if you say " bring it down " a little too loudly
in a public place - and have that sinister Middle-Eastern look-
almost certainly a virtuous busy body will drop a dime on you.
It good to know that the nice people of the world
are ever ready to stop the nasty people -even at the moment of
conception , when the nasty deed is just a nasty thought.
How many of us ordinary Americans - not overcome
by the flatulent war rhetoric of George W. Bush - can identify
with Winston Smith in George Orwell's " 1984 " ? Not until Winston
was re-educated in the Ministry of Truth could he - finally - love
Big Brother - who was always WATCHING YOU !
And Miss Too-good - perhaps - was trying too hard to
be the perfect good mother. Observed Winston in " 1984 " : " Almost
all kids were brats nowadays ". Often they reported their rotten
parents to the Ministry of Love -where they could expect a punishment
more severe than an old fashioned spanking. For Winston there was
Room 101.
The NICE PEOPLE want the rest of us to know this : " BIG
Learn the art of brainless conformity now. Or you will
learn it in Room 101.
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Channel 6 shooting itself in the foot
Channel 6 is shooting itself in the foot by firing Robert
Whitcomb - PROJO editorial page editor - from its Sunday morning
public affairs program. I rarely watch TV and have no idea how
he comes across on TV - ( as the boss of M. Charles Bakst ? ) .
The irony here is that Mr. Whitcomb must be familiar
with " the treatment ". FREE SPEECH in reality means freedom for
the wealthy owners of the news media to say what they please, to
show what they want to show, to tell the public what they want the
public to hear. And where is the passion for TRUTH in all this ?
But I know that Robert Whitcomb never writes anything
with his name under it that is stupid and uninformed. Can TV afford
to be dominated by complete idiots ?
The economics of FREE SPEECH is, of course, modified
and influenced by old fashioned American idealism: CENSORSHIP IS
patronizing indulgence but a practical necessity for making sound
judgments in a most imperfect democracy.
FREE SPEECH for plutocrats, too ! Love that " Buddy " !
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Unfair to Michael Skakel
Rich or poor- a victim of injustice should arouse our
sympathy. Kennedy clan member, Michael Skakel, accused of murdering
Martha Moxley in 1975 " when they were 15-year old neighbors " ( " Skakel
appeals murder conviction ", Sept . 18 ) - is -I think - a victim of
injustice. If a poor black man, Michael's age, were accused as an ADULT
of a murder that happened more than 25 years ago - guilty or not guilty,
I'm sure every civil rights group in the country would be outraged: " Too
much time has passed... a man is not the same person at 40 as he was at
15. "
The LAW is clearly punishing a 15 year old Michael Skakel -
and using circumstantial evidence. Is Michael Skakel paying for Teddy
Kennedy's sins, for " The Sins of the Father " . I'm sure a certain
loathing for the Kennedy clan played a role in the guilty verdict and
the harsh sentence. If he is guilty of that horrible crime, the law is
still punishing a juvenile - and one with a troubled background.
Here in Rhode Island young Patrick Kennedy seems to be
growing up - and he is now a GOOD Congressman and deserves re-election.
I hope Michael Skakel wins an appeal. And I would remind
him that confession is good for the soul.
sympathy. Kennedy clan member, Michael Skakel, accused of murdering
Martha Moxley in 1975 " when they were 15-year old neighbors " ( " Skakel
appeals murder conviction ", Sept . 18 ) - is -I think - a victim of
injustice. If a poor black man, Michael's age, were accused as an ADULT
of a murder that happened more than 25 years ago - guilty or not guilty,
I'm sure every civil rights group in the country would be outraged: " Too
much time has passed... a man is not the same person at 40 as he was at
15. "
The LAW is clearly punishing a 15 year old Michael Skakel -
and using circumstantial evidence. Is Michael Skakel paying for Teddy
Kennedy's sins, for " The Sins of the Father " . I'm sure a certain
loathing for the Kennedy clan played a role in the guilty verdict and
the harsh sentence. If he is guilty of that horrible crime, the law is
still punishing a juvenile - and one with a troubled background.
Here in Rhode Island young Patrick Kennedy seems to be
growing up - and he is now a GOOD Congressman and deserves re-election.
