Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, July 21, 2000
Carl Sagan rescues Dr. Laura
Dr. Laura is being accused of practicing ideological
witchcraft in teaching that homosexuality is a MISTAKE
of nature. Biologists understand that Mother Nature is
always making mistakes. Often enough the Great Designer
seems asleep on the job . Even our many allergies are just
a cruel mistake, the body mindlessly attacking itself.
I was amused to read in Carl Sagan's biography
( William Poundstone, page 88 ) that he feared that his
son, Dorion - ironically named in homage to Oscar
Wilde - might be led astray by a gay companion :
" A worried Carl sat down and lectured him that
homosexuality was not the way the species propagates
itself. "
Indeed natural selection was a better argument
for Carl here than quotes from Leviticus.
Sagan was not at all hostile to gays. He had
a " long and productive " collaboration with Jim Pollack,
a fellow scientist who studied the Venus greenhouse effect.
Obviously homosexuality is not fatal to human
society because it is an " aberration " . But homosexuals
as individuals can make great contributions to human
culture - and indirectly contribute to the survival
of the species.
In our overpopulated world I see them as a
blessing !
Thursday, July 20, 2000
Golden showers instead ?
Good morning, Bob . I fancy myself above jealousy
but those golden parachuters reminded me of a Camus
quote : " The look of success when worn in a certain
way will infuriate a jackass ".
What they REALLY deserve is a golden shower, but
those kinky clubs are being shut down.
Yes, here is one issue that won't go away : the
gap between the rich and the poor in Rhode Island AND
everywhere else in this land of compassionate conservatism.
Thanks for not losing touch .
Ron R.
but those golden parachuters reminded me of a Camus
quote : " The look of success when worn in a certain
way will infuriate a jackass ".
What they REALLY deserve is a golden shower, but
those kinky clubs are being shut down.
Yes, here is one issue that won't go away : the
gap between the rich and the poor in Rhode Island AND
everywhere else in this land of compassionate conservatism.
Thanks for not losing touch .
Ron R.
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
Ohlemeyer's view not ridiculous
Thanks to a conscious CHOICE when I was a teenager -
and honest popular magazine articles ( " I Am Joe's Lungs " -
Reader's Digest ) , I never became a cigarette smoker .
In vain I urged my own father to quit. Smoking
was a factor , I believe, in his mortal illness . True
enough, tobacco is highly addictive - just as alcohol.
Still I find myself oddly in agreement with
William Ohlemeyer of Philip Morris that the recent
Florida verdict against the tobacco industry -
$145-billion punitive damage award is rather outrageous
( USA TODAY ,July 17 ) .
That sum of money is best invested in a national
health care plan , not rewarded to cigarette addicts
out of sympathy for their plight.
Imagine becoming almost prosperous as a result
of life-long bad habits - habits avoided by the brighter
half of the nation !
Also a jury in Florida has no right to redistribute
the national wealth in a grand way. THAT must be done
a little more democratically by -YES - BIG GOVERNMENT.
And done a little more efficiently.
I myself am addicted to the Welfare State. Loved
and honest popular magazine articles ( " I Am Joe's Lungs " -
Reader's Digest ) , I never became a cigarette smoker .
In vain I urged my own father to quit. Smoking
was a factor , I believe, in his mortal illness . True
enough, tobacco is highly addictive - just as alcohol.
Still I find myself oddly in agreement with
William Ohlemeyer of Philip Morris that the recent
Florida verdict against the tobacco industry -
$145-billion punitive damage award is rather outrageous
( USA TODAY ,July 17 ) .
That sum of money is best invested in a national
health care plan , not rewarded to cigarette addicts
out of sympathy for their plight.
Imagine becoming almost prosperous as a result
of life-long bad habits - habits avoided by the brighter
half of the nation !
Also a jury in Florida has no right to redistribute
the national wealth in a grand way. THAT must be done
a little more democratically by -YES - BIG GOVERNMENT.
And done a little more efficiently.
I myself am addicted to the Welfare State. Loved
Tuesday, July 18, 2000
Words NOT the essence of bigotry
" Crucify her, she's an anti-Semite ! " is what I
really hear while reading : " Time for Slur-Monger Hillary
to Withdraw from Senate Race ". ( , 7/16 )
WHATEVER Hillary said a long time ago in a fit of
loser fury does NOT confirm her as an anti -Semite .
As a New York Senator she will serve ALL New Yorkers
honorably. How many business managers could survive
the DID YOU EVER SAY THAT ? test ?
Real bigotry is not what anybody says in an emotional
state. It is what they DO over an extended period of time. It
involves ACTIVE MALICE , the conscious desire to hurt and
Nixon once called Henry Kissinger , I read , a Jew Boy.
Yet Henry was crying at the funeral of the Chief .
Kissinger, the diplomat, knew how to weigh words !
