Thursday, January 29, 1998

Society should be more like military

 I am not crazy about the general purpose of the Military but

    nevertheless see many virtues in it. Within the military institution

    you always enjoy a certain " social security "  even in the midst of

    mortal danger. You can be promoted or demoted - on your way up or on

    your way down. You can be always improving yourself or slowly rotting.

        For the most part the military is learning to respect your private

    life. But no matter what your status, you always BELONG- are a part

    of something much bigger than yourself. In this killing machine many

    people learn to be truly human, truly kind . They know how to cherish

    their comrades- and protect them- if necessary with their life.

         It is no accident that we seek a military background in our 

    presidents. Who cannot like Ike- even today ?

        In civil society an individual can become dangerously alienated, as

    if he did not even exist. If his social network is week, he quickly

    perceives that MONEY is only tie that binds. Lose a job and your

    situation can quickly become desperate; you  may even end up homeless.

    And then your only comrades will be other homeless individuals.

        Paradoxically the military defends this Way of Life ! It would

    make more sense- the military- if it defended a semi-socialist, New Deal

    type of society.

         Are we not yet civilized enough to take the " terror " out of

    everyday life ?  Can't society let EVERYONE know - unequivocally_ that

    he or she BELONGS ?

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