I hope Michael Skakel wins an appeal. And I would remind
him that confession is good for the soul.
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Shot Warwick man had hepatitis
Untreated hepatitis can derange your mind. I hear via
a very reliable Warwick grapevine that the 35 year old knife wielding
man shot by a Warwick cop in a nice , quiet neighborhood indeed had
hepatitis. They found that out at the hospital. And the hospital had
to inform the cop.
Assuming I got my facts right, I wonder if this was a case of
another sick and mentally ill man " falling through the cracks " and
seeing suicide as way out, a way to end the pain: just provoke a nervous
cop to shoot you.
Preventive medicine is always CHEAPER ! How many
mentally ill people opt for an instant death sentence ?
And the criminal ruling class that owns America wants to
save the world from terrorism ? What a joke !
a very reliable Warwick grapevine that the 35 year old knife wielding
man shot by a Warwick cop in a nice , quiet neighborhood indeed had
hepatitis. They found that out at the hospital. And the hospital had
to inform the cop.
Assuming I got my facts right, I wonder if this was a case of
another sick and mentally ill man " falling through the cracks " and
seeing suicide as way out, a way to end the pain: just provoke a nervous
cop to shoot you.
Preventive medicine is always CHEAPER ! How many
mentally ill people opt for an instant death sentence ?
And the criminal ruling class that owns America wants to
save the world from terrorism ? What a joke !
Friday, September 13, 2002
In honor of J. Robert Oppenheimer
After reading the latest lying drivel about the father of
the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, being all but a card carrying
member of the American Communist Party, I have this thought : It is
about time our country honor him with a commemorative coin or a stamp.
Did Oppenheimer have communist connections ? If so, what
does that prove ? Pragmatic American genius selected HIM to lead the
team of scientists and engineers that developed the first atomic bombs.
During the McCarthy era Oppenheimer gave voice to his own
conscience in the matter of the ethical use of this horrible new
weapon. I guess for the brainless RIGHT.... CONSCIENCE = Communism !
A man of Oppenheimer 's genius could never be controlled by
political hacks in Washington or Moscow. If he sympathized with
communism or socialism in theory, well so did Einstein, so did nearly
every great writer in America during the Great Depression.
The World Book encyclopedia ( 2002 ) says of J. Robert
Oppenheimer : ..." he was cleared of all charges of disloyalty ".
It is possible to be a good American and still loyal
I believe the Greeks have a coin honoring the father of
the atomic theory, Democritus - whose free spirit made him unpopular
in his own time. We should issue a coin or a stamp honoring the
father of the atomic bomb . With these words : " Now scientists know
sin ".
the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, being all but a card carrying
member of the American Communist Party, I have this thought : It is
about time our country honor him with a commemorative coin or a stamp.
Did Oppenheimer have communist connections ? If so, what
does that prove ? Pragmatic American genius selected HIM to lead the
team of scientists and engineers that developed the first atomic bombs.
During the McCarthy era Oppenheimer gave voice to his own
conscience in the matter of the ethical use of this horrible new
weapon. I guess for the brainless RIGHT.... CONSCIENCE = Communism !
A man of Oppenheimer 's genius could never be controlled by
political hacks in Washington or Moscow. If he sympathized with
communism or socialism in theory, well so did Einstein, so did nearly
every great writer in America during the Great Depression.
The World Book encyclopedia ( 2002 ) says of J. Robert
Oppenheimer : ..." he was cleared of all charges of disloyalty ".
It is possible to be a good American and still loyal
I believe the Greeks have a coin honoring the father of
the atomic theory, Democritus - whose free spirit made him unpopular
in his own time. We should issue a coin or a stamp honoring the
father of the atomic bomb . With these words : " Now scientists know
sin ".
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Emotional diarrhea of Sept.11
They say people with a tin ear have no gift for melody.
And it seems that most Americans - made vapid by too much TV - have
no gift for melancholy. Knowing what was coming, yesterday Sept.11,
I avoided radio and TV as much as it is possible to avoid the ubiquitous
media. Only the emotionally illiterate can invent the " grief counselor ".