Do we ?
really hear while reading : " Time for Slur-Monger Hillary
to Withdraw from Senate Race ". ( , 7/16 )
WHATEVER Hillary said a long time ago in a fit of
loser fury does NOT confirm her as an anti -Semite .
As a New York Senator she will serve ALL New Yorkers
honorably. How many business managers could survive
the DID YOU EVER SAY THAT ? test ?
Real bigotry is not what anybody says in an emotional
state. It is what they DO over an extended period of time. It
involves ACTIVE MALICE , the conscious desire to hurt and
Nixon once called Henry Kissinger , I read , a Jew Boy.
Yet Henry was crying at the funeral of the Chief .
Kissinger, the diplomat, knew how to weigh words !
Do we ?
Jeff Jacoby mess
I am no conservative and your columnist Jeff Jacoby
frequently annoys me. But I wonder if our " permissive "
society is becoming a bit too punitive. Everyday ones
reads about nice people losing their jobs for something
they said - or failed to say .
To be sure NOBODY has a divine right to be an influential
newspaper columnist. Writes a shocked Jacoby : " I
thought my future at the paper was limitless ".
Welcome to the REAL world , Jeff. Perhaps you can
develop more empathy for this society's losers. For
example the working poor who lack health insurance . Or
death row prisoners who cannot hire a Dershowitz to
defend them.
And Jeff, YOU were spared the " death penalty "
here. Hope to read your column again in the Boston
Globe . And I do hope this does not become a Jewish thing !
From: ("David Brussat")
Subject: Re: [ Jeff Jacoby mess]
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:14:35 -0400
Ron - Jacoby's column was one long screed against hatred - the
hatred expressed by the (usually liberal) elite against people who think
that disagreeing with them is itself a hate crime. Jacoby was purged
because he is conservative - his stuff has been vetted for years by a
couple of homosexual copy editors who hate his guts and have been
trolling for a sackable crime for years. They finally found it, or at
least found something twistable into a sacking crime. And yes, Ron, if
you have a family and are given four months' unpaid suspension, you have
been sacked. It was done this way only so they can argue that they did
not sack him (and some people will even believe them!). There was not a
word in his ouevre that suggests he does not have compassion for the
people you say he should have compassion for; but he was not liberal,
and only liberals, in the liberal view, can have genuine compassion.
- Dave
Sunday, July 9, 2000
Albright all right on Rwanda
How can our Secretary of State, Madeline Albright
live with her sane policy of keeping American troops
far away from the African heart of darkness ? God bless
her !
Can you believe it ? 800,000 African crazies - Hutu and
Tutsi - kill themselves in an insane civil war and WE
owe THEM reparations - according to an international
panel assembled by the Organization of African Unity.
" African unity " - what a joke. America's public
conscience is FINISHED with Africa, AIDS et all.
We say in the spirit of anti-colonialism : Leave
Africa to the Africans ! Out of Africa !
Leave this accursed continent to its fate .
live with her sane policy of keeping American troops
far away from the African heart of darkness ? God bless
her !
Can you believe it ? 800,000 African crazies - Hutu and
Tutsi - kill themselves in an insane civil war and WE
owe THEM reparations - according to an international
panel assembled by the Organization of African Unity.
" African unity " - what a joke. America's public
conscience is FINISHED with Africa, AIDS et all.
We say in the spirit of anti-colonialism : Leave
Africa to the Africans ! Out of Africa !
Leave this accursed continent to its fate .
Saturday, July 8, 2000
Affirmative action executions
Isn't it rather shabby moralizing to oppose the death
penalty just because it can be viewed as unfair to blacks ?
To be sure, this particular injustice can be corrected
even in Texas. Let the good Governor Bush guarantee " affirmative
action " for whites convicted of murder. Give THEM an
equal opportunity to sizzle in the electric chair.
Does it not make better sense to oppose the death
penalty for the reasons that the Catholic Church opposes
it: because it is morally wrong AND barbaric ?
Also, I can think of a good CONSERVATIVE reason to
oppose the death penalty : If we distrust State power, do
we want to give it the heady power to execute ?
There is more gravy than GRAVITAS in George W.
But let me be honest. I will lose no sleep over
most executions. My own father supported the death
penalty - and there was not a mean bone in his body..
Decent people can disagree here, of course !
penalty just because it can be viewed as unfair to blacks ?
To be sure, this particular injustice can be corrected
even in Texas. Let the good Governor Bush guarantee " affirmative
action " for whites convicted of murder. Give THEM an
equal opportunity to sizzle in the electric chair.
Does it not make better sense to oppose the death
penalty for the reasons that the Catholic Church opposes
it: because it is morally wrong AND barbaric ?
Also, I can think of a good CONSERVATIVE reason to
oppose the death penalty : If we distrust State power, do
we want to give it the heady power to execute ?
There is more gravy than GRAVITAS in George W.
