Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Accurate profile of child molesters ?

The NEWS always focuses on the sensational. In a nation of

many millions, it is a statistical certainty that there will be

shocking murders every day, that there will be a few hundred

dangerous child molesters out there.

I think that it would make more sense - since Sept.11 -

to try to PROFILE potential terrorists than to waste valuable

newspaper space " profiling " the typical child molester.

Today I learn that he is likely to be a HE, that he

is a seedy, lonely, eccentric loser. With this information

we can round up all the suspects now and confine them to

a rather large state !

Anyway the PROFILE reminded me of a description of

a few dozen men arrested on the West side of Providence for

seeking the services of prostitutes. A police sting operation

that is routine here around election time.

Question : Do lonely, eccentric, unprepossessing

males have a natural right to some sexual satisfaction now

and then ? I suspect that there would be less sex crimes-

even against children - if prostitution were legalized but

kept off the streets -and monitored by the public health


Classy CALL GIRLS - with their affluent clients -

are less likely to interest the LAW than shabby street

prostitutes - with their seedy, " loser " johns.

The lonely seedy loser males get their names

published in the newspaper -making their wretched lives

more wretched. A guy I knew - who fits the description-

drowned himself in the Providence River...but first put

on his blue dress suit. He was my neighbor in a South

Providence rooming house. Always cooking me spaghetti

and showing me his latest pornographic magazines. " Ray "

was a vigorous 64 years before Viagra.

A thought on the psychology of the male child

molester: Being a case of arrested development himself, he

can can quickly sniff out a lonely child, desperate for

adult attention. A lonely kid can be mesmerized by ANY

adult that pays attention to him or her, even a seedy, eccentric,


And the pop psychologists interviewed in the media

don't dare to acknowledge Dr. Sigmund Freud 's discoveries

about childhood sexuality made more than a century ago:

... ( article on Freud by Mia Taormina )... " it is ludicrous

to think that children only SUDDENLY acquire sexuality

between the ages of twelve and fourteen ".

A pioneer in the study of human sexuality was one

Wilhelm Reich - a bit of a flake ,to be sure. Nevertheless

at age 4 he " overhears and observes housemaid and coachman

during their sexual act. Reich remembers that this causes

erotic sensations of great intensity. "( www.orgone.org )

Reich was loathed by the puritanical bourgeois

establishment for advocating the sexual rights of adolescents.

My personal opinion here: I prefer the ancient

Roman Stoic philosophy - sex is not naughty but it can

ruin the mind. And sexual obsession - and our society is

sexually obsessed - can corrupt the soul.

When you are not horny, you easily perceive that

most pornography is RIDICULOUS - and very bad ART !

Advice for the sexually tormented: GET A LIFE

- or move to Nevada.

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