Only a few minutes of radio and TV alerted me to the
emotional diarrhea that will characterize every Sept. 11 for many
years to come. How many of us have the emotional intelligence to
smell unctuous words ? I am so turned off by this army of professional
preachy manipulators of public emotion !
One does get sick of sobbing on cue. REAL grief is personal
and avoids the public circus. The lugubrious sight of people who
regret every penny claimed by Uncle Sam - who will not stop their
cars at crosswalks for cripples ! - languishing with a longing for
dead compatriots, heroes all !
There is something admirable about the British way, the
stiff upper lip. Or is that just emotional constipation ?
And the more anybody - even a President - babbles about God,
the less we should trust him. Osama also has daily meetings with
the Almighty.
George W. Bush is a one act president. He is frozen
in caricature on Sept .11. And he is no Abe Lincoln - who had wit,
wisdom, and a great sense of humor.
And it seems that most Americans - made vapid by too much TV - have
no gift for melancholy. Knowing what was coming, yesterday Sept.11,
I avoided radio and TV as much as it is possible to avoid the ubiquitous
media. Only the emotionally illiterate can invent the " grief counselor ".
Only a few minutes of radio and TV alerted me to the
emotional diarrhea that will characterize every Sept. 11 for many
years to come. How many of us have the emotional intelligence to
smell unctuous words ? I am so turned off by this army of professional
preachy manipulators of public emotion !
One does get sick of sobbing on cue. REAL grief is personal
and avoids the public circus. The lugubrious sight of people who
regret every penny claimed by Uncle Sam - who will not stop their
cars at crosswalks for cripples ! - languishing with a longing for
dead compatriots, heroes all !
There is something admirable about the British way, the
stiff upper lip. Or is that just emotional constipation ?
And the more anybody - even a President - babbles about God,
the less we should trust him. Osama also has daily meetings with
the Almighty.
George W. Bush is a one act president. He is frozen
in caricature on Sept .11. And he is no Abe Lincoln - who had wit,
wisdom, and a great sense of humor.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Ban illegals from our hospitals ?
Local TALK RADIO is the very antithesis of political correctness -
and more often than not - when it is not war mongering - it is vociferously
protesting common decency : No, I did not know that illegal immigrants -
who should have sub-human status here ? - could just walk into Rhode
Island Hospital and get FREE medical care on demand.
You would think that ANY hospital in the country would
treat ANY medical emergency without harassing the patient with
bureaucratic formalities: " Do you have an adequate health plan ? "
..." What is your social security number ? " ...... " are you a
citizen of the United States or an illegal alien ? "
Let this simple idea sink into nitwit skulls : MEDICAL IS
A HUMAN RIGHT ! The financial problem should be a secondary matter.
But how is this really practical - medical care as a
human right - without a national health care plan ?
Everyday capitalism is a greater threat to ordinary Americans
in their everyday life than the dictator of Iraq - or rare terrorist
spectacles -like Sept 11, 2001.
Did Saddam ever call YOU a bum ?
and more often than not - when it is not war mongering - it is vociferously
protesting common decency : No, I did not know that illegal immigrants -
who should have sub-human status here ? - could just walk into Rhode
Island Hospital and get FREE medical care on demand.
You would think that ANY hospital in the country would
treat ANY medical emergency without harassing the patient with
bureaucratic formalities: " Do you have an adequate health plan ? "
..." What is your social security number ? " ...... " are you a
citizen of the United States or an illegal alien ? "
Let this simple idea sink into nitwit skulls : MEDICAL IS
A HUMAN RIGHT ! The financial problem should be a secondary matter.
But how is this really practical - medical care as a
human right - without a national health care plan ?
Everyday capitalism is a greater threat to ordinary Americans
in their everyday life than the dictator of Iraq - or rare terrorist
spectacles -like Sept 11, 2001.
Did Saddam ever call YOU a bum ?
Monday, September 9, 2002
Saves millions -ends messy handwriting !
" Drugs errors occurring daily ", I read on page 2 of
today's Providence Journal ( Sept.11 ) . In hospitals -where loved
ones - depend on the kindness....and the competence ... of strangers.