But let me be honest. I will lose no sleep over
most executions. My own father supported the death
penalty - and there was not a mean bone in his body..
Decent people can disagree here, of course !
Thursday, July 6, 2000
Can a dentist save this marriage ?
Thank God for divorce ! A woman complains in an Ann
Landers column this morning that her husband has not brushed
his teeth in 20 years ! " He rarely kisses me which is probably
a good thing ". Is there any torture quite like forced intimacy
with people who disgust us ?
But the woman just wants advice- not a divorce. Ann
tells her that his dental hygiene might improve " when
he gets really sick because of an infection that started in his
mouth. "
The woman said that her insurance does not cover dental
appointments. Is it not stupid for our medical care system
to separate dental health from general health ?
Indeed Wanda Howard this morning quotes the nation's
surgeon general : " Oral health is integral to a person's
general health ".
Please don't tell millions without dental insurance to
just " brush your teeth and say your prayers ! "
Landers column this morning that her husband has not brushed
his teeth in 20 years ! " He rarely kisses me which is probably
a good thing ". Is there any torture quite like forced intimacy
with people who disgust us ?
But the woman just wants advice- not a divorce. Ann
tells her that his dental hygiene might improve " when
he gets really sick because of an infection that started in his
mouth. "
The woman said that her insurance does not cover dental
appointments. Is it not stupid for our medical care system
to separate dental health from general health ?
Indeed Wanda Howard this morning quotes the nation's
surgeon general : " Oral health is integral to a person's
general health ".
Please don't tell millions without dental insurance to
just " brush your teeth and say your prayers ! "
Tuesday, July 4, 2000
" To Kill a Mockingbird " racist ?
There is no limit to the intellectual vulgarity of our
PC educators! So now they perceive that wonderful novel
" To Kill a Mockingbird " represents a " white view of
racism ". To be sure , it represents a white woman's sensitive
view of racism in the deep South in the Depression era.
Such books as Harper Lee's helped create a
sympathetic climate for the 60s civil rights revolution.
If it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for even sensitive,
intelligent whites to REALLY understand the very real
problem of blacks, what hope is there for racial harmony
ever ?
By the way Malcolm X 's autobiography TODAY
- un-annotated - sounds as vile as Hitler's " Mein
Kampf " . But Malcolm had more of an excuse in 1965 !
Malcolm seemed to loath Jews and said
of those alluring white women : " Did you ever SMELL
one of them ? " A matter on which we are led to
believe he had intimate knowledge .
TODAY Malcolm does far more to advance a racist
agenda than Miss Harper Lee.
PC educators! So now they perceive that wonderful novel
" To Kill a Mockingbird " represents a " white view of
racism ". To be sure , it represents a white woman's sensitive
view of racism in the deep South in the Depression era.
Such books as Harper Lee's helped create a
sympathetic climate for the 60s civil rights revolution.
If it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for even sensitive,
intelligent whites to REALLY understand the very real
problem of blacks, what hope is there for racial harmony
ever ?
By the way Malcolm X 's autobiography TODAY
- un-annotated - sounds as vile as Hitler's " Mein
Kampf " . But Malcolm had more of an excuse in 1965 !
Malcolm seemed to loath Jews and said
of those alluring white women : " Did you ever SMELL
one of them ? " A matter on which we are led to
believe he had intimate knowledge .
TODAY Malcolm does far more to advance a racist
agenda than Miss Harper Lee.
Saturday, July 1, 2000
One RI vote for Nader
Good morning. I just finished reading your excellent article
in the Providence Phoenix : " Green Party gets serious "
Some months ago I told an equally " liberal " friend
that I was 90 % sure that I would vote for Ralph Nader. He
too says he is leaning toward Nader. Yes, something electrical,
magical in the air. I recall the image of Pope John opening
a window to let in the fresh air. At times CHANGE is life itself
How utterly stale mainstream politics has become. And
the old LIBERAL, CONSERVATIVE, RADICAL categories seem so
inane and stupefying.
I do note that the Providence Phoenix is itself
in the clutches of BIG TOBACCO - MANY full page ads for
cigarettes. The Devil has grip on ALL of us !
Thanks again for an important piece of political
reporting .
in the Providence Phoenix : " Green Party gets serious "
Some months ago I told an equally " liberal " friend
that I was 90 % sure that I would vote for Ralph Nader. He
too says he is leaning toward Nader. Yes, something electrical,
magical in the air. I recall the image of Pope John opening
a window to let in the fresh air. At times CHANGE is life itself
How utterly stale mainstream politics has become. And
the old LIBERAL, CONSERVATIVE, RADICAL categories seem so
inane and stupefying.
I do note that the Providence Phoenix is itself
in the clutches of BIG TOBACCO - MANY full page ads for
cigarettes. The Devil has grip on ALL of us !
Thanks again for an important piece of political
reporting .
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