One factor in these numerous drug errors : " pharmacists
incorrectly reading a doctor's messy handwriting ". I'll bet that
messy handwriting is also costing business dearly.
Years ago the hand calculator came to the rescue of the
math and science student ... and in fact made everyday arithmetic
quicker and easier for all of us.
A similar convenient gadget must soon replace tedious and
often illegible handwriting - and just printing out easy to read
Along with his stethoscope, the good doctor will
have his compact digital note maker. As easy to read as a hospital
bill !
I 'm sure such gadgets are now on the market. Some
genius must make them more marketable.
In the future we will only have to handwrite our
Saturday, September 7, 2002
Which " Buddy " and a booze problem ?
I was downtown yesterday morning and could have
witnessed " the prince of the city " coming out of the Biltmore
Hotel to face his own sad judgment day. But I spared myself
the sadness of seeing " Buddy " come to this - jail bound in
all probability. I just wanted him to be fairly judged by the
people on election day. I don't like most judges in their robed
arrogance: hearing YOUR HONOR too often goes to their head;and
always LOOKING DOWN on common humanity. A character in a Camus
novel steals a famous portrait - " The Just Judges "- and hides
it in his basement for years. ( he himself was a liberal lawyer )
Just a bit of advice for " Buddy ". I suspect that
the good Buddy and the bad Buddy are connected to a booze problem.
How many wrong decisions were made with the help of all those
business lunch cocktails ? Prison might at least detoxify you-
from booze, cigarettes, and power.
In many Rhode Island scandals BOOZE plays an
unrecognized role. I hope " Buddy " finds some serenity in
his later years. Adios to the toxic Buddy. A sad good bye to
the good Buddy.
witnessed " the prince of the city " coming out of the Biltmore
Hotel to face his own sad judgment day. But I spared myself
the sadness of seeing " Buddy " come to this - jail bound in
all probability. I just wanted him to be fairly judged by the
people on election day. I don't like most judges in their robed
arrogance: hearing YOUR HONOR too often goes to their head;and
always LOOKING DOWN on common humanity. A character in a Camus
novel steals a famous portrait - " The Just Judges "- and hides
it in his basement for years. ( he himself was a liberal lawyer )
Just a bit of advice for " Buddy ". I suspect that
the good Buddy and the bad Buddy are connected to a booze problem.
How many wrong decisions were made with the help of all those
business lunch cocktails ? Prison might at least detoxify you-
from booze, cigarettes, and power.
In many Rhode Island scandals BOOZE plays an
unrecognized role. I hope " Buddy " finds some serenity in
his later years. Adios to the toxic Buddy. A sad good bye to
the good Buddy.
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
Marine nephew: " We're going to Iraq "
Close to a pacifist myself, I was worried about my
nephew , Chris Covil, who is scheduled to graduate from Marine Corp
Boot Camp this Friday in South Carolina. In an odd way I am glad he
made it ( ??? ) as I questioned his willingness to accept authority:
" Look kid you VOLUNTEERED for this hell ! "
My sister and her husband are going to drive to the
ceremony. Why not fly ? I thought ? I guess Sept 11 did change our
life style a little.
Chris, I hear, is all but certain that he 'll be sent
to Iraq. If he personally kills Sadaam , I will only applaud the deed.
But any war with Iraq could - without a strong NATO and
United Nations Alliance turn into a Vietnam type nightmare. Remember
how much the Russians loathed the tyrant, Joseph Stalin ? But then
remember the battle of Stalingrad !
And no war against Iraq should be waged without the presence
of thousands of Israeli combat troops - willing to go all the way to
Let's see how brave they are against people who can shoot
back !
For the Islamic fanatic all Americans are alike - all
equally infidels - except out and out traitors.
Perhaps a terrible military defeat will make Allah seem
as unreal as Mars, the old Roman god of war.
But in general whatever God exists has no personal preference
among human types. There are no CHOSEN PEOPLE. But there is still Good vs.
Evil as an approximate - pragmatic - TRUTH.
When GOOD triumphs on earth, the asteroid will hit. We will
all be CHOSEN to be hydrogen atoms again !
Semper Fidelis